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单词 inaudible
释义  in·au·di·ble /ɪnˈɔːdəbəl $ -ˈɒː-/ adjective  HEARtoo quiet to be heard 听不见的 OPP audible The noise of the wind made her cries inaudible. 风声盖过了她的叫喊声。► see thesaurus at quiet —inaudibly adverb ‘No, ’ she whispered, almost inaudibly. “不。”她声音轻得几乎听不见。 —inaudibility /ɪnˌɔːdəˈbɪləti $ -ˌɒː-/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusinaudible• In a cathedral the choir sounds magnificent, but the unfortunate parson may be inaudible.• Latowa came out of the shop with a dusky skinned Asiatic man, and the conversation was animated, if inaudible.• That they exist is something of a miracle, so one should not grumble that the lines are often inaudible.• This last she finally revealed with hanging head and in a voice all but inaudible.• Her voice was so faint, it was almost inaudible.• Three girls were singing something but their words were almost inaudible.• A condition of running it through the grounds was that it be made quite invisible and inaudible from the house.• Michael went bright red, and muttering something inaudible, he walked out of the room.• Above the kitchen chimney stack, the sky quavers on a high inaudible note.• Aunt Jessica let out an inaudible sigh.• Nick's voice was inaudible through the glass barrier.• The whistle is inaudible to most humans.• Dong's answer came in an almost inaudible·au·di·ble adjectiveChineseSyllable  too heard Corpus quiet be to




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