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单词 equalize
释义 Word family  noun equality ≠ inequality equal equalizer adjective equal ≠ unequal verb equalize equal adverb equally ≠ unequally  Related topics: Sporte·qual·ize (also equalise British English) /ˈiːkwəlaɪz/ verb  1  EQUAL[transitive] to make two or more things the same in size, value, amount etc 〔在大小、价值、数量等上〕使相等,使平等 We have tried to equalize the workload between the different teachers. 我们力求把工作量平均分配给各位老师。2  [intransitive] British EnglishDSSCORE to get a point in a game, so that you have the same number of points as your opponent 打成平局,扳平比分 England equalized ten minutes later. 英格兰队在十分钟后将比分扳平。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusequalize• We will assume that both countries continue to produce good 3, so that wages are equalized.• Where it is located is of course of no welfare significance if factor prices are equalized.• Manchester United were a goal down against Real Madrid when Bobby Charlton equalized.• Fourth, we should be cautious in assuming that factor prices are equalized.• If factor prices are equalized, each firm will have the same marginal costs.• Liverpool equalized in the last minute.• The Association of Women Teachers in New York fought to equalize male and female pay.• They claim that the prohibition in fact merely equalizes people's ability to pursue their own conception of the good.• The Legislature has failed again to equalize spending between rich and poor school districts.• Privatization would equalize that by eliminating any say city residents now have.• First, if factor prices are equalized, there is no incentive for factor movement.• Miners demanded a standard rate throughout the country to equalize wages.• Sheedy equalized with four minutes left, and Mountfield scored the winner in extra time.e·qual·ize verbChineseSyllable  the or more to Corpus two make things




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