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单词 Dose
1. One dose of penicillin can wipe out the infection.
2. Never exceed the recommended dose of painkillers.
3. I always take my daily dose of vitamin C.
4. What you need is a good dose of laughter.
5. Repeat the dose after 12 hours if necessary.
6. The film also contains a hefty dose of comedy.
7. Take one dose of the medicine at bedtime.
8. A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.
9. Take a single dose at bedtime to help you sleep.
10. The pharmacist carefully measured out a dose of herbal medicine and told me how to brew it.
11. Your smiling at me is my daily dose of magic.
12. He gave me a dose of medicine for my cold.
13. The label says to take one dose three times a day.
14. The recommended daily dose is 12 to 24 grams.
15. She took twice the prescribed dose of sleeping tablets.
16. She's had a nasty dose of flu.
17. The nurse will administer the correct dose.
18. One dose of the remedy is sufficient.
19. I'll give you a dose of streptomycin.
20. Do not exceed the stated dose .
21. That man gave her a dose of opium.
22. I had forgotten to take my dose of antibiotic.
23. He doctored the wine with a stupefying dose.
24. She's got a nasty dose of flu.
25. It is dangerous to exceed the recommended dose.
26. The dose was administered to the child intravenously.
27. A dose of this stuff will purge you!
28. One dose should be sufficient.
29. Dave had a bad dose of flu .
30. Start with a low dose and increase it.
1. One dose of penicillin can wipe out the infection.
2. Never exceed the recommended dose of painkillers.
3. I always take my daily dose of vitamin C.
4. What you need is a good dose of laughter.
5. Repeat the dose after 12 hours if necessary.
6. The film also contains a hefty dose of comedy.
7. Take one dose of the medicine at bedtime.
8. A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.
9. Take a single dose at bedtime to help you sleep.
10. The pharmacist carefully measured out a dose of herbal medicine and told me how to brew it.
11. He gave me a dose of medicine for my cold.
12. The label says to take one dose three times a day.
13. I'll give you a dose of streptomycin.
14. That man gave her a dose of opium.
15. He gets through his pay like a dose of salts.
16. In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation.
17. I gave him an extra dose of glucose to pep him up.
18. The smaller boys badly wanted to give the bully a dose of his own medicine.
31. The cleaners went through the house like a dose of salts .
32. The dose can be increased slightly without any untoward effects.
33. It is dangerous to take more than the recommended dose of this medicine.
34. The doctor drew a dose of morphia into the syringe.
35. He got through the housework like a dose of salts.
36. She needs to be given a daily dose of the medicine.
37. It may be necessary to repeat the dose several times to effect a cure.
38. They immunized some mice with a dose of the live vaccine.
39. He gets through his pay like a dose of salts.
39. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
40. The government received a hefty dose of bad news this week.
41. Here is your medicine - the dose is two spoonfuls every four hours.
42. A much lower dose of the painkiller can still produce the desired effect .
43. He had a bad dose of the flu virus that was going around.
44. A dose of flu kept me off work for two weeks.
45. In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation.
46. He gets through his pay like a dose of salts, and by Monday he's broke.
47. I gave him an extra dose of glucose to pep him up.
48. Two years after his last dose of LSD he was still deliring.
49. Dose it suit you at the gate of Hyde Park?
50. Each capsule contains between 30 and 100 pellets of morphine sulphate according to the strength of dose required.
51. The medicine went through me like a dose of salts.
52. The West is getting a heavy dose of snow and rain today.
53. He is a teacher than whom a better dose not exist.
54. The smaller boys badly wanted to give the bully a dose of his own medicine.
55. Many are taking several times the dose recommended.
56. But they had no low dose folic acid supplements.
57. A very strong dose of moral medicine indeed.
58. The river still carries a lethal dose of poisons.
59. Miss T. was given another dose of pethidine.
60. C., a heavy dose of reality is setting in.
61. Sunday is a hypodermic dose to the zeks.
62. The banks need a healthy dose of competition.
63. L.M. True - like a dose of salts!
64. A healthy dose of realism does no harm here.
65. She drew a dose of morphia into a syringe.
66. Be sure you are using the appropriate dose however.
67. I knew she had taken a fine dose.
68. It was another dose of statistics, and it was frankly mind-boggling.
69. She believed that girls needed a fair dose of daily and vigorous exercise.
70. The substance is so toxic that even a minute dose of it could be fatal.
71. The fixed dose mixtures are certainly useful for patients who are unable or unwilling to draw up two different insulins.
72. The volunteers will be observed for toxic reactions and immunity for three months after each dose.
73. So long as the proper dose of insulin is administered on a regular basis,(Sentencedict) diabetics can generally lead normal lives.
74. Different strains and hybrids respond quite differently to a given dose.
75. Do not exceed the stated dose in the belief that higher concentrations will be more effective.
76. When minerals such as quartz and feldspars have received a radiation dose and are then heated, they emit light.
77. Renal function also progressively deteriorates during high dose therapy, leading to both oliguria and electrolytes disturbances.
78. The commonest reason for missing a dose was absence from home at the time of the fieldworker's visit.
79. If a pesticide has to be used, a smaller dose may be adequate.
80. In contrast, the standard dose of alcohol is measured in liquid ounces.
81. The indication for endoscopy was noted as well as the dose of sedation, the size of endoscope, and length of procedure.
82. The adult dose is two capsules at once, followed by a capsule hourly, up to a maximum of five.
83. We also made it clear that both dose and frequency should be adjusted as dictated by serum concentrations.
84. It is generally price advantageous to specify powders although in use they may be more difficult to control and dose.
85. Tolerance means that with regular use, you need to increase the dose to achieve the same effect.
86. We describe two cases of accidental aspiration of a foreign body after use of a metered dose inhaler.
87. On the Rebound Since caffeine is relatively inexpensive and widely available, the dose escalation induced by tolerance is seldom burdensome.
88. A high dose dexamethasone test is used to differentiate adrenal hyperplasia from adrenal adenoma or carcinoma.
89. As a result, a heavy dose of reality has descended on the Buchanan campaign.
90. An instantaneously absorbed dose of five grays would prove fatal within the space of two weeks.
91. In the end she settled on a stiff dose of Courvoisier brandy poured straight into Lucy's mug.
92. He had one dose of diphtheria vaccine during military service in 1970.
93. A dose response to oestrogens has been shown with increasing doses having greater effects on bone density.
94. In contrast, Rijk etal evaluated the faecal excretions of healthy volunteers with accelerated transit time after a single dose.
95. One tablet or ten tablets taken as one dose still only gives one dose of the potency, does it not?
96. The standard dose of alcohol is thus roughly 142 times larger than the standard dose of caffeine.
97. The plasma gastrin concentrations increased from group to group as expected from the dose given.
98. This leads on to a dramatic low and a severe craving for another dose of the stuff.
99. The thought of another dose of clap flashed across his mind.Sentencedict
100. This time I had to take a double dose to return to my old shape.
101. Many brands of aspirin and aspirin substitutes include a significant dose of caffeine.
102. Solving the infective dose paradox might lead to new strategies for elimination of this preventable pneumonia.
103. Transit times were determined using a multiple dose marker technique.
104. Metered dose inhalers have a well established role in the management of bronchial asthma.
105. The drug was given at the recommended dose via a correctly positioned endotracheal tube.
106. The authors claim that single dose treatment has not yet been proved adequate in this context.
107. He was given Lach. 0/1 with marked improvement after four doses, one dose daily.
108. The Cosbys are getting a dose of what families of homicide and fatal accident victims get routinely.
109. The other indication for insulin is of course when glycaemic control is poor on a maximal dose of a sulphonylurea.
110. Effective analgesia should be administered; the pain is often severe enough to require high dose of morphine or pethidine.
111. I can't help feeling, therefore[], that your critical position relies on a heavy dose of bad faith.
112. Madeleine said she didn't mind, but you could see his lordship was going down like a dose of castor oil.
113. In all instances the toxicity was easily reversed by reducing the cyclosporin dose.
114. Significant cyclosporin toxicity during prolonged treatment is minimal and does not appear to be a limiting factor at this dose of cyclosporin.
115. It will make the Black Death look like a mild dose of flu.
116. She was given a dose of Hyper. 30 from her first-aid kit and sent to the neurologist.
117. Our study allowed us to estimate dose equivalence from the dose response findings with salbutamol and salmeterol.
118. The percentage improvement in spinal bone mineral density is similar to that reported in normal women receiving this dose of oestrogen.
119. Cloud One has introduced a new concept in unit dose packaging.
120. Even students who choose to pursue technical specialties, through apprenticeships or other avenues, should receive a solid dose of academics.
121. However, a small dose of a short-acting sedative at bedtime for sleeping is often helpful. 4.
122. Endothelin-1 in this range induced mucosal haemorrhagic changes in a dose dependent manner.
123. About that proposition, a large dose of skepticism is in order.
124. In particular, the frequency of the dose should be reduced in patients with renal impairment, including elderly people.
125. He said he has not been convince d that such a massive dose has much value.
126. It is important to measure serum levels at steady state after each change of dose.
127. Animal experiments suggest that a high dose is required, and the fact that there is no person-to-person spread supports this view.
128. In this study, a standard bone sparing dose of oral oestrogen was used.
129. The laxative dose required to treat constipation in the young child is much higher than the suggested doses on the label.
130. This dose of oestrogen has previously been shown to be the minimum required to prevent bone loss in normal menopausal women.
131. They wore light-blue blazers and short gingham dresses(http://), and their heads were very dose together.
132. This vaccination was no easy one to administer, for the necessary dose had to be given intra-nasally.
133. Take one dose of Kali phos. 12x every 15 minutes until the results justify the effort being made.
134. However, particularly for the gamma-ray contribution, more direct measurement of the radiation dose is usually employed.
135. Our comments about sampling 15 minutes after the end of a dose applied to intravenous infusions.
136. One way of calculating this figure is to compare the dose from given levels of contamination of polonium-210 and iodine-131.
137. What effect on pain might, say(), three-quarters of the lethal dose have had?
138. The sensation is similar to a small dose of amphetamine.
139. Okay, so what is considered a large dose of vitamin A?
140. This may be a result of having received a lesser dose of malaria parasite, he said.
141. And we can no longer rely on the extended family being dose at hand.
142. Her Dose is slender, aquiline, her long neck elegant, chin delicate.
143. Subjects may vary in their response to oestrogens and some may need a higher dose.
144. This year you're receiving a rare double dose of the best heavenly medicine.
145. They are joined by smart couples in four-wheel-drive vehicles seeking their daily dose.
146. All have a generous dose of herbs and spices, everything from chervil and celery seed to cloves and peppercorns.
147. But the dose was too strong, and he lost consciousness, coming to about three hours later.
148. Take a daily dose of beta carotene which your body turns into vitamin A, as added protection for sensitive skin.
149. Finding such a dose response would have made the case stronger.
150. This luminescence is measured and is directly proportional to the number of trapped electrons, and thus to the total radiation dose.
151. She is taking the same dose of medicine that she had received at the hospital.
152. There may be uncertainties surrounding melatonin, but it is clearly the dose of the moment.
153. A small amount of Lentizol can kill and a wrong dose of Stelazine can cause serious side effects.
154. There was the high potency, single dose, classical Kentian school, and the low potency, often-repeated school of Hughes.
155. Damage to living tissue can be quantified by using the dose equivalent.
156. Pamela Bradley had taken about six times the recommended dose of diet pills containing the herb ephedra.
157. However, it may be helpful to adjust the dose at the critical time.
158. In those with non-sustained ventricular tachycardia during electrocardiographic monitoring treatment with low dose amiodarone has been shown to be effective.
159. But simpler forms of the drugs, including pills combining more than one drug in a single dose(http://), are becoming available.
160. For rest of us, it's Radio 3 and the highlights, with a quick dose of Ceefax in the morning.
161. Careful instruction in the use of metered dose inhalers is an essential part of educating asthmatic patients.
162. This shows the insensitivity of single dose comparisons as a method of estimating relative potency.
163. He kept abreast of committee minutes and in dose touch with the chairmen.
164. They gave each other a brisk and publicly conscious dose of affection.
165. The correlations between steroid dose and the changes in bone mineral density were not statistically significant.
166. He follows Cohen's bittersweet romanticism with a solid dose of Sonic Youth.
167. The maximum and minimum radiation dose to the rectum was calculated in the plane of the planning slice for each patient.
168. Choosing a low dose and avoiding volume depletion will minimise this potential risk.
169. A dose of old-fashioned repression dealt with some of the bold exceptions.
170. Usually one of Robert's business prospects would be invited for a lethal dose of glamour.
171. A similar time interval was respected between the intake of the last dose of drug and the endoscopy.
172. The group support offered in diet programs, though, has usually been mixed with a strong dose of group humiliation.
173. Many habitual drinkers of caffeine-containing beverages find that they must increase their dose to achieve the preferred degree of stimulation.
174. In this study, the dose of ursodeoxycholic acid varied with body weight.
175. At each critical juncture an assessment should be made regarding the correct dose, correct equipment, product activity etc.
176. So when Casey started public school, first grade, the school nurse had to give him his second dose.
177. Both Microsoft and Apple have big updates coming this year, and you can expect a proportionate dose of hype.
178. Or will he be brave enough to take a dose of poison at the last moment?
179. Chrys Chrys recommends a healthy dose of fresh lemon juice squeezed over the fish.
180. The time it takes for a dose of a drug to wear off is measured by a value called a half-life.
181. But some people are allergic to even this highly-purified animal collagen, so potential recipients are first given a small test dose.
182. Vitamin supplements, which cost just a few cents a dose, are a highly effective means of prevention.
183. If you are using undergravel filters you will need to increase the dose by 50%.
184. These are available in various dosages, but may have to be made up specially to deliver the required dose.
185. Cholera toxin reduced absorption of water and electrolytes progressively over four hours and induced secretion in a dose dependent fashion.
186. Apart from the single ecstasy dose, she believed she had drunk only a glass of wine that night.
187. Their liver damage is usually mild, dose dependent, and reversible when the drug is stopped.
188. The gamma dose rate proved to be only about 20 percent - reasonably typical for clay materials.
189. The company kicked off with a hefty dose of early nitrogen, which with hindsight was the right choice.
190. It seems the filmmakers are aiming for a dose of magical realism, dried-out, reconstituted and completely misunderstood.
191. Many of these seemingly contradictory properties of the agents are related to dose.
192. The nutrients have to be evenly mixed with this carrier to ensure that they are well distributed throughout each dose.
193. The laxative dose was gradually decreased after two to three months to a dose that maintained one bowel movement daily.
194. This old lady came out and said about the cough - she gave me a dose of cough medicine.
195. If there is no safe dose cancer rates should increase as the natural background radiation level increases.
196. If two injections are required, attempting to use the same dose morning and evening may be helpful.
197. Any possible variation of dose delivered from position to position was eliminated by rotating the entire assembly at six revolutions per minute.
198. No significant correlations were apparent between creatinine clearance and either duration of mesalazine treatment or cumulative mesalazine dose.
199. Differences were significant throughout the dose range studied by comparison with the saline group.
200. She had given her a tiny dose of medicine just before the explosion, and now Julia closed her eyes.
201. These reactions seem to be independent of dose and a number have occurred in patients previously exhibiting allergic reactions to sulphasalazine.
202. He found this to be so in relation to line editor, amendment routines and dose codes.
203. In massive dose, however, 4-ASA may cause haematuria and reduce creatinine clearance, particularly in patients with pre-existing renal disease.
204. Intravenous drip urography of large dose was more effective.
205. Conclusion The silver nitrate TRAP method with high sensitivity and specificity can be performed in a shoner period with smaller dose of bioptic tissue.
206. Objective To observe the small dose of fentanyl used in the clinical effect of painless gastroscopy.
207. Objective! To assess the effect of low dose vasopressin and nitroglycerin in treatment of esophageal gastrom varicosis rupture hemorrhage.
208. Kelleher tells the New York Times that his role is to pierce through the White House bubble and give the president a daily dose of harsh external realities.
209. The used way to manage water and coal gas to copy the meter numbers, make data statement, charge and etc. It is obvious that dose not meet the equipment of ruination and intellect utilization.
210. An even higher dose killed all of the well-fed mice from a different genetic strain but none of the starved mice, and again the mice that fasted regained their weight.
211. The efficacy of ≥1 dose of MV was calculated to be 69 % ( 95 % CI : 45 % ~83 % ) .
212. Objective To observe therapeutic effect and toxicity of the combination of xeloda with weekly dose of oxaliplatin in treatment of patients with advanced enteron tumor.
213. Conclusions:This result indicated that some dose of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Zinc agent and Dimercaptopropanol could markedly antagonize on lipid peroxidation of the mice exposed to Arsenic.
214. Perfect optical system dose not be inhibited by physical conditions and every object point has ideal point image.
215. At the condition of recommended dose, the processing factors of washing, blanching and drying for chlorpyrifos in the whole cabbage were 0.
216. However, experts are uncertain as to what constitutes infective dose when it comes to influenza viruses.
217. Conclusions Moderate dose of verapamil can reverse chemoresistance of pancreatic carcinoma cell line to ADM and MMC that might be related to MDR1.
218. Other lesions obsd. included focal hyperplasia of the adrenal medulla in high dose male mice given THPS and follicular cell hyperplasia of the thyroid gland in high dose female mice given THPC.
219. Phenobarbital is a respiratory depressant. The degree of respiratory depression is dependent upon the dose.
220. The death dose of vegetable can be determined,() With the change of leaf tissue resistance and ion exosmosis.
221. The enhanced damage was summarized for bipolar devices and bipolar linear circuits in the radiation environment of low dose rate. It could cause the early failure of systems.
222. In order to maintain stable hemodynamics, large dose of catecholamine was required after surgery.
223. Result Over - dose wine can increase the level of serum levelalbumin ( ALB ) , and induce hepatic steatosis.
224. It could be necessary for the patients with clonorchiasis sinensis to receive high dose of praziquantel.
225. While at the basis of same dose, self-made high-purity ginkgetin injection is superior to German ginkgetin injection.
226. For many years laser peripheral iridoplasty is a simple and an effective means of opening closed angle when laser iridotomy can not be performed or dose not physically eliminate angle closure.
227. A Swedish study found benzophenone-3 (or B-3), a popular suncream ingredient, in the urine of people who had applied no more than the recommended dose of suncream up to 48 hours before.
228. High dose chemotherapy(HDC) with stem cell transplantion(SCT) has been used widely to treat non Hodgkin's lymphoma(HHL). Its curative effect has been confirmed by many trials.
229. The ideas technology would be a vair conditioningcine that gives lifetime immunity with a single dose.
230. Conclusion Small dose hypobaric spinal-epidural anesthesia for lower limb surgery in elderly patients with fracture is an effective and safe and reliable method of anesthesia.
231. Objective:To observe the changes of fentanyl pharmacokinetics in rats during anhepatic phase by treatment of large dose of dexamethasone and to investigate the extrahepatic metabolism of fentanyl.
232. Conclusion Earlier high dose of MP is an effective measure in treating ASCI, but can increase the occurance rate of complication in the treatment of patients.
233. Lappaconitine has better effect for moderate pain than for severe pain, which may be associated with the low dose.
234. In the LBW group, 21 infants (1. 9%), including 10 LBW infants born at term, had higher than 0. 4 mGy cumulative dose compared with 1. 0% of NBW infants.
235. Take one dose of this cough syrup three times a day.
236. Objective To study the clinical curative effect of Bisoprolol Fumarate associated with large dose oxytocin in curing pulmonary emptysis.
237. The dose regimen of TCI based on traditional compartmental model could be solved analytically.
238. Note: The certificate of inspection on dose for unopened imported package is not required to be sealed by the inspection organization.
239. Conclusion Mercury concentrations in the liver, renal cortex, and urine of the rats increased with mercury dose increasing.
240. Since 1997, an influenza vaccine (FLUAD, Chiron) which contains about 10 mg of squalene per dose, has been approved in health agencies in several European countries.
241. The progestin dose in a minipill is lower than the progestin dose in a combination oral contraceptive pill.
242. Incredibly, the bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans can withstand about 2000 times the dose of ionising radiation that would kill a human, making it the most radiation-resistant organism known.
243. Objective To observe whether small dose fentanyl can effectively blunt the cardiovascular response to laryngoscopic orotracheal intubation in children.
244. Cystitis and rectitis after radiotherapy were closely related with the dose of point A(), so the dose should be controlled within regular range.
245. Conclusions In the same dose, 0.5% ropivacaine will produce a better anesthetic effect in lumbar plexus combined sciatic nerve block than 0.75% ropivacaine for knee arthroscopy.
246. Continuous use of your birth control pills works best if you're taking a monophasic pill — with the same hormone dose in the three weeks of active pills.
247. It has been extensively applied in animal feed. High dose copper not only affects production quality of animal but also causes copper poisoning, which is characterized by haematolysis.
248. As a retros pective dosimetry technique, electron spin resonance has been applied to dose re construction wider and wider.
249. All right , Joey. Be nice. So dose he have a hump, a hump and hairpiece?
250. The dose of papaverine depended on individual sensitivity and the course of disease.
251. To study the clinical features of peptic ulcer of patients with post - hepatitis B cirrhosis, explore the effect of small dose propranolol on the healing of hepatogenic ulcer.
252. We assessed the dose response of relaxin's effect on symptom relief, other clinical outcomes, and safety.
253. CONCLUSION: The 0.5 mg · kg - 1 of ANSA is a safe dose for oral gavage in Beagle dogs.
254. But how effective really is a daily dose of cryptic crossword?
255. RESULTS: The oval cells in high dose matrine groups were larger and contained more rough endoplasmic reticula than those in control group.




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