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单词 highbrow
释义  high·brow /ˈhaɪbraʊ/ adjective  1. INTELLIGENTa highbrow book, film etc is very serious and may be difficult to understand 〔书籍、电影等〕严肃的,高雅的;深奥难懂的,阳春白雪的2. INTELLIGENTsomeone who is highbrow is interested in serious or complicated ideas and subjects 〔人〕趣味严肃[高雅]的,文化修养高的 SYN intellectual —highbrow noun [countable] → lowbrow, middlebrowExamples from the Corpushighbrow• The usual metropolitan and highbrow bias can be discerned.• But seriously, you say, how highbrow can tequila really get?• He picked up a book that was lying on the floor. It was something highbrow - Kafka, I think.• The highbrow national monthly published his musings in the spring.• Readers of tabloid newspapers are less interested in politics and less likely to tune into highbrow news programmes.high·brow adjectiveChineseSyllable  serious is a Corpus very book, film etc highbrow




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