随便看 |
- at/with the push/touch of a button
- a two horse race
- Atwood, Margaret
- atwood,margaret
- atwood,-margaret
- at work
- at worst
- a two/three/four etc horse race
- at your back
- at your best
- at your best effective
- at your best/worst/most effective etc
- at your command
- at your earliest convenience
- at your feet
- at (your) leisure
- at your leisure
- at your most
- at your most effective
- at your own risk
- at your pleasure
- at your worst
- at your worst effective
- atypical
- AU
- Dwelled
- Space craft
- Hoarseness
- Gladden
- Arrival time
- Spondylosis
- Scrape by
- Keep cool
- Gravid
- Recapture
- 周易·兑卦第五十八《《象》曰:丽泽,兑,君子以朋友讲习.》
- 周易·升卦第四十六《初六,允升,大吉.》
- 周易·咸卦第三十一《《象》曰:山上有泽,咸,君子以虚受人.》
- 周易·咸卦第三十一《六二,咸其腓,凶,居吉.》
- 周易·噬嗑卦第二十一《六三,噬腊肉,遇毒,小吝,无咎.》
- 周易·困卦第四十七《《象》曰:“困于葛藟”,未当也,“动悔有悔”,吉行也.》
- 周易·坎卦第二十九《《象》曰:“樽酒簋贰”,刚柔际也.》
- 周易·坎卦第二十九《《象》曰:水洊至,习坎,君子以常德行,习教事.》
- 周易·大壮卦第三十四《《象》曰:雷在天上,大壮,君子以非礼弗履.》
- 周易·大有卦第十四《《象》曰:“匪其彭无咎”,明辩晢也.》
- 周易·大畜卦第二十六《大畜:利贞,不家食吉,利涉大川.》
- 周易·夬卦第四十三《夬:扬于王庭,孚号有厉,告自邑,不利即戎,利有攸往.》
- 周易·姤卦第四十四《上九,姤其角,吝,无咎.》
- 周易·姤卦第四十四《九四,包无鱼,起凶.》
- 周易·家人卦第三十七《《彖》曰:家人,女正位乎内,男正位乎外,男女正,天地之大义也.家人有严君焉,父母之谓也.父父,子子,兄兄,弟弟,夫夫,妇妇,而家道正,正家而天下定矣.》
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- Experimental model句子
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- Apochromatic句子
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