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单词 Linguistics
(1) These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.
(2) My brother has an MA in linguistics.
(3) Bloomfield's approach to linguistics was based on observation of the language.
(4) She's professor of linguistics at the University of Wales.
(5) Linguistics is the study of language.
(6) He has an MA in linguistics.
(7) Tim did a three-year course in linguistics at Newcastle.
(8) She became Emeritus Professor of Linguistics when she retired.
(9) She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.
(10) The secretary had diplomas in both education and linguistics.
(11) Linguistics embraces a diverse range of subjects such as phonetics and stylistics.
(12) Linguistics is a scientific study of the property of language.
(13) Courses should not be watered-down linguistics.
(14) Language and linguistics; Social behaviour.
(15) Language and linguistics; Social integration.
(16) In borrowing from structural linguistics the early structuralists took on the task of analysing signs and systems of signification.
(17) But that definition is based less on linguistics than on politics: the countries are divided by national borders.
(18) Applied Linguistics also includes a reviews section containing authoritative contributions on recent publications.
(19) Case 1: Linguistics A linguist devises a model of grammar in the process of developing a theory of human cognition.
(20) This is written for students of linguistics but also offers a good introduction for the general reader.
(21) Applied linguistics in this sense must be practised by teachers too if it is to have any effective operational relevance at all.
(22) Literary studies have been cross - fertilized by new ideas in linguistics.
(23) In this book, the author surveys recent developments in linguistics.
(24) The research should prove invaluable in the study of linguistics.
(25) The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, viz. Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.
(26) Such a description must certainly play a role in any general theory of linguistics.
(27) This is premised on modern of visual communication which draw upon linguistics and, in particular, psychoanalysis.
(28) For example, account is taken of the growing importance of theoretical linguistics, for which Edinburgh University is particularly well-known.
(29) We have even found ourselves teaching a little bit of linguistics, since some of the comrades seemed interested.
(30) The use of statistical techniques is not new to computational linguistics.
(1) These ideas rapidly became the new orthodoxy in linguistics.
(2) My brother has an MA in linguistics.
(3) Bloomfield's approach to linguistics was based on observation of the language.
(4) He has an MA in linguistics.
(5) She plans to take a course in applied linguistics.
(6) Linguistics is a scientific study of the property of language.
(31) If applied linguistics is left exclusively to an elite band of researchers, then the whole object of the exercise disappears.
(32) One of the hardest things when studying linguistics is learning all the right terminology.
(33) Linguistics may be studied either as a single honours degree or as part of a joint honours degree.
(34) We have, then, two approaches to language: sentence linguistics and discourse analysis.
(35) Within linguistics, then, as we have seen within other disciplines, these two concepts are closely linked.
(36) But he is teaching something which is the object of study of linguistics, and is described by linguistic methods.
(37) The joint degree in Linguistics and Artificial Intelligence is unique in Britain.
(38) Since then, there has been a steady output of research within this branch of applied linguistics.
(39) Jakobson's essay thus constitutes as strong a claim as can possibly be made for the relevance of linguistics to literary study.
(40) The term element in linguistics means a fundamental part of a structure.
(41) There is a very pervasive belief that it is research in theoretical and applied linguistics which provides the solutions.
(42) Generative linguistics has been the dominant approach to syntactic processing of language since the late 1950's.
(43) In 1891, he returned to Geneva where in 1906, he became professor of General Linguistics.
(44) But in his second phase the issues of systematicity and method become blurred and the connection with structural linguistics becomes vague.
(45) I have no pretensions to the type of expert knowledge of semiotics that students of linguistics will have.
(46) But anomalies like these should not be blamed on linguistics,[] higher mathematics or the new history.
(47) In attempting to answer these questions, we will be examining some of the most important aspects of historical or comparative linguistics.
(48) In trying to determine such regularities, the discourse analyst will typically adopt the traditional methodology of descriptive linguistics.
(49) This functionalist, teleological aim is inappropriate for the systematic analysis borrowed from structural linguistics.
(50) In recent years Applied Linguistics at Edinburgh has been closely involved in the organisation of international seminars and conferences.
(51) In computational linguistics the main approaches for implementing syntax can be broadly classified as either rule-based or probabilistic.
(52) The most spectacular is the creation of the whole new topic of research, the new discipline of computational linguistics.
(53) One of his linguistics professors, a man named Samuel Goldstein, had helped him understand the consequences of that simple fact.
(54) Literary theory, drawing on other disciplines, including semiotics and linguistics, seeks for underlying structures and meanings in literature.
(55) Language and linguistics Over the past decade, work on formal theories of meaning for natural languages has developed very swiftly.
(56) This type of analysis is used in linguistics, to describe the grammar of sentences.
(57) Most importantly the use of syntactic information has a long history in computational linguistics.
(58) Generative grammar rejects the empirical nature of structural linguistics and instead uses linguistic intuitions of native speakers.
(59) But it will also be evident that Saussurean linguistics did much more than simply reinforce the Formalists' view of literature.
(60) But he denies any law of evolution; the regularity in synchronic linguistics is not a result of evolutionary continuity.
(61) The wide range of joint degrees available reflects the extent to which Linguistics relates to other subject areas.
(62) Much of this is actually linguistics, however - something of an acquired taste.
(63) The research will draw on and integrate current work in artificial intelligence, linguistics, and cognitive psychology.
(64) In all of these areas, there are concepts and insights from linguistics which can contribute to pedagogical understanding.
(65) Computational questions have become central, not just in natural language processing applications, but also in theoretical discussions within linguistics.
(66) Furthermore, an adequate characterisation of spoken language requires the integration of descriptive frameworks from different branches of linguistics and psychology.
(67) Woman-centred psychologists are also interested in language and the unconscious, in spite of the misogyny which they see in linguistics and psychoanalysis.
(68) This is a well-written and readable introduction to the subject of linguistics.
(69) The early structuralists analyse relations between larger elements of meaning than is entertained in structural linguistics.
(70) Syntax has been one of the most widely investigated areas of linguistics and human processing of language has been intensively studied.
(71) The analysis of discourse can not then be agnostic about meaning in quite the same way as can linguistics.
(72) Crystal has shown how this bias in linguistics carries over into lay views of language.
(73) He has expressed scepticism about the significance of linguistics for language teaching.
(74) If you take the English literature course, you can do linguistics as a subsidiary subject.
(75) Why do stereotypes like this persist not just in folklinguistics but also in modern scientific linguistics?
(76) Language and linguistics People understand language by using their knowledge about everyday life to add to what is explicitly stated.
(77) Semantics has not always enjoyed a prominent role in modern linguistics.
(78) I wanted to achieve a reconciliation of the two approaches of literary criticism and linguistics.
(79) Taking its cue from structural linguistics[http:///linguistics.html], it will concentrate on the signifiers at the expense of the signifieds.
(80) Language change is one of the subjects of historical linguistics, the subfield of linguistics that studies language in its historical aspects.
(81) But other commentators have also had something to say about the use of quantification in linguistics.
(82) They also have me, um, teaching assistants linguistics courses, undergraduate courses.
(83) Linguistics can be defined as the science of language.
(84) Linguistics is an important branch in cognitive science.
(85) He teaches descriptive linguistics at a university.
(86) Linguistic typology is a distinguished school in contemporary linguistics.
(87) Contrastive Linguistics is a new course in our country.
(88) a course in applied linguistics.
(89) But must linguistics then be combined with sociology?
(90) She teaches at Qinghua's Department of Linguistics.
(91) Geographical aspect in linguistics, historical studies, ethnology, ecological studies.
(92) He is distinguished for his knowledge of linguistics.
(93) Linguistics A briefly articulated speech sound or syllable.
(94) Natural Language Generation(NLG) is the subfield of artificial intelligence and computational linguistics that(focuses) on computer system that can produce understandable texts.
(95) Your conversation about linguistics was all double Dutch to me!
(96) Corpus and corpus linguistics developed very fast in the past 20 years.
(97) A fierce debate exists in linguistics between those such as Noam Chomsky who think that all languages function roughly the same way in the brain and those who do not.
(98) This paper explores the linguistic philosophy in Ferdinand de Saussure's Course in General Linguistics.
(99) On the one hand, POS study is always a Gordian knot to Chinese linguists ever since the beginning of Modern Chinese Linguistics.
(100) In this chapter, the writer discusses the structural linguistics and the semantic field about opposites.
(101) From the perspective of linguistics, the speech act of apology is a part ofcommunicative activities.
(102) Stereotyped view is an important cognitive factor, which affects multicultural communication and attracts the broad attention of linguistics.
(103) This paper mainly discusses the cognitive factor of the emergence of metaphor from the perspective of cognitive linguistics.
(104) What is both the integral and concrete object of linguistics?
(105) Saussure compared the working of language to chess playing, which vividly described differences between the concepts of synchrony and diachrony in linguistics.
(106) The article tries to investigate, from the perspective of cognitive linguistics and diachronic linguistics, how iconicity affects the semantic changing of a word.
(106) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(107) Comparative method is the one that studies the difference between dialects and cognate language in order to find their developing law. Historical linguistics takes it as the base.
(108) Synchronic linguistics is the study of language at a certain point of time.
(109) He studies mythology, linguistics, Oriental cultures, spending years in Japan acquiring the discipline of Zen.
(110) Merleau-Ponty has accepted the principle of differentiation in Saussure's linguistics but refused his methodological division between synchrony and diachrony between language and speech.
(111) By the historical linguistics, the thesis poses the origin and flowing direction of Xiajiasi , and also , it reveals the origin the reason why Xiajiasi had so many names.
(112) On the basis of the theory of modern social linguistics, this paper explains that reading is a kind of communicative activity and analyzes the disadvantages of traditional method of teaching reading.
(113) The Chinese language information process, the automatic word recognition and computational linguistics.
(114) Yet the prevalent pedagogy in speaking teaching is based on formal linguistics (traditional grammar).
(115) Synchronic linguistics: the term synchronic linguistics refers to the study of variation in language in different places and among different groups at a given point in time.
(116) The large scale word segmented corpus is an important resource for the study of both linguistics and computational linguistics.
(117) With the development of structural linguistics, studies on the nature and content of evaluation could be conducted within a new perspective.
(118) Language attrition is not only a new field of applied linguistics research but an important field in psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics.
(119) He is a prominent scholar in the field of linguistics.
(120) Structural philosophy appeared from Saussure's structural linguistics theory and was of great influence to the research of translation theory.
(121) The further comb and expurgation of it must be predetermined by making clear a number of basic problems related to the meaning of applied linguistics .
(122) This can be of help to preliminary understanding of descriptive Linguistics and be of valuable reference to the studying of linguistics analyzing methods.
(123) All the repeatedly occurring infidelity among the translators is labeled as an act of treason by critics in the philological and structural linguistics paradigms of translation studies.
(124) Modern linguistics emerged as a distinct field in the nineteenth century.
(125) It is also necessary to carryout some degree of synchronic work before making a diachronic linguistics .
(126) Corpus linguistics in its rapid growth has made a great impact on various language related areas of research, both theoretically and methodologically.
(127) This paper is to make a tentative analysis of the lexical category transfer in English-Chinese translation from the perspective of category in cognitive linguistics.
(128) Students may pursue research in any aspect of computational linguistics.
(129) Saussure' s structural linguistics exerted a great influence on Chinese linguistics in the 20th century.
(130) We combinative philosophy and cognitive linguistics in order to investigate the semantic ambiguity of the time phrase from the phonetic thought characteristic, the concept.
(131) Computational linguistics: is a branch of applied linguistics, dealing with computer processing of human language.
(132) The Chinese syntax parsing is an important problem of the domain of Chinese information processing, which can also promote the development of other related linguistics.
(133) In this chapter, the writer focuses on discussing the structural linguistics and the semantic field about amount.
(134) In the determination of the central meaning of a polysemous word the lexicographer is helped by historical linguistics.
(135) This will be visual perception, linguistics, communication science and other multi-disciplinary perspective to re-examine the "View" image, the most usual behavior.
(136) The impact generated by structural linguistics was deep and wide.
(136) try its best to gather and create good sentences.
(137) The English phonetics and phonology are two major branches of the English linguistics.
(138) Corpus Linguistics deals with the principles and practice of using corpora in language study.
(139) However, these courses are quite crucial for my research area, namely computational linguistics.
(140) The first results point the way toward a rigorous, quantitative, historical linguistics.
(141) Semantic primitive is an important concept in lexical semantics. However, it has not been widely studied in the current research of computational linguistics.
(142) Because mathematical linguistics plays an important role in the cultivable aspects of mathematics communication ability, this thesis treats of it, and has given its experimental example.
(143) The formation of the concept of Chapter is based on the theories of psycholinguistics, philology and applied linguistics.
(144) Linguistic world view is among the main content of Humboldt's linguistic thoughts while linguistic experientialism is the philosophic foundation of modern cognitive linguistics.
(145) A new approach to the study of Chinese dialects is one that combines the methods used in modern social linguistics and dialect geography .
(146) It relates to many domains, such as the natural language technology, computational linguistics, and so on.
(147) Recently more and more attention has been focused on metacognition, which is a heated topic in the fields of psychology, pedagogics and linguistics.
(148) Rau, Der-Hwa V. 1997. A Discourse Analysis of Atayal Word Order Variation. The 8th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics. Taipei: Academia Sinica.
(149) The article describes the methodological considerations reviewed in terms of Lexicon Grammar in connection with the structural linguistics in the age of computer.
(150) The main norm to follow is the univocal characteristic, and all is guided by the theory of the modern linguistics.
(151) Cognitive semantics is very important in researches of contemporary linguistics.
(152) The present thesis mainly adopts the methods of the descriptive linguistics , attempting to proffer a panoramic view of the phonetic , lexical and grammatical features of Rudong vernacular.
(153) However, in linguistics, the interrogative sentence has not been adeguately studied.
(154) It is an important work about the nineteenth century's Hesperian depictive linguistics and comparative linguistics combining with the research of Beijing Mandarin.
(155) In the first chapter, use describer linguistics theory to analyse the feature for having lucid and easy to read, harmonizing pleasing of inside medicine name.
(156) The Association for Computational Linguistics is an international scientific and professional society for people working on problems involving natural language and computation.
(157) Like the Russian formalists--and in a way like the New Critics -talking about their "academic" colleagues, Saussure is vexed by the messiness and lack of system in the study of linguistics.
(158) For physical education, sports and sports compiled language dictionary reference for the establishment of linguistics.
(159) However, there are many exocentric constructions in compound words. From cognitive linguistics angles, exocentric compound words have a profound semantic and cognitive base.
(160) Firstly, this paper makes use of some theories in cognitive linguistics and philosophy of language to explore the "image" and "holograph" of characters.
(161) As a critical field in applied linguistics, communication strategy draws great attention in a number of linguists.
(162) "Grammaticalization" is an important topic in historical linguistics. It reflects the process of words or structures changing to be functional components. This paper focuses on the Chinese suffix tou.
(163) His theories on language and its position in human society have created favorable conditions for production and development of later structuralism and descriptive linguistics.
(164) Grimm's major contribution to historical linguistics is his explanation of the relationships among cognates in terms of a sound shift, the systematic modification of a series of phonemes.
(165) English middle construction, which involves a complex interlay between syntax and semantics, is one of the most heatedly discussed topics in the linguistics.
(166) Forensic linguistics is a newly rising interdisciplinary field, which applies linguistic principles and techniques to the practice of law.
(166) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(167) The study on discourse has a long standing, early study concentrated in the field of linguistics and communication science, and relatively few in the field of pedagogy.
(168) Recently implicit learning and explicit learning an interdisciplinary research focus for applied linguistics and psycholinguistics abroad.
(169) Zhang Qiyu is not only the grand master and founder of contemporary Chinese information linguistics, but also the contemporary renowned document classification scientist.
(170) We shall find the rational basis of the new criterion respectively from the perspective of linguistics, epistemology and axiological philosophy.
(171) Indian grammarian. His Ashtadhyayi, one of the first works of descriptive linguistics, presents grammatical rules for Sanskrit.
(172) It was a huge class, a survey course on architecture and linguistics (yes, we did such things), taught by an eminent Professor.
(173) Semantics is one of the most controversial branches of linguistics.
(174) The range of his research covers mathematical linguistics, logical semantics, transformational - generative grammar and non - transformational - generative grammar.
(175) Certain ideas and principles something should be attached importance to in modern Chinese research, facing the challenges from computational linguistics.
(176) Cognitive linguistics assumes that metaphor serves not only as a rhetorical device in literary works but also as a mode of cognition which plays an important role in people's thinking and speaking.
(177) The lexicalism is a new trend in contemporary computational linguistics, and the categorial grammar is the typical grammar of lexicalism.
(178) Sapir Wolfe hypothesis is a theory which had a great significance in Linguistics of last century, and its core is that language decides thinking.
(179) The present research has implications for anaphora study, methodology, textual analysis and educational linguistics.
(180) Traditionally, anthropology includes such subjects as physical anthropology, cultural anthropology, archeology and linguistics.
(181) This paper probes into the causes for this phenomenon from different angles of neurolinguistics, psycholinguistics and cognitive linguistics. It also offers some measures of shortening this stage.
(182) He drove the American linguistics study into a Bloomfield Times.
(183) Abstract : Structuralist linguistics represents a new, dualistic approach to the speech acts of human beings.
(184) But for many of the bustling Londoners whom the young Tyndale met, questions of diplomacy, taxes and war were at least as pressing as those of theology or linguistics.
(185) In addition, the research made by domestic scholars on the relationship between fuzzy linguistics and translatology is introductive and inspirational, however, further researches has to be done.
(186) Through the analysis of Systemic Functional Linguistics, the essential condition with "the change of the content word"which students are influenced by the different tests of linguistic structure.
(187) Saussure s structural linguistics theory is based on inheriting and criticizing historical comparative linguistics, and is mainly embodied in his youth.
(188) Cognitive context is a very important concept in cognitive linguistics.
(189) What's more, this article also makes a comparative research on the translation of Sino-Korean by way of descriptive linguistics.
(190) The paper argues that text consciousness is important and that the application of the achievement of text linguistics is instructively beneficial to the translator.
(191) According to theories of linguistics and semiology, this paper analyses some knowledge of text generation in nature language, proposes a theoretical model of computer text-generation.
(192) Stylistics is a new branch of modern linguistics and its study is a very important part in the theory of translation.
(193) With a degree in linguistics from Bangor University, Lisa had left a job in HR to become a signing instructor soon after becoming a mother.
(194) As a branch of knowledge, the linguistic stylistics is the combination of linguistics and literature.
(195) Coherence has always been one focus of study in modern linguistics. The studies on coherence undergo three main stages, namely semantic, pragmatic, and pragma–cognitive.
(196) The large scale authentic text processing becomes a strategic target of the computational linguistics.
(197) Machine translation remains the sub - division of computational linguistics dealing with having computers translate between languages.
(198) The western philosophy had got a linguistics turn in the 20th century through the endeavor of Bertrand Russell,[] Friedrich Frege and Ludwig Wittgenstein.
(199) Under the terms of linguistics, there are the grammatical perspective, the sociolinguistic perspective, the psycholinguistic perspective and the conversational analysis perspective.
(200) However, cognitive linguistics apply cognitive operation beneath the surface of language to analyze the generating process of meaning.
(201) In the past 50 years, Systemic Functional Linguistics developed the hierarchies of two strata: realization and instantiation.
(202) Discourse analysis and ethnography of communication are two important angles of anthropological linguistics.
(203) The conceptual blending theory is a new and developing branch of cognitive linguistics which is becoming the hot topic in the national linguistic field.
(204) Corpus linguistics has made great influence on language studies and translation studies.
(205) Both generative and functional grammars are built on the basis of traditional grammar, drawing on the methodological results of American descriptive linguistics.
(206) Modern linguistics emerged as a distinct field in the 19th century.
(207) His linguistic theories, the distinction between langue and parole in especial, is of great significance in linguistics.
(208) Chomsky's transformational and generative grammar (T-G Grammar) was a great revolution in linguistics, which presented new ideas and methods to linguistics studies.
(209) The article analyzes the limitations and problems of corpus-based dictionaries from the angle of application of corpus linguistics.
(210) The construction of speech meaning is a hot topic in the studies of linguistics and lingo - philosophy.
(211) This paper aims at analyzing the relationship between the Arabian writing system and Islamic culture from the perspective of the historical linguistics.
(212) Historical linguistics is the subfield of linguistics that studies language change.
(213) Morphology (also known as "lexical morphology" or "lexical") is a branch of linguistics to study the internal structure of words, including inflection and word-building in two parts.
(214) Traditionally, computational linguistics was usually performed by computer scientists who had specialized in the application of computers to the processing of a natural language.
(215) At the end of this paper we make an explanation of the above-mentioned diversity by referring to the fundamental principles of cognitive linguistics and cultural anthropology.
(216) Zhou was educated at China's first Western-style university, St. John's in Shanghai, studying economics with a minor in linguistics.
(217) Cognitive linguistics argues that cognition is based on embodiment and experientialism. Language structure reflects the structure of cognition.




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