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单词 Planck's constant
1. Two constants, Planck's constant and that for Coulomb's Law.
2. Planck's constant and that for Coulomb's Law.
3. The physicists redetermined planck's constant.
4. Planck's constant controls the magnitudes involved in both cases.
5. This paper introduced a method for measuring Planck's constant using a bulb as a radiation source. The experiment setup used is simple and easily realizable.
6. Indeed, Millikan's paper on Planck's constant shows clearly that he is emphatically distancing himself throughout from Einstein's 1905 attempt to couple photo effects with a form of quantum theory.
7. And finally we have Planck's constant here, which we're all familiar with.
8. A new method of the determining Planck's constant in use of measuring magnetic susceptibility is developed. It is applied in modern physical experiment. This method is simple and easy.
9. This paper introduced a method for measuring Planck's constant using a bulb as a radiation source.
10. In the paper, three sets of data are acquired through the Planck's constant measuring instrument and some of the knowledge of statistics is employed to verify Einstein's photoelectric effect equation.
11. Metrologists are busy trying to recast it in terms of Planck's constant, a formula which is deemed cosmicly inviolate, as is the speed of light (pending further findings from CERN, anyway).
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12. So, we can get from these energy differences to frequency h by frequency is equal to r sub h over Planck's constant 1 times 1 over n final squared minus 1 over n initial squared.
13. The plan is to eventually relate the kilogram to a universal number known as Planck's constant.




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