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单词 handcuffs
释义  Related topics: Jail & punishmenthand·cuffs /ˈhændkʌfs/ noun [plural]   SCJa pair of metal rings joined by a chain. Handcuffs are used for holding a prisoner’s wrists together 手铐 They put handcuffs on the two men and led them away. 他们给两名男子戴上手铐,把他们带走了。in handcuffs He was brought into the court in handcuffs. 他戴着手铐被带入法庭。 a pair of handcuffs 一副手铐 →4  See picture of 见图 LOCKExamples from the Corpushandcuffs• What, like Doc Martens, knuckledusters and handcuffs?• Couple Freed: Firefighters had to release a man and woman from handcuffs.• The policeman frisked him then reached for his handcuffs.• The killer will be caught, photographed in handcuffs, mentioned in headlines for months, maybe years.• Some airlines give pilots handcuffs to carry; others rely on seat restraints that can be pulled out quickly.• He could feel his hand in the handcuffs shaking.• They took handcuffs and handcuffed me.• The unlocked handcuffs dangling from his wrist dragged along the ground as he was lifted into the wagon.pair of handcuffs• Each carried a pair of handcuffs.• That came with a pair of handcuffs.hand·cuffs nounChineseSyllable  joined Corpus a by metal rings pair a chain. of




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