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单词 Joining
(1) They excluded people under 18 from joining the club.
(2) Draw a line joining all the crosses.
(3) I was coerced into joining the gang.
(4) Joining a club can be a therapy for loneliness.
(5) Since joining the Common Market, Britain's trade with Europe has greatly increased.
(6) It's a bit bourgeois, isn't it, joining a golf club?
(7) Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below.
(8) They bamboozled him into joining the army.
(9) His parents discouraged him from joining the airforce.
(10) Councils are joining up with their European counterparts.
(11) He stared at them without joining in the conversation.
(12) It has a dormer roof joining both gable ends.
(13) I see she's joining the jet set!
(14) How can we persuade him into joining us?
(15) We're here to discuss Ann's joining the club.
(16) I tried to argue him into joining us.
(17) They tried to bludgeon me into joining their protest.
(18) What prevented you from joining us last night?
(19) He warmed to the idea of joining the army.
(20) He was bamboozled into joining the club.
(21) Do you think her ladyship will be joining us?
(22) They finally succeeded in joining the two forces.
(23) School leavers were joining the dole queue every day.
(24) Are you joining us for a swim?
(25) He's still hesitating about joining the expedition.
(26) People under 21 are excluded from joining the club.
(27) An argument ensued, with various band members joining in and haranguing Simpson and his girlfriend for over two hours.
(28) I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.
(29) Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience at junior level, will be joining the school in September.
(30) There is now a bandwagon effect with more and more firms joining the scheme.
(1) They excluded people under 18 from joining the club.
(2) Draw a line joining all the crosses.
(3) I was coerced into joining the gang.
(4) Joining a club can be a therapy for loneliness.
(5) I feel that women in all types of employment can benefit from joining a union.
(6) It's a bit bourgeois, isn't it, joining a golf club?
(7) Anyone interested in joining the club should contact us at the address below.
(8) We're here to discuss Ann's joining the club.
(9) I tried to argue him into joining us.
(10) He was bamboozled into joining the club.
(11) He's still hesitating about joining the expedition.
(12) People under 21 are excluded from joining the club.
(13) Don't let anyone rush you into joining ; think it over.
(14) I want to think it over before I decide about joining it.
(31) They were kept in suspense about their possibility of joining the expedition for several weeks.
(32) More and more drug companies are joining the race to beat cancer.
(33) The hazards of the theatre seemed preferable to joining the family paint business.
(34) She gestured her intention of joining them by waving from the balcony.
(35) Don't let anyone rush you into joining ; think it over.
(36) Soon after joining the army he was mentioned in despatches.
(37) The country is still pursuing its aim of joining the EU.
(38) I'm glad to see that the edges of the wound are joining up nicely.
(39) You have to pay your outstanding bill before joining the scheme.
(40) In the evening there was a barbecue, with the whole village joining in the fun .
(41) You can enjoy a sport without joining a club or belonging to a team.
(42) I want to think it over before I decide about joining it.
(43) He's still hesitating about joining / over whether to join the expedition.
(44) This is another example of the big companies joining together to stomp on small businesses.
(45) Mrs Smith, who has a lot of teaching experience, will be joining us in the spring.
(46) But the stone walls keep the farmer's cows from joining his neighbor's cows.
(47) More unemployed people are joining the dole queue each week.
(48) Alf said joining the club would take me out of myself.
(49) His son Mark will be joining him in the new venture.
(50) Joining the savings plan is a no-brainer. Just do it.
(51) There has been a decline in the number of people joining the priesthood.
(52) Joining John Whitaker will be his brother Michael also riding under the British flag.
(53) Health visitors are joining the campaign to raise awareness.
(54) Former opposition leaders joining the cabinet.
(55) Joining the plan is a no-brainer.
(56) Stragglers kept joining in ones and twos.
(57) And joining Spike's gang doesn't come cheap.
(58) Joining this amazing assemblage of talent is Crawdaddy-O.
(59) Sailors will also be joining classes at Hurworth junior and infant school.
(60) The females are obviously well aware of this,(http:///joining.html) as they try hard to dissuade other females from joining their chosen male.
(61) So some foreign houses are joining forces with local brokers.
(62) Senior police officers have been dismissed for joining the search on the beaches with satellite phones.
(63) By far the greatest proportion of those joining the new congregations were Presbyterians and they were mostly from rural areas.
(64) I make no apology for joining a distinguished band of predecessors.
(65) He could not say that he had scruples of conscience for not joining in the military training.
(66) Meanwhile the grown-ups are joining in ancient tea ceremonies, and taking part in Sumo wrestling.
(67) A person admitted to a residential home is joining a different social system(), away from the family.
(68) And voice your own opinions on afterlife chit-chat by joining in the debate below.
(69) Well done! % % Joining Forces Carefully managed co-operation can bring untold rewards.
(70) They accuse the authorities of intimidating others to stop them joining their ranks.
(71) The Wagner Act prohibited employers from firing workers for joining a union.
(72) In his new job at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, Stacy is joining a metropolitan college steeped in history.
(73) He worked as a sports salesman, a bingo hall caller and a fruit seller before joining the Royal Navy.
(74) Six out of 10 Labour supporters, and 69 % of voters overall, opposed joining the euro.
(75) With a completely straight face, Thomas announced he was joining the Girl Guides.
(76) Others presumably went into employment thus joining the pool of potential young mature age entrants.
(77) The emission or absorption of one particle by another corresponds to the dividing or joining together of strings.
(78) In Durban he drifted into a succession of menial jobs before joining the Natal Mounted Police.
(79) In truth there is now little prospect of Britain ever joining the euro.
(80) This requires careful measurement and joining to keep the two elbow bends aligned - assemble them dry and mark with a pencil.
(81) And failing that, have you ever thought of joining a club for single people?
(82) Although she was a feminist, her primary motivation for joining NoS was the challenge of working on a tabloid.
(83) Chamberlain, Baldwin suggested, might consider joining as a minister without portfolio.
(84) Since joining the company in March, Carpenter has developed a strategy to fend off Oakley.
(85) By joining with Strawberries, Bloomberg said he gets four times the floor space for roughly the same occupancy costs.
(86) The idea of Veronica Puddephat joining any sort of feminist group was entirely incongruous.
(87) They travel throughout the Empire, joining armies as they march to battle.
(88) Nothing expresses that better than joining together to sing traditional and patriotic songs.
(89) Say goodbye by joining in an optional evening's excursion and enjoying traditional folk dancing and singing.
(90) Peter has been delivering yarn to Elderslie since 1946 when he worked with his family's haulage business before joining Douglas Reyburn.
(91) Before joining the Fed, she was a professor of economics at UC-Berkeley.
(92) There was an air of excitement among passengers and crew joining the train.
(93) Clips for fixing and joining the nets are available from some cage and netting manufacturers.
(94) May you lastly reach the shore, Joining tide without intent, Only worried any more By the currents' argument.
(95) My lady and her women are lodged in the guesthouse, you need have no fears in joining their company.
(96) Rawson then bowled the next ball wide of the stumps before joining his team in a frantic dash for the pavilion.
(97) It is an opportunity to experience at a practical level the pleasures of creating a piece of work or joining and dance.
(98) A new Community Action programme will offer a £10 premium on top of benefits for up to 60,000 long-term jobless joining part-time voluntary work schemes.
(99) Joining the Visa network would give it the leg-up it needs.
(100) Shortly after joining his or her team, our new employee will experience the first of many team meetings.
(101) The main ones are: Sockets for joining two lengths of pipe together: both push-fit and solvent-weld available.
(102) It is a debate of daunting complexity, with powerful arguments both for and against joining.
(103) Parent company guarantees Joining an overseas subsidiary, for example, carries potential risks.
(104) She smeared after-sun milk on her satin brown skin before joining Steve at the table with her drink.
(105) Such children are likely to be more comfortable right next to their teacher than joining in the unstructured games of childhood.
(106) A new entrant, joining in July 1960, had devilled for all but one of the dozen or so lawyers by Christmas.
(107) Most of the people were unimpressed, but those who held back were coerced into joining the rebels.
(108) It was as unthinkable now as their joining the army.
(109) Refreshed, I said hi to a few filmstars, briefly joining them at their tables with a selection of apposite one-liners.
(110) The Daily News is accompanying the fighters as they barnstorm across the country, joining them on planes provided by Caesars.
(111) Nature is joining the human race and going on the dole.
(112) The drama school training will only lay the foundations and prepare you for the profession you are joining.
(113) Joining a chat channel, chat room on chat forum is like arriving at a party.
(114) The fieldworkers live in the community, joining in with and analysing its activities.
(115) Uncle used to tell me about the time when the primitive Methodists and the Wesley Methodists were joining up.
(116) The two studied Catholicism for six years, but instead of joining the church, Brownson started consorting with a transcendentalist community.
(117) The joining of forces of the young and old represents a literal means of reconnecting tenses.
(118) The rearmost sections of the leading edges might be detached from the joining ferrules.
(119) The jocks lined up to keep any sympathizers from joining us.
(120) The shortest paths joining points a finite distance apart on a curved surface are generally not simple straight lines.
(121) On the other hand, she certainly didn't fancy joining Fen in the confined space between tiller and cabin.
(122) Like many others joining the march, Cain has been a longtime fighter for civil rights.
(123) Perhaps they could use some of their undoubted energy in joining a night shotgun vigil after a hard day's work?
(124) Joining the Army at 17-and-a-half, the young Whittingham was really only interested in playing sport for fun.
(125) Assistance in making these choices is given by the Director of Studies to whom each student is assigned on joining the University.
(126) Most young entrants say they are joining the service be-cause they want to influence foreign policy.
(127) Joining them, Charlotte settles into a routine, roving by day and writing at night.
(128) The Development Plans Project commends the practice of senior staff showing interest, making themselves accessible and joining meetings.
(129) It was a good way to see a lot of the world, without joining the army.
(130) He stopped the seamen and dock workers joining the strike, but he did not take too hard a line.
(131) The authorities fail to offer prisoners protection from being attacked by others; joining the gang offers this protection.
(132) Instead Elizabeth spent a year at business college in St Albans before joining the bright lights of London's magazine world.
(133) By 1986 he had reverted to freelancing on several national newspapers and magazines before joining the newly launched Independent as rock critic.
(134) Al; though the two ramps were identical no one had previously considered joining them together until now.
(135) His company's strategic investment in Britain was based on the country joining the euro by 2006.
(136) John had made quite a serious attempt to stop him joining the mining expedition, and then had dropped it.
(137) Anyone interested in joining the course must have completed the retail management training scheme.
(137) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(138) The two met in 1993 at a volleyball tournament in Tahoe and eventually recognized the potential of joining forces.
(139) For 1993-94, more departments and courses will be joining the Live Projects scheme.
(140) Controversial from the start, Barkett has raised the ire of conservatives for a number of decisions since joining the federal court.
(141) Peasants were lured into joining the People's Army by the promises of large sums of money for their families.
(142) Bowater has had a miserable time since joining the Footsie last week, the share price falling a good 10 p.c.
(143) It is argued that this is a significant factor in reducing the likelihood of girls joining delinquent groups.
(144) He is, however looking to improve his environment by joining most of his immediate colleagues in West Lothian!
(145) When the reply came it was to ask us to consider joining the team in September 1992!
(146) You can help to secure the future by joining the Society now.
(147) Nobody could ever have thought that joining a cricket club was like opening a Sunday paper colour supplement.
(148) The act of joining the scheme in this way is of major significance to the delivery of courses recast in this way.
(149) When he complained about the tax increase, he was joining the whiny chorus of local boys on the Ryder Cup team.
(150) Since joining the business world I have seen similar techniques evoke similarly successful results.
(151) Arthur says that he is joining the army so that by his going away no one else will have to leave Hayslope.
(152) Plastic push-fit fittings can also be used for joining copper pipe see Joining plastic pipe for details.
(153) Miguel parked the car in front, stashing the briefcase under his seat before joining Domino on the stoop.
(154) At the other end of the spectrum, young lawyers joining prestigious firms often have little opportunity to develop close client relationships.
(155) We left a half hour later, to go on a single-ship mission before joining them later.
(156) As with truffles, however, morels have until now resisted Joining the ranks of domesticated fungi.
(157) This sounds as if they are joining the cartel(), but it will cut world production by only 1/2%.
(158) I was thrilled at the prospect ahead of me but diffident and embarrassed at joining a community so totally unfamiliar.
(159) This should be an excellent opportunity for being with and joining friends for a relaxing evening.
(160) Primary structure refers to the joining of the amino acids through peptide bonds to form polypeptide chains.
(161) The hon. Gentleman asked about young people joining the armed forces.
(162) No-one thought they would make him manager so soon after joining the company.
(163) The groundsheet is made from pu coated nylon and all the joining tapes are sealed.
(164) The Leader of the Opposition previously expressed three conditions for joining a single currency.
(165) Northern California golf clubs increasingly are joining the plastic-spikes-only bandwagon, but the legal implications are not lost on some.
(166) Powell has enormous respect would be asking him to reconsider joining the ticket to dramatically increase Sen.
(167) And many more workers are joining the unemployment lines because of permanent job loss rather than temporary layoffs, official statistics show.
(167) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(168) Can a majority of public opinion be won over to vote for joining a single currency in just three or four years?
(169) The bill effectively bars migrants from joining class action suits that challenge practices of the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
(170) He had been summoned to appear before an Officer Selection Board, having put his name forward shortly after joining the Regiment.
(171) Jackman, a 20-year-old from Norfolk, has reached four major finals since joining the world tour in August 1991.
(172) There is a process of two individuals joining together to form a new life, often personified by children.
(173) By devaluing in preparation for joining the euro at a lower rate, the Government would merely be replicating Lawson s mistakes.
(174) I saw him berating them and trying to shame them into joining their regiments.
(175) Joining the military seemed like the best option at the time.
(176) By the end of the year he had converted to twin-engined fighters, joining 252 Squadron to fly Blenheim IVFs and Beaufighters.
(177) We felt that both the Johnson Collection and the museum would benefit enormously from joining one another.
(178) Others, however, find that an older generation of gang members has been beneficial in keeping younger kids from joining gangs.
(179) Truitte stayed on, and five months later Horton asked him if he was interested in joining the company.
(180) The Church is being sued by two former members who said they were brainwashed into joining it.
(181) The Chelsea goalkeeper has found a new lease of life at Grimsby since joining them on loan.
(182) Nigel Humphreys, before joining Tyzack, was engaged in international consultancy, advising governments.
(183) The format was an 18-hold shotgun four-ball with ladies and gentlemen from both clubs joining in the festivities.
(184) He lectured on geology at Edinburgh before joining the Survey as Petrographer in London in 1901.
(185) If anyone is interested in joining, please contact the Secretary.
(186) The other method of entry to the Rowdies was by joining one's mates from school or local housing estate.
(187) It was bad enough that his daughter was rebelling, but here was his own wife joining forces with her.
(188) Farquhar, unhurt apart from a huge lump on his head, bandaged Lachlan's wounds quickly before joining him at the oars.
(189) You can help by joining the Research Defence Society and supporting our work to safeguard the future of biological and medical research.
(190) Not now belonging to any Particular golf club, joining the Seniors was something I greatly looked forward to.
(191) Obviously you might be better joining a club to participate in sport.
(192) Anyway, shortly after my joining the board of United Racecourses, it became necessary to find a manager.
(193) Now Miller Brewing is joining the ranks of the more the merrier.
(194) Prost has a clause in his contract that excludes Senna from joining the Williams team.
(195) They will be canoeing along the Kennett and Avon canal, joining the Thames at Reading.
(196) Now parents, governors and staff are joining forces to call for seat belts on coaches.
(197) However,(http:///joining.html) the same rule applies to evening classes as to joining clubs - it must be a subject that really interests you.
(198) Hoskyns had built up a computer company and been active in the Centre for policy Studies before joining Mrs Thatcher.
(199) Obviously if the group is small, its chances of success may be badly damaged by one individual not joining.
(200) But after joining the Veteran ranks in August, Wheway has not disappointed his public.
(201) But the fact is Lombardi and Barnett have kicked around the idea of Grtezky joining the Sharks.
(202) For his class, he seeks high school seniors who may be at risk of joining gangs.
(203) Often playing leading roles in productions her loyal and hardworking membership went back to her joining in 1947.
(204) Joining the royal curia, he then became knight-deputy to the earl marshal and marshal of the household.
(205) There have even been attempts to pressurise Desmond Haynes, the island's sole representative, into joining the boycott.
(206) I tried joining another group, this time for compulsive eaters.
(207) She started to regret her impulsiveness in joining a wild-goose obstacle chase.
(208) This method of joining a neckband to a garment is ideal for use with a cut and sew neck.
(209) Women who are very depressed may need more intensive individual support before joining others with bulimia in a group.
(210) Joining the group for 12 laps of grassy field surrounding the track, I found their easy pace to my liking.
(211) However, baby universes branching off and joining on will affect the apparent value of the cosmological constant.
(212) To work, your strategy must continually increase the number of people joining you in taking responsibility for change.
(213) He did not relish the thought of joining the opposition one bit.
(214) The state environmental bodies and the militia are joining forces to set up mobile anti-poaching units.
(215) Their generous support and presence, joining in enthusiastically with everything we planned, has enabled us to truly enjoy this day.
(216) With the prospect of William and Harry joining them for a holiday afterwards, Diana was in good heart.
(217) This encourages parents to have more children, increasing population growth, impoverishing families and preventing women from joining the labour force.
(218) The farm worker has himself contributed, though as often as not by leaving the industry rather than by joining a trade union.
(219) Another was hopeful of joining Ford - he took me to task for this magazine's criticisms of the new Escort.
(220) Tim Roemer, D-Ind., was voted down 289-121, with Republicans and Democrats joining forces to defeat it.
(221) He was player, coach and director at Calderdale before joining Leicester last season.
(222) She also decided to do some networking by joining an area-wide women administrators' breakfast group.
(223) I couldnt tell if it was Soton fans joining in the appreciation, or just Leeds fans everywhere.
(224) They will confirm the booking by sending you an invoice and detailed joining instructions.
(225) In 1940 he fell for an actor who was his lover for two years before joining the navy in 1942.
(226) Charlie graduated from high school and went into the service for four years before joining the company in 1970.
(227) Armoured figures drew their swords and shouted incoherently, joining the fight to the rear.
(227) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
(228) In this situation I knit the joining rows by hand, making sure on the final row to knit using large stitches.
(229) He cried out, suddenly aware he was in total darkness, the smashing of stone joining the cry.
(230) They're joining about 350 colleagues from Dalton Barracks already stationed there.
(231) A festering inflammation on his foot kept him from joining the Capuchin order.
(232) At the graveside, Jules and Marie were joining the priest in prayer.
(233) Even the most passionate Eurosceptics and Europhiles concede that there are strong arguments for and against joining.
(234) Joining Arbuckle will be a local trio featuring Jeff Haskell on the piano.
(235) Perdita had rather a reedy voice, but she insisted on joining in.
(236) The Chamber Choir and the Renaissance Singers provide for those interested in joining smaller choirs.
(237) However, unlike Mills they see professional groups as losing their power and influence rather than as joining the power elite.
(238) He has been affected by hamstring problems twice since joining us.
(239) Arrangements are made, other kids plan on joining them, and excitedly they organize a group bike ride for that evening.
(240) The way then climbs along hilltop paths before joining the Churnet again and following it to Rocester.
(241) A lively conversation went on with everybody joining in.
(242) Spain and Portugal are joining the Common Market.
(243) He's joining the club in order to take advantage of the others.
(244) A highly talented guitarist, Dave Mustaine was there at the beginning, joining Metallica in 1981.
(245) We are committed to joining with you to advance our many parallel strategic and bilateral interests.
(246) But joining the Marine Corp's the best thing that ever happened to me.
(247) A physical examination is a preliminary to joining the army.




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