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单词 Companion
1. A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. 
2. She becomes a companion to a foreigner.
3. A dog is a faithful companion.
4. Geoff was my companion on the journey.
5. Courtesy is the inseparable companion of virtue.
6. He waved desperately to his companion.
7. Fear was the hostages' constant companion.
8. A friend is a loving companion at all times.
9. He was an entertaining travelling companion.
10. He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia.
11. He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in American.
12. The dog has been her constant companion these past ten years.
13. For ten years he had been her constant companion .
14. The boy struck at his companion who had jeered at him.
15. Fred had been her constant companion for the last six years of her life.
16. My companion waited for me at the end of the street.
17. The little girl will be a companion for my small daughter.
18. I worked as a companion to an old princess.
19. He was a wonderful companion but hopelessly impractical.
20. George later became our inseparable companion.
21. She was a cheerful and agreeable companion.
22. He winked an eye at his companion.
23. She was a charming dinner companion.
24. She was a pleasant and undemanding companion.
25. He proudly promenaded his elegant companion in the park.
26. That book forms a companion to the present volume.
27. You come over as a capable and amusing companion.
28. The companion volume will soon be published.
29. The greatest friend of truth is time, her greatest enemy is prejudice(Sentencedict), and her constant companion is humility. 
30. Life is a journey, one that is much better traveled with a companion by our side.
1. She becomes a companion to a foreigner.
2. Geoff was my companion on the journey.
3. He waved desperately to his companion.
4. Fear was the hostages' constant companion.
5. He was an entertaining travelling companion.
6. He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in Australia.
7. He was my only Chinese companion during my stay in American.
8. The dog has been her constant companion these past ten years.
9. For ten years he had been her constant companion .
10. Fred had been her constant companion for the last six years of her life.
11. My companion waited for me at the end of the street.
12. Both my travelling companion and I wanted to go to Waterloo — that historic battlefield.
31. He's not much of a companion for me.
32. She shot a warning glare at her companion.
33. He was a good friend, a dependable companion.
34. A companion volume is soon to be published.
35. He was a cheerful and uncomplaining travel companion.
36. He turned to his companion before he replied.
37. He was a charming travelling companion.
38. His dog became his closest companion .
39. Claude was a charming, sophisticated companion.
39. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
40. Donovan cocked an interrogative eye at his companion, who nodded in reply.
41. The Encyclopedia of Gardening is a companion volume to the Encyclopedia of Plants and Flowers.
42. This book is a companion to Professor Farrer's first work.
43. I used to have a companion to that ornament, but I broke it.
44. He is a wonderful companion and we can talk for hours on end.
45. The seeing eye dog was the blind man's constant companion.
46. She's an excellent companion.
47. Our only companion is the wandering albatross, which glides effortlessly and gracefully behind the yacht.
48. He was not a fit companion for their skipper that particular morning.
49. My companion suggested that we park out of sight of passing traffic to avoid attracting attention.
50. Taking his cue from his companion, he apologized for his earlier display of temper.
51. She lived in the house as a companion to our grandmother.
52. His younger brother is not much of a companion for him.
53. His brother is not much of a companion for him.
54. He has been her constant companion for the last four months.
55. I've still got one of the candlesticks but I've lost its companion.
56. Here's the glove for my left hand but where's the companion?
57. If you let go a snake or a scorpion, you're guilty of doing harm to your companion.
58. I asked my travelling companion what he thought of the situation in Algeria.
59. Both my travelling companion and I wanted to go to Waterloo — that historic battlefield.
60. Sandy's doll, Pippi, is her constant companion.
61. Her companion had a broad Australian accent.
62. A charming if somewhat absent-minded companion.
63. Close friend James Hewitt was the princess's dinner companion.
64. Is your portable computer your favorite traveling companion?
65. Blake sighed, and ran to catch up with his travelling companion.
66. Rex, his watch companion, was still in the cockpit attending to the helm.
67. But wherever they had gone, she had been the perfect companion: enthusiastic, amusing and loving.
68. His responsibilities and favours escalated and he was soon her personal attendant and constant companion.
69. Thinking they were just showing their age - most tourists here are 50-plus - my companion and I clambered in.
70. Ingrid, her close friend and companion(Sentencedict), knew that was only the outward achievement.
71. Madge was a good companion and Folly loved her, but she was obsessed with bowels, particularly Folly's.
72. The alleged solar companion star was named Nemesis by its advocates.
73. Giving the puppies a companion, or playthings, failed to have such a beneficial effect.
74. The two-bedroom rented stone house had been a perfect companion: quiet, comfortable and cozy.
75. A Clear Conscience A close companion to a forgiving spirit is a clear conscience.
76. He left the major part of his £60 million fortune to his close friend and companion, Jerry Edwards.
77. All the passengers, except for myself and my female companion were sick.
78. He knew the local man to be in his mid-forties, and he adjudged his companion a little over 30.
79. By the gate the Patriarch's buxom companion was still at work, weeding a not particularly fertile-looking patch of edging.
80. A dieting dinner companion ordered two appetizers and no entree one time and was extremely happy.
81. His traveling companion is a mysterious and quiet fellow called Sam.
82. Paul Simon has released a companion album to his Greatest Hits.
83. Along with its companion volume this book can be recommended to newcomers, and to more experienced workers.
84. She knew her husband not as an engineer but as a companion, lover, audience, household fixer.
85. Mostly, she was off; travelling the world with Mr Gibbon, her constant companion for twenty-nine of those thirty years.
86. At this point I am getting that sense of logical vertigo that will become my companion throughout this journey.
87. With him still carefully shielding his female companion with a large umbrella, they moved off toward the hotel entrance.
88. It is a companion to SayIt which builds voice-activated macros.
89. A companion who would sit and chat with her, like she and Maisie used to chat?
90. The nose is mutilated; the bust was apparently deliberately buried in late antiquity with a companion piece of slightly later date.
91. His ballgame companion, Marge Locke, is just as avid a fan.
92. Subsequent timing observations have shown the pulsar to be in a 5.74-day circular orbit with a low-mass companion.
93. Yet Menard stayed with the work until one day he and a companion were parted in Wisconsin.
94. However, the August fishing became so appalling that my companion and I decided to try a week in May.
95. People who feel sorry for my old bridesmaid and travelling companion are barking up the wrong tree.
96. Had a wonderful time, thanks to a generous, patient and chivalrous companion.
97. In fact, she has succeeded in assembling a show and writing a companion catalogue both informed by history and informative as well.
98. Her companion for many years has agreed to move out in return for a sum of £34,000.
99. Indeed, I worship the little devil,(http:///companion.html) but only as a travelling companion.
100. She was beset by the realization that she desired nothing more than to go to the Hall as Anne Mowbray's companion.
101. She had at the back of her mind the thought that some new male companion might figure in it.
102. Corbett allowed their conversation to be as desultory as possible, wanting his companion to relax and feel safe in his presence.
103. But I had a friend in Radio 3: so thanks, ghostly and absent companion.
104. Spring sauntered north, but he had to run like hell to keep it as his traveling companion.
105. Successful use of this approach may require major organization-wide education programs as a companion piece.
106. Yachtsmen, too, after sailing around the world with only the wind as a companion.
107. Although Roche-lobe overflow from the companion star seems the most likely source of this material, there is a problem.
108. Ed is a great travelling companion - funny and sensible at the same time.
109. Finally he committed himself to a sanitarium, and after several months was sent home with a male companion.
110. Owen had borrowed the wife of a Coptic colleague as a companion for Jane Postlethwaite.
111. Poor, beautiful Johnny ... As the next day or two dragged by, fear became Cassie's almost constant companion.
112. You and your companion can learn french, practise yoga - or simply have a coffee and a chat.
113. In a companion study, 94 per cent of carers of patients with dementia considered the practice to be justified.
114. Margaret proved to be an excellent wife and companion for Richard.
115. In addition Norman's capacity for enjoyment made him an excellent companion on their trips abroad.
116. Parsley is also the perfect herb companion for garlic, which is an important ingredient in this bread.
117. She hadn't deserved their kindness, their good wishes - she'd hardly been a boon companion of late.
118. They run off laughing like parrots as my companion shouts after them in disgust.
119. Our dog is our constant walking companion and is always kept on a lead.
120. Thesiger invited him and his travelling companion to spend the night with his caravan.
121. A handy companion for Psion fans without a compatible Infrared phone.
122. A companion volume to the Handy album, and very nearly as good.
123. None the less, park officials are giving some thought to providing a female companion for the albino alligator, Boyer said.
124. Perhaps a companion volume on dynamic headspace is in the offing?
125. Astrometry can also detect small wobbles in the motions of stars that may reveal unseen companion stars or large planets.
126. Arthur, who had followed so much of Jack's inner journey, was the perfect companion during those strange days.
127. The companion ladder, engine box and associated panels are very easy to remove, giving excellent access to the auxiliary.
128. Thus, the companion record is currently the best goth album on the market.
129. This month( ), a close companion will try to push you into something unappealing.
130. There is no evidence for any eclipse of the pulsar by the companion star, showing that it is compact.
131. Alice had been her friend, companion, listening wall and lover.
132. A well-made pesto is a fine companion to a grilled game bird when a simple, low-cholesterol meal is in order.
133. His companion chuckled at the jest, but Gravelet, whose stage name was Blondin, was deadly serious.
134. Never have a companion that casts you in the shade. Baltasar Gracian 
135. This was the man whom Anselm chose as his closest companion on the strength of a meeting thirteen years earlier.
136. He was always in charge of the evening, and Mike became his most constant drinking companion.
137. Antares has a greenish companion star which is a radio source, but it is not visible with binoculars.
138. Academic study has tended to emphasise critical thought as the natural companion to learning a subject.
139. In business and politics, honesty is a luxury, and dishonesty is a good companion. Dr T.P.Chia 
140. Juicy, tender and sinfully rich, I immodestly enjoyed every one when my companion got cold feet.
141. He had lost another close companion, another friend, one who had helped and guided him and given him such pleasure.
142. A Lungfish is my constant companion in and out of the fishhouse Least favourite species and why?
143. She became Elizabeth's companion, rather than servant, to their mutual surprise.
144. Thus Thoroughbreds, Arabians, Shetlands, and so on, will prefer as a companion a member of their own breed.
145. The isolation seemed complete, in the haste he had forgotten his companion and in recompense he called out his name.
146. What my traveling companion remembered from the mid 1970s as a lonely, windswept point has become a bustling little town.
147. It was therefore with a fit companion that I tackled the brute for a fourth attempt.
148. None the less, such was his amicable nature that all welcomed him as a playing companion.
149. Adolescent Egocentrism Egocentrism is a constant companion of cognitive development.
150. The Society now wishes to produce another companion volume in the form of illustrations of labelled and name-stamped London furniture.
151. The disability working allowance - like its companion benefit, the disability living allowance - will be tax free.
152. But she went and took another young woman as a companion.
153. Although a skillful flatterer is a most delightful companion if you have him all to yourself, his taste becomes very doubtful when he takes to complimenting other people. Charles Dickens 
154. The 20-minute ride to the dinner table is chilly; you hunker down, gripping a thick blanket and your companion.
155. No doubt, too, he was dreaming pleasant dreams of his dinner companion of last night!
156. But my traveling companion, more wary and savvy than I, smelled scam.
157. Lets hope Community Care will be a constant companion and source of support to Thompson in the future.
158. Moreover, her individual sense of fun and fantasy made her an enchanting companion, though a neurotic strain was also apparent.
159. Also check on whether you can buy a coupon booklet for a traveling companion under the age of 62.
160. For most of my life I had been a stranger to science and an uneasy companion to technology.
161. For single middle-class women without dowries there was only the prospect of becoming a governess or companion.
162. A friend is a loving companion at all time.
163. When he died, he left some works to Salai, while his more recent companion Francesco Melzi inherited his notebooks.
164. An old legend has it that King Midas hunted a long time in the woods for the wise Silenus , companion of Dionysus, without being able to catch him.
165. Their explanation: a faint(), far-off companion star to the Sun was sending down a rain of comets when it reached just the right point in its orbit.
166. The reason most people buy a Doberman in the first place is because they wanted a natural guard and companion dog.
167. Adds the companion not to surpass in the total heat the need.
168. The spring river's tidewater connects sea even, the sea bright moon the total tide living, spending a good month a circle a person family reunion, blessing a voice companion, you go.
169. The Rottweiler makes a loyal and wonderful companion, but requires time and training. The Rottweiler is a basically calm, confident, and courageous dog with a self-assured aloofness.
170. Japanese soldier: Open one gun to wounded companion or killed the woman children of people on one's own side completely, tossed the rifle again next, look for a small knife hara-kiri.
171. Chronic pyelonephritis has a relapse instead, cause kidney function finally not full-time, companion hairHypertensiveprobability increases apparently.
172. Gaudiness and its companion brilliance, are your birthright as a bicyclist!
173. Companion cell An elongated thin walled cell cut off longitudinally from the same meristematic cell as the SIEVE ELEMENT with which it is closely associated.
174. The Jungian Tarot Deck is a visual companion to Robert Wang's book, The Jungian Tarot and Its Archetypal Imagery, an authoritative introduction to Jungian Psychology.
175. The Great Pyrenees is a very versatile breed, making it a great companion, watch dog or livestock guardian animal, provided it receives appropriate training and socialization.
176. They watched movies - a shared favourite was Lawrence of Arabia, and my companion beamed with pride to quote Henry saying, in the brash words of Peter O'Toole, "We will cross the Nefud!"
177. After fit, the next day before dawn turns not easily wake, and constant companion has somnambulism .
178. The consequences of offending someone by ignoring their friend request are greater with a colleague you see every day than with a careless dining companion you may never meet again.
179. The second boat seems to be identical to its companion, which was reconstructed over the course of 20 years about a century ago, experts say.
180. She was no longer wrestling with the grief, but could sit down with it as a lasting companion and make it a sharer in her thoughts.
181. This book offers a collection of carefully selected Chinese-style decorative patterns and provides in both print format and as JPEG and PSD files on a companion CD-ROM.
182. The two stars are so close together that the red dwarf cannot hold itself together and loses mass to its companion.
183. As we lay to rest jocelyn's cherished companion, pridey sahara morgan.
184. The Small Magellanic Cloud, and its companion galaxy the Large Magellanic Cloud, are the two galaxies where this type of study is possible.
185. It is shown that the new method is computationally more advantageous than the conventional companion matrix method.
186. Melee weapon (beast 1): The attack's target must be within the reach of the weapon you're wielding and must be adjacent to your beast companion.
187. Note that you'll be able to find the demonstration projects themselves as open-source projects on the companion site to the column (see Resources).
188. More importantly, he said, the Japanese project is intended to build on the R-2 idea by providing a more communicative companion for the astronauts themselves.
189. In the programming for finding the eigenvalues of the companion matrix of the characteristic polynomial equation, a new balancing transformation technique is developed.
190. This kind of patient often has neurasthenic all symptom, if insomnious companion has the head, unwell, attention cannot be centered, memory difference, easy exhaustion, jelly.
191. In 1934, when Gertrude Stein was invited to return to America from Paris to deliver a series of lectures, the thing that troubled her most, according to her companion, Alice B.
192. Companion cells arrange in a row or single cell as long as the sieve tube member.
193. Her unconventional attitude and charismatic joie de vivre made her an attractive companion for affluent young playboys.
194. Without a safe-conduct he set out, with a single companion, for Constance.
195. Companion cells arranse in a row or single cell as long as the sieve tube member.
196. To access those files, insert the companion CD in your computer's cd-rom drive, and make a selection from the menu that appears.
197. Octave was originally written around 1992 as companion software for a textbook in chemical reactor design.
198. With a pocket book to read,() I would find my monotonous journey become much more enjoyable with this great companion.
199. Have disease mostly very urgent, the recognizant obstacle with rapid serious generation or companion have go cerebrum is coriaceous and integrated proof.
200. To his unfeigned astonishment the questions were answered promptly, simply, and decisively, and when the interview was ended my companion naively expressed his wonderment.
201. He led off with his companion in a sort of quick - step.
202. O'Neal, himself a 1970s sex symbol and the father of Fawcett's son, Redmond O'Neal, has been Fawcett's on-again, off-again companion for many years.
203. "But I have heard that the crocuses promise well, " continued my companion imperturbably.
204. Behind this bone, the radius – a lower arm bone in line with the carpometacarpus – was unusually thick compared to the relatively slender companion bone, the ulna.
205. I've always firmly believed that America is the profound, pure-hearted and unhesitating companion to us France, Europe and the international peaceful environment.
206. He and his companion presently went out to see after the horse.
207. You're familiar with the old written law, 'Love your friend, ' and its unwritten companion, 'Hate your enemy.'
208. Wouldn't it have been more likely to supernova then, before the companion became a WD?




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