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单词 armoury
释义  ar·mour·y British English, armory American English /ˈɑːməri $ ˈɑːr-/ noun (plural armouries) [countable]  1. WEAPONa place where weapons are stored 军械库,武器库2  all the skills, information etc someone has available to achieve something 宝库,锦囊 Interest rates have become powerful weapons in the government’s armoury. 利率已成为政府锦囊中强大的法宝。Examples from the Corpusarmoury• These techniques now provide the analyst with a formidable armoury with which to attack the many scientific problems associated with art research.• But many caddies offer a great deal more and look upon themselves as vital components in the professional golfer's armoury.• Cecil, fetch the assault cannon from the armoury.• He had a key to the armoury, but not one to the ammunition safe.• Few women have anything so remarkable in their armoury.• They have three weapons in their·mour·y nounChineseSyllable  a weapons Corpus stored where are place




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