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单词 headrest
释义  Related topics: Furniturehead·rest /ˈhed-rest/ noun [countable]  DHFthe top part of a chair or of a seat in a car, plane etc that supports the back of your head 〔座椅或汽车、飞机等座位的〕头靠,头垫 →4  See picture on 见图 Page A2 Car 汽车 →5 see picture at 见图 carExamples from the Corpusheadrest• It had a headrest and was studded with buttons made of bone.• A suitcase was on top of her headrest.• His hands over his head, he was pulling the steel headrest, his breath making a low-pitched moaning sound.• Instead, lean back against the headrest.• I cozied my head against the headrest.• She pushed the headrest back up; she pulled the tassel.head·rest nounChineseSyllable  a a seat of the part chair of Corpus or top




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