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单词 Eclipse
1. One cloud is enough to eclipse all the sun. 
2. Once a famous actress, she is now in eclipse.
3. After suffering an eclipse, she is now famous again.
4. An eclipse of the moon is a rare phenomenon.
5. During the seventies, her acting career was in eclipse.
6. On Wednesday there will be a total/partial eclipse of the sun.
7. The eclipse of the ruling political party was inevitable.
8. Mrs Bosanquet's novels are now in eclipse.
9. An eclipse happens when the earth and moon are in line with the sun.
10. The election result marked the eclipse of the right wing.
11. During an eclipse[http://], the moon blocks our view of the sun .
12. A total solar eclipse is due to take place some time tomorrow.
13. The writer's name remained in eclipse for many years after his death.
14. Her work was in eclipse for most of the 20th century.
15. The eclipse should only be viewed through a special lens.
16. Sept. 26: Second lunar eclipse.
17. This is a total solar eclipse.
18. Yet, today, empires east and west are in eclipse.
19. Public disillusion has hastened the eclipse.
20. But the same kind of eclipse did not affect that other great area devoted to reconstructing the history of life: paleontology.
21. Twenty-one shots of the solar eclipse hang beside a woman bending over in the bath.
22. Cancer 23 June to 23 July A total eclipse of the Sun doesn't happen all that often.
23. Go for sludgy, smudgy shadows that eclipse the eye, giving shape and shade, dark thick lashes and structured brows.
24. The eclipse of electricity as a means of propulsion has been one of the more curious facets of the evolution of transport.
25. It was March and interest in the total eclipse of the sun, due on June 21, was beginning to spark.
26. Many people expected the growth of television to mean the eclipse of radio.
27. His remarkable contribution to literature has been too long in eclipse.
28. To see these activities as representing the apotheosis of Morris Zapp and the eclipse of Phillip Swallow is tempting but too simple.
29. Even famous statues in the middle of towns are not immune to eclipse.
30. All three were very vigorous: none was prepared to let the others eclipse it.
1. Once a famous actress, she is now in eclipse.
2. During the seventies, her acting career was in eclipse.
3. On Wednesday there will be a total/partial eclipse of the sun.
4. Many people expected the growth of television to mean the eclipse of radio.
31. The event that would eclipse it began only after Kenneff left the witness stand, and court adjourned for lunch.
32. Conservatism went into relative eclipse. while Labour under Clement Attlee was able to wield influence in the coalition government.
33. It is a clear day, which should be ideal for watching the lunar eclipse that is expected tonight.
34. As the Monster waxes, so Jimbo wanes; total eclipse is a whisker away.
35. As our top-of-the-range freestanding cooker, the Eclipse is furnished with all of the features you'd ever imagine.
36. Organisers claim that the event will rival, if not eclipse, this year's Tall Ships extravaganza.
36. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
37. The Eclipse of Meat Meat will disappear from most Western diets.
38. When the dark edge of the satellite passed across a star, it dimmed briefly before the moment of eclipse.
39. That special trams were run to enable people to view a solar eclipse?
40. The dissection of Eclipse was continued until only the skeleton, still with its ligaments, was left.
41. However, the recent lunar eclipse and Mercury in retrograde motion signify the financial position is much too uncertain.
42. The Eclipse Award winners for 1995 will be announced today.
43. But when you have a solar eclipse in your sign at Christmas, things are going a bit too far.
44. Intense searches have revealed no optical or other signal from the partner, nor does it eclipse the quasar.
45. In that year, there was a total eclipse of the Sun visible from Britain on 3 May.
46. The fragility of the evidence anticipates the eclipse of fact by legend.
47. The Cheltenham trainer has steadily improved his strike rate over the past five years and should eclipse his 1991/92 tally of 31.
48. There is no evidence for any eclipse of the pulsar by the companion star, showing that it is compact.
49. This has led to the suggestion that there was an eclipse of the sun.
50. Auntie Ying says, and the sure sign of the eclipse of self is the loss of the power to tell one.
51. Suddenly, getting to the tiny chapel before the eclipse reached totality was the most important thing in the world.
52. Fares for the eclipse cruise start at $ 1, 049 per person, double occupancy.
53. She felt unenthusiastic and listless about the eclipse and couldn't see why everyone else was making such a fuss.
54. The Gateshead Harrier clocked 8 mins 38.7 secs to eclipse Dennis Coates' time of 8:48.0, set in 1981.
55. As the day of the solar eclipse approached, Ellie received many invitations from well meaning friends.
56. The Eclipse was also intended to devastate entire worlds.
57. Her eyes were in eclipse.
58. Mexico 21 photos total eclipse of the moon.
59. In neighbouring Bangladesh, eclipse watchers came out in droves.
60. An eclipse is an interesting phenomenon.
61. Create packages ve.eclipse and ve.rad.
62. Eclipse is a very intriguing astronomic phenomenon.
63. The last time a lunar eclipse occurred on the winter solstice, astronomer Galileo Galilei was languishing under house arrest for suggesting the Earth circled the sun.
64. It's almost a sidelight that the winter-solstice sun will never actually "eclipse" the galaxy's true center, the pointlike radio source marking the Milky Way's central black hole.
65. It was reported that there would be a lunar eclipse tomorrow evening.
66. Report editor: Uses the Eclipse BIRT (Business Intelligence Reporting Tool) plugin to create reports that show the key performance indicators.
67. Many astronomy lovers are already prepared to observe the solar eclipse.
68. And his marvelous sun was waning apparently to a black eclipse.
69. Of course, nothing is going to eclipse winning the Olympic title.
70. So a combination of a strong desire to remain at GitHub, to not follow any formal development process and to release weekly will prevent Jenkins from moving to either Eclipse or Apache Foundations.
71. Note that strikeout and underline are supported only on Eclipse V3.1.
72. According to the observatory, there will be a total solar eclipse tomorrow.
73. The eclipses include: total solar eclipse, the partial eclipse and annular eclipse.
74. Look into each .link file and get the path of the linked Eclipse folders.
75. Jensen, Michael C . Eclipse of the Public Corporation . Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review, September 1989.
76. DLTK, or Dynamic Language Tool Kit is a plugin designed to add support for dynamic languages within Eclipse.
77. Partial Eclipse - When only part of the moon enters the Earth's umbra, this is called a partial eclipse.
78. The aery voice spread on blowing in the bise, there is no track and eclipse anybody further ......
79. The version is initially set to 1.0 but can be any number that matches the form a.b.c.d (the pattern matches Eclipse plug-in versioning rules).
80. Total solar eclipse, the darkness outside the sun is the light silver-white, like the hat in the sun like a deduction, so called the corona .
81. The Eclipse lamp is delivered in a flat pack, similar to a "pizza box".
82. The Eclipse easily achieved its objective of demoralizing enemy troops.
83. Clear Data Builder, which is an Eclipse Plugin that allows generating CRUD applications for BlazeDS or LCDS based on either an SQL statement or a Java data transfer object.
84. Using your Eclipse views (or perspectives, if you want to go further back), you can apply the method of successive division to derive your components.
85. Jim calculates a solar eclipse easily because he is an astronomer.
86. It allows Eclipse to align loosely-coupled projects in a way that there are able to form joint releases.
87. You could use a modern Java IDE like Eclipse to automatically generate most of the boilerplate code, but that would be only a partial solution.
88. Unfortunately his busy schedule means the heartthrob won't have as much time for his promotional duties for Eclipse, but at least young fans will have a new film to drool over him in.
89. Ri Quansi main solar eclipse, the partial eclipse and three on the Environment and Food.
90. An interesting thing about Eclipse is that it uses an incremental compiler to compile your code as you type it in.
91. The beginning of a solar eclipse is shown on a hand in Amman January 15, 2010.
92. Its beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse.
93. We would not wish to see another case like the young boy who lost his central vision back in October 2005 through looking directly at a partial eclipse in his school playground.
94. Selecting this will launch your default Usenet news reader application and open eclipse.platform.
95. In this paper, a design scheme of the monochromatic coronagraph for the solar eclipse observation is described.
96. You have the structure for the Java API reference documentation that enables navigation within an Eclipse help plug-in through a table-of-contents (TOC) written as an XML document.
96. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
97. Because food has the five senses, the partial eclipse is harmful to the body.
98. The various lithium-based cells that are now displacing nimh eclipse them in so many ways that there is now no logical argument that can be made for using nimh in electric racing boats.
99. Overall computation with the modern astronomical program reveals that at most 83% of the lunar eclipse records of the Qing dynasty in local chorography are reliable.
100. The time when a solar eclipse will occur can be calculated.
101. With Eclipse, you can physically uncouple the Batch functionality from the main engine.
102. Later this year, in August, there will a total solar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse.
103. Lunar eclipse occurs when earth's shadow falls on the moon.
104. When the moon shuts out the sun, a partial solar eclipse appears.
105. Mo did not want to be ruled by anyone and it is notable that she never allowed the men in her life to eclipse her.
106. The Eclipse ECESIS project pages at offer a great video tutorial on how to use Eclipse and write plug-ins.
107. Expect glowing news when it comes to a contract that may be in process as today a solar eclipse will light up your third house of communication.
108. In a production environment(), a string that is a configuration item should be externalized as an Eclipse preference.
109. If the answer is no, you'll likely leave it near the July 7 lunar eclipse.
110. Eclipse creates the package structure for you and moves the file.
111. Because our Earth is in the orbital plane of both stars and the planet, each body is seen to eclipse the others at different times, producing noticeable drop offs in the amount of light seen.
112. You can also observe this total eclipse if you're at the right spot on the Marshall or Gilbert Islands in the South Pacific.
113. Planet X was being eclipsed , as the pre - eclipse shot from French Polynesia below shows.
114. If it's not installed in your instance of Eclipse, click New to add it (see Figure 1).
115. When the next annular or partial eclipse of the sun visible in the United States?
116. The solar eclipse was thought prognosticative of the fall of the country.
117. Ancient people thought a lunar eclipse was a bad omen.
118. You can run this example by running the main class from Eclipse.
119. The extensibility and plugins of both Eclipse and Emacs let users streamline time-consuming tasks (such as refactoring or reformatting) that computers can do better than humans.
120. The moment came during a penumbral lunar eclipse when the KAGUYA's view of the Sun was obscured by the Earth, causing it to look like a diamond ring.
121. According to phenomena observed during total solar eclipse, it can be pointed out that the velocity of gravitational field wave is equal to the velocity of light in vacuo.
122. To avoid this programming inconsistency, V2.0 of the Eclipse JDT includes an Externalize Strings wizard to help centralize message retrieval and parameter substitution.
123. To save memory, Eclipse may discard the delta at any point.
124. Mevenide for Eclipse enhances productivity by providing tools and views that let you hide part of Maven's complexity and improve collaboration in a team environment.
125. Now that all the parts of the PHP IDE and Zend debugger are in place, you'll set up a debug session using a current Drupal project within Eclipse.
126. Passing closer to the center of the umbra, the Moon's southern hemisphere (left) appears darker in this eclipse image, recorded from Deerlick Astronomy Village, Georgia[Sentencedict], USA.
127. The moon takes a bite out of the sun Sunday over the seaside town of Valparaiso, Chile, during a partial solar eclipse.
128. As part of the Lead Manager sample, we created a mockup Eclipse component that presents a variety of user interfaces based on settings made to the advanced properties.
129. It would far eclipse the nuclear phaseout in places like Germany and Japan.
130. If you are within this path, you will see an annular eclipse where, at its maximum phase, a ring (annulus) of sunlight surrounds the Moon.
131. The various items of eclipse equipment are chosen according to the circumstance.
132. Eastern Asia, eastern Australia and New Zealand missed the last stages of the eclipse because they occurred after moonset.
133. This is the plane has been chartered to view the total Eclipse from above the clouds.
134. Local time on February 21 in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia to take pictures of the eclipse.
135. It'seems, such a total solar eclipse, crack down on the people's self - confidence .
136. If you were to add a link file and restart Eclipse using an existing workspace, the Configuration Changes dialog would be shown.
137. This is convenient for testing and debugging the application right from the Eclipse workbench.
138. As the Moon blocked just the central portion of the Sun, people looking skyward would have seen a fiery ring around the Moon’s perimeter, what is known as an annular eclipse.
139. Of course, tomorrow's annular solar eclipse is mostly for penguins.
140. An employee of the Stefanik Observatory in Prague uses a projection shield to show the partial solar eclipse visible in the Czech capital during the morning on Tuesday, Jan. 4, 2011.
141. Let's look at the various challenges posed by Eclipse CDT in various phases of the software development cycle.
142. Los Angeles astronomer monuments of the total eclipse of the moon before the shooting.
143. This file will provide the data for the hierarchical information in the left pane of the Eclipse help window.
144. So the first step was to stub out the classes and methods with Eclipse and the specification open side-by-side.
145. Eclipse is started for the first time with a cleared shared class cache.
146. Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge south duration solar eclipse 1 minutes 23 seconds.
147. Yes, certainly, everybody was still wondering at Nana's total eclipse.
148. Viewers in Valparaiso, 75 miles (121 kilometers) northwest of Santiago, were among those in the Pacific Basin and in South America able to see a partial eclipse.
149. In the left pane of the Run dialog box, right-click Eclipse Application and select New_configuration.
150. The sweep was the moon penumbral zone can see the partial eclipse, the partial eclipse in the region-wide water from the area near, the greater the extent of the partial eclipse.
151. Scientists taking close-up photographs of the Epsilon Aurigae during its eclipse, which happens every 27 years, noticed the strange dark object's shadow on the star.
152. You can test and refine your SQL statement right from the Eclipse workbench until it satisfies your needs and then cut-and-paste the SQL statement text into your reporting JSP file.
153. In ancient times, people were ignorant of the total eclipse of sun.
154. After this, the next set of eclipses will come on December 31, 2009, in Cancer, highlighting your career, and then a solar eclipse, January 15, 2010, in Capricorn, accenting your home again.
155. You can perform code-reference analysis and refactoring like Eclipse or IntelliJ.
156. Still[http:///eclipse.html], the Moon's silhouette highlighted by these glistening diamonds as the total eclipse phase ended.
157. If you completed parts 1 and 2 of this series, you have used Eclipse to test an IBM Lotus Sametime plug-in through the use of a runtime configuration.
158. Shown in a NASA illustration, the full annular eclipse of January 15, 2010, cast a dark lunar shadow along a 190-mile-wide (300-kilometer-wide) path that traveled across nearly half Earth's surface.
159. "Black" refers to the black fungus. Every 5-15 grams of auricularia eclipse, can significantly reduce the blood viscosity and blood cholesterol, helps prevent blood clots.
160. Einstein's Law of Gravitation was tested during an eclipse of the sun.
161. Lunar eclipse occur when the earth's shadow fall on the moon.
162. As mentioned, Eclipse uses an incremental compiler, so it is not necessary to explicitly compile your Java files.
163. There's a New Moon eclipse on Monday at 5.40 am - so forewarned is forearmed!
164. During an annular eclipse, the moon covers only the central part of the sun's disk, leaving a ring of sunlight still visible.
165. This command sets the classpath to point to the Infocenter JAR file, tells it where Eclipse is installed, sets the port number, and issues the start command.
166. Weather permitting, the total eclipse can be seen from North and South America.
167. We have chosen the best place to observe the annular eclipse of the sun.
168. It'shows that adding the low - quality ash can improve the ability of anti - eclipse of reinforce bar.
169. According to reports, the local people according to custom in eclipse occurs to Ganges bath to.
170. There will be a total eclipse of the sun next Monday.
171. On that day, photos taken of a solar eclipse provided convincing evidence that Einstein's Special Theory Of Relativity was workable.
172. The eclipse lasted the longest near the Maldive Islands, noted eclipse expert and National Geographic grantee Jay Pasachoff, Field Memorial Professor at Williams College in Massachusetts.
173. The last total lunar eclipse until 2010 occurs Wednesday night.
174. This compartmentalization makes it easy to update these third-party tools, which don't necessarily require changes to Eclipse itself.
175. The Meteorologic Bureau forecasts a eclipse will be seen this night.
176. This keeps us informed about the progress of the eclipse.
177. That month also an eclipse in Virgo on February 20.
178. Since most of these classes are part of the Eclipse text editor application program interface (API), you can use them directly in your own editors.
179. In the technical preview, CBE instances are created using an EventFactory. This has not changed, except of course that the class has moved to
180. It was reported that there would be an eclipse on Easter Day.
181. During the eclipse, the best viewing in North America found the coppery lunar disc high in a cold winter sky, the Moon reddened by light filtering into the Earth's dark central shadow or umbra.
182. A second Eclipse instance is started using the same shared class cache as above.
183. A sunset annular eclipse would be seen in some areas of Shandong, Guangdong and Taiwan.
184. Selecting this link will launch your default Usenet news reader application and open eclipse.platform.
185. The New Year's Eve Blue Moon eclipse was visible throughout Europe, Asia, Africa and parts of Alaska, captured in this two exposure composite in cloudy skies over Saint Bonnet de Mure , France.
186. It is also worth noting that the Visualiser is actually a completely general-purpose component that can be tailored to visualize anything[http:///eclipse.html], from Eclipse markers to Google search results.
187. All this file contains really is what you have specified in the previous plug-ins and fragments section, but in a special format Eclipse can understand when launching.
188. But during an eclipse, stars whose line of sight lies near the Sun can be photographed.
189. Shaped like a cone extending into space, the umbra has a circular cross section that can be most easily seen during a lunar eclipse.
190. The file doclet.toc.xml is referenced as being the table of contents for this plug-in; this file will provide the data for the hierarchical information in the left pane of the Eclipse help window.
191. This dialog allows you to select the lunar eclipse about which information is required.
192. Before that, on May 20, 2012, an annular eclipse will be visible from China, Japan, the U.S.,() and the Pacific Ocean.
193. During an average total lunar eclipse, the moon is within the Earth's umbra for about an hour. This is called totality.
194. The core logic of the component should still be implemented by the Eclipse environment.
195. This summer, I visited to Shanghai to watch solar eclipse.
196. As we mentioned earlier, one of the Eclipse artifacts present within the composition tool is a new editor that provides just this capability.
197. Biennial oscillation of the temperature in Pacific Ocean caused the 12 months24 months difference of phase between solar eclipse and El Nino.
198. This approach is based on designing a set of Java classes in the Eclipse IDE that define a conceptual relational network through the object model they represent.
199. A 2 GB RAM machine with no swap file performs almost every Eclipse operation faster.
200. The moon covered the sun is part of the partial eclipse.
201. Once the eclipse path moves away from the Asian mainland, it drops sharply southeastward toward the equator.
202. Collect information on a partial eclipse and a total eclipse of the moon.
203. There will be an eclipse of the moon next month.
204. And as a person, as a psychophysical roganism, I can learn how to get out of the way, so that the divine source of my life and consciousness can come out of eclipse and shine through me.
205. Moreover, its coverage performance is also evaluated under some factors, such as the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP), orbital perturbation, space transmission loss and eclipse.
206. The natural event I was most proud of bringing to people's TV screens was the solar eclipse at Varanasi.
207. If you want to have sex on a tractor, under the Verrazano Bridge, during a total eclipse, we'll be there. Just say the word.
208. We use an Eclipse preference to allow a Sametime user to specify his own starting address as shown in figure 2.
209. A man uses a photographic film strip to observe an annular eclipse near the Kibera slums in Kenya's capital Nairobi, January 15, 2010.
210. Close to its maximum phase, the eclipse is captured near the moment of sunset in this wintry scene from the bank of the Berd River near Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia.
211. This is done because the file contains the directory path starting with the eclipse subdirectory that resides in the Application Server Toolkit install directory.
212. At WPI we have the Webfoot project 6 , which is an ongoing project to provide rich collaboration capabilities to Eclipse users.
213. This total solar eclipse occurred near Aphelion , the point in Earth's elliptical orbit farthest from the Sun, and so the Sun was near its smallest apparent size.
214. News will arrive immediately, on or close to the soar eclipse ( new moon ) August 1.
215. In addition, the wizard registers a project nature as org.ananas.xm.eclipse.xmnature, and the project nature identifies an XM project as such.
216. An annular eclipse occurs when the moon does not cover the entire disc of the sun so that a ring of light encircles the shadow of the moon.
217. The next article in this series explains the programming steps necessary to extend Lotus Sametime Connect and is intended for programmers with Eclipse plug-in development experience.
218. The exterior tangency points P1 and P4 mark the coordinates where the penumbral shadow first contacts (partial eclipse begins) and last contacts (partial eclipse ends) Earth's surface.
219. Give your project a name, such as org.ananas.eclipse.xml.editor and click Next.
220. You may be a little emotionally disoriented at the eclipse, so don't make any rash moves while you're in reactive mode.
220. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
221. Except the "Best Movie" the "eclipse" the best men and women also took the starring best fight and best kiss movie film award.
222. Since transmitter batteries last over two, information gathered as the lingcod wanders will eclipse the sum of all prior knowledge.
223. The Eclipse lens cap system features flip-top lens covers that can be flipped up to fit against the binoculars' body and rotated to ensure that they are out of the viewing field.
224. The Eclipse workbench can become crowded with toolbars and views, so if you want more space for the editor, click the Maximize button at upper right.




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