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单词 arrive
释义  ar·rive /əˈraɪv/ ●●● S2 W1 verb [intransitive]  1  GET SOMEWHEREARRIVEget somewhere 到某处 to get to the place you are going to 到达,抵达 Give me a call to let me know you’ve arrived safely. 打个电话给我,告诉我你已平安到达。arrive in/at What time does the plane arrive in New York? 飞机几点到纽约?arrive late/early He arrived late as usual. 他照例又迟到了。 By the time the police arrived on the scene, the burglars had fled. 警方赶到现场时,窃贼已经逃跑了。5 ► Do not say ‘arrive to’ a place. Say arrive in/at a place: We arrived at the station ten minutes early. | The Prime Minister arrives back in Britain tonight.不要说 ‘arrive to’ a place. 而要说 arrive in/at a place: We arrived at the station ten minutes early. 我们提前十分钟到了车站。 | The Prime Minister arrives back in Britain tonight. 首相今晚返抵英国。2  BE DELIVEREDTAKE/BRINGbe delivered 送到 if something arrives, it is brought or delivered to you 送达 SYN come The card arrived on my birthday. 贺卡在我生日那天寄到。3  EVENTHAPPENhappen 发生 if an event or particular period of time arrives, it happens 发生;降临,来到 SYN come When her wedding day arrived, she was really nervous. 到了婚礼那天,她十分紧张。4  something NEWSTART TO HAPPEN, EXIST ETCSTH new 新事物 if a new idea, method, product etc arrives, it begins to exist or starts being used 出现;启用 Since computers arrived, my job has become much easier. 自从有了电脑,我的工作变得轻松多了。5  BIRTHBABY/HAVE A BABYbe born 出生 to be born 出生 Sharon’s baby arrived just after midnight. 刚过午夜,莎伦的宝宝就出生了。6  arrive at a decision/solution/compromise etc DECIDEto reach a decision, solution etc after a lot of effort 作出决定/找到解决方法/达成妥协等 After much consideration, we have arrived at a decision. 再三考虑之后,我们作出了决定。7  success 成功somebody has arrived used to say that someone has become successful or famous 某人成功了;某人成名了 When he saw his name painted on the door he knew he’d arrived! 当他看到自己的名字印在门上,他知道自己成功了!n GRAMMAR: Comparisonarrive• You arrive in a city or country: We arrived in London at 2 a.m. • You arrive at a place such as a house, hotel, or airport: They arrived at the airport at 10.30.• You arrive home: He arrived home at midnight.• You arrive here/there/back: Call me when you arrive there. ✗Don’t say: arrive to a place | arrive to home | arrive to here/there get• You get to a city, country, or other place: We got to London at 2 a.m. We got to the airport at 10.30.• You get home: He got home at midnight.• You get here/there/back: Call me when you get there.reach• You reach a city, country, or other place: The climbers reached the summit of the mountain. • You reach home or reach here/there: You should reach there around 9.45 a.m. ✗Don’t say: reach to a place | reach to home/here/there n COLLOCATIONSadverbsarrive homeJo should arrive home any minute now.arrive early/lateI don’t think we should arrive early.arrive on timeHe never arrives on time for meetings.arrive safelyShe phoned to say she had arrived safely.arrive shortly/soonMy parents are due to arrive shortly.arrive unannounced (=without anyone expecting or knowing you were coming)He arrived unannounced yesterday and stayed the night.phrasesarrive safe and sound (=safely)It was a great relief when he arrived back safe and sound.arrive on the scene (=at the place where something has just happened)Two more police cars arrived on the scene. THESAURUSarrive to get to the place you are going to 到达,抵达I arrived at the party at around 7 o’clock. 我七点左右到达聚会地点。They were due to arrive home from Spain yesterday. 他们应该昨天从西班牙回到家里。get to arrive somewhere. Get is much more common in everyday English than arrive 到达〔在日常英语中,get比arrive常用得多〕What time do you usually get to work? 你一般几点上班?I’ll call you when I get home. 我到家后给你打电话。reach to arrive somewhere, especially after a long journey 〔尤指长途旅行后〕到达,抵达When we finally reached the port, we were all very tired. 等到我们终于抵达港口时,大家都已疲惫不堪。come if someone comes, they arrive at the place where you are 来;来到She came home yesterday. 她昨天回家来了。What time did the plumber say he’d come? 水管工说他几点来? turn up (also show up) informal to arrive somewhere, especially when someone is waiting for you 〔尤指在别人等你的时候〕到达,来到I’d arranged to meet Tom, but he never turned up. 我约好跟汤姆见面,但他一直没来。roll in informal to arrive somewhere later than you should and not seem worried about it 姗姗来迟Rebecca usually rolls in around noon. 丽贝卡一般中午才姗姗而来。get in to arrive somewhere – used especially about people arriving home, or a plane, train etc arriving at an airport, station etc 到家;〔飞机、火车等〕到达I usually get in at around 6 o’clock. 我一般六点左右到家。What time did your plane get in? 你的飞机几点到的?come in if a plane, train, or ship comes in, it arrives in the place where you are 〔飞机、火车、船等〕到达We liked to watch the cruise ships come in. 我们喜欢看游轮进港。land if a plane or the passengers on it land, they arrive on the ground 〔飞机或机上乘客〕着陆,降落We finally landed at 2 a.m. 凌晨两点我们终于降落。They watched the planes taking off and landing. 他们看着飞机起飞降落。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusarrive• Did my package arrive?• Toy sales have doubled since computer games arrived.• What time do you think we'll arrive?• What time does his flight arrive?• Why were the campsites so thoroughly cleaned up before authorities arrived?• The baby arrived at five minutes past midnight.• Supply ships have started arriving at ports along the East coast.• Artists who have arrived at that position are expected to sit still and hold court.• We arrived at the palace, went in, and got to the dressing-room.• It was already dark by the time they arrived at their hotel.• There are no incentive payments offered to staff who arrive at work by kayak.• When the day of the wedding arrived, everything was ready.• When Uncle Guy arrived from Dublin he brought them an enormous box of chocolates.• When I first arrived here none of the other students would talk to me.• Our flight arrived in Osaka two hours ahead of schedule.• A chocolate treat arrived in the mail, just in time for the post-holiday body fat meltdown.• The British Prime Minister arrived in Tokyo today.• We are all glad that she has arrived safely and has all her faculties!• Grimma and Dorcas, almost the last to arrive, sidled their way into the crowd.• The packages arrived the day before Christmas.• The train isn't due to arrive until 4.30.• Has your sister's baby arrived yet?arrive late/early• Harriet walks with Knightley, and Frank arrives late, after Jane has taken herself home in agitation.• Grandcourt arrives late, and watches Gwendolen walk up to receive an award for shooting, the center of all eyes.• About my tendency to repeat things ... kids arriving late in class and how they affected it.• From there a delayed flight took us on to Punta Arenas where we arrived late in the evening.• To force them to arrive early is beyond comprehension.• In her second semester she arrived late one day for her World Civilization class.• If you arrive late, raise merry hell, and insult the stage crew you will certainly be remembered.• She then continued to Cheyenne, arriving late Wednesday night.Origin arrive (1100-1200) Old French ariver, from Vulgar Latin arripare “to come to shore”, from Latin ad- “to” + ripa “shore”ar·rive verb →n GRAMMAR1 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  you are Corpus to to get the place




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