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单词 hallmark
释义  hall·mark1 /ˈhɔːlmɑːk $ ˈhɒːlmɑːrk/ noun [countable]  1  SEEMan idea, method, or quality that is typical of a particular person or thing 特点,特征;标志hallmark of These hotels still offer the sort of service which was the hallmark of the grand days of travel. 这些酒店依然提供旅游黄金时期的特色服务。 The explosion had all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack. 这起爆炸事件具有恐怖袭击的所有特征。 Their performance did not bear the hallmark of European champions. 他们的表现不像是欧洲冠军队。2. HCMa mark put on silver, gold, or platinum that shows the quality of the metal, and where and when it was made 〔银、金或白金制品上的〕印记Examples from the Corpushallmark• One key reason was the company opted to step back from the relentless price-cutting that is a hallmark of the juice business.• Her health was a hallmark of her personality.• Cultural shock was a hallmark of the period.• His campaign hallmark is his informality and accessibility.• Parler's hallmarks lay in decoration: vaulting and sculpture poured from his workshops.• Whatever it was, it didn't bear the hallmark of life in Knockglen.• Yet it is stasis, not change, that is the hallmark of evolution.• Eddery had to be at his most determined to beat Nominator whose hallmark is toughness.bear the hallmark of• It also bears the hallmarks of a long-cherished project.• In singling out gay men, the offence bears the hallmarks of homophobic prejudice, and belongs to the less tolerant era.• Whatever it was, it didn't bear the hallmark of life in Knockglen.• It does not, in other words, bear the hallmarks of Thatcherism.hallmark2 verb [transitive]  HCMto put a hallmark on silver, gold, or platinum 在〔银、金或白金制品〕上打印记→ See Verb tablenHallmark trademark  na US company that makes greetings cardsFrom Longman Business Dictionaryhallmarkhall‧mark1 /ˈhɔːlmɑːkˈhɒːlmɑːrk/ noun [countable]1an idea, quality, or skill that is typical of a particular person or thingTheir ability to work under tight deadlines is a hallmark of their professionalism.2a mark put on an object made of silver, gold, or PLATINUM that shows the quality of the metal, and where and when it was madea 1998 Philadelphia hallmarkhallmarkhallmark2 verb [transitive] to put a hallmark on silver, gold, or PLATINUM→ See Verb tableOrigin hallmark1 (1700-1800) Goldsmiths' Hall in London, England where gold and silver articles were tested and markedhall·mark1 nounhallmark2 verbHallmarkLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable   Corpus idea, a that quality typical Business is an method, of or




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