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单词 gramophone
释义  Related topics: Recording, Furnituregram·o·phone /ˈɡræməfəʊn $ -foʊn/ noun [countable]  old-fashionedTCRDHF a record player 留声机,唱机Examples from the Corpusgramophone• A gramophone was playing a popular song.• Last fling for the analogue gramophone?• The dissemination of music by radio and gramophone record permeated the whole country and every social stratum.• At last she wound down like an old-fashioned gramophone and rolled on to her back on the grass feeling exhausted.• A novelty for the home crowd at reserve matches in 1924-25 was music from gramophone records broadcast through a loudspeaker.• John also began building up a collection of gramophone records.• Babyface, despite having fielded a record-tying 12 nominations, netted only a few of the tiny gramophones.Origin gramophone (1800-1900) phonogram “gramophone” ((19-20 centuries)), from phono- + -gramgram·o·phone nounChineseSyllable  record player Corpus a




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