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单词 gramme
释义  Related topics: Measurementgramme /ɡræm/ noun [countable]  TMa British spelling of gram gram的英式拼法Examples from the Corpusgramme• The appellant was found in possession of 1.03 grammes of heroin.• Luckily this family all weighed in at over 15 grammes ... and that means enough fat to see them through the winter.• According to Politis, 200 grammes of dioxin have not been accounted for.• You are not allowed to bring pets into or 50 cigars; or 250 grammes of loose tobacco.• Two further quantities of heroin were found at his home, amounting to 26 grammes.• Escargots lay an average of one hundred eggs a year, giving a total weight of about 3.5 grammes.• The rest has been on average just over one gramme.• So I sold her ten grammes.gramme nounChinese  of a British spelling gram Corpus




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