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单词 tamarind
释义  Related topics: Plantstam·a·rind /ˈtæmərɪnd/ noun [countable]  HBPa tropical tree, or the fruit of this tree 酸豆(树)Examples from the Corpustamarind• Add puree to pot along with pineapple, cinnamon, and tamarind.• With this exotic boar dish, he extends the boundaries by incorporating such decidedly non-southwestern tropical ingredients as pineapple and tamarind.• Fresh fruit drinks such as tamarind and hibiscus are also available in season.• There was also a bitter tamarind soup.• When a recipe calls for tamarind or jalapeno chillies, save fruitless searching in local shops by calling Deliline.• The ingredients of this particular concoction included garlic, mustard seed, tamarind and cream of tartar.Origin tamarind (1500-1600) Spanish and Portuguese tamarindo, from Arabic tamr hindi “Indian date”tam·a·rind nounChineseSyllable   Corpus the tree, of a or fruit tropical




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