随便看 |
- I hate to
- I hate to ask
- I hate to ask/interrupt/disturb etc
- I hate to disturb
- I hate to interrupt
- I hate to say it, but
- I hate to say it, but .../I hate to tell you this, but ...
- I hate to tell you this, but
- I hate to think
- I hate to think how
- I hate to think what
- I hate to think what/how/where etc
- I hate to think where
- I have it on good authority
- I have to admit
- I have to confess
- I have to dash
- I have to say
- I have to say/admit/confess
- I/he etc will never hear the end of it
- I hope
- I hope not
- I hope so
- I hope (that)
- Greeley
- Without expression
- Business software
- Color television
- Director of research
- Spanish-speaking
- Ganglioneuroma
- High-ticket
- At market
- Digital recording
- 《余花鸟弄尽,新叶虫书遍.》什么意思|出处|翻译|用法例释
- 《余莫能及 虞集 杨载 赵孟頫》
- 《余行年五十,悟得五不争之味.人问之,曰:“不与居积人争富,不与进取人争贵,不与矜饰人争名,不与简傲人争礼节,不与盛气人争是非.”》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《余谓师友原是一样,有两样耶?但世人不知友之即师,乃以四拜受业者谓之师;又不知师之即友,徒以结交亲密者谓之友.夫使友而不可以四拜受业也,则必不可以与之友矣;师而不可以心腹告语也,则亦不可以事之为师矣.古人知朋友所系之重,故特加“师”字于友之上,以见所友无不可师者,若不可师,即不可友.大概言之,总不过友之一字而已,故言友则师在其中矣.》什么意思,出自哪里,注释,句意,翻译
- 《余闻本富为上,末富次之,谓贾不若耕也;吾郡在山谷,即富者无可耕之田,不贾何待?且耕者什一,贾之廉者亦什一,贾何负于耕?古人病不廉,非病贾也》原文解读|译文|感想
- 《余霞散成绮 澄江静如练》诗词名句鉴赏
- 《余霞散成绮,澄江静如练.》什么意思|出处|翻译|用法例释
- 《余霞散成绮,澄江静如练.》什么意思|出处|翻译|用法例释
- 《余霞散成绮,澄江静如练.》原诗出处,译文,注释
- 《余靖·从政六箴》原文注释与译文
- 《余靖》原文注释与译文
- 《余靖劝阻重建佛塔》中学生破除迷信写作素材
- 《余音留不住,又逐过溪云》什么意思|全诗|出处|赏析
- 《余音绕梁》成语意思解释与出处|例句
- 《余音绕梁》释义与出处
- Metastatic句子
- Kimberlite句子
- Lepidopterous句子
- Lanceolate句子
- Pegmatite句子
- Abomasum句子
- Unthinkingly句子
- Scarfing句子
- Recondition句子
- Quango句子
- Source code句子
- High jinks句子
- Decker句子
- Academy award句子
- Gabriel句子