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单词 melting pot
释义  ˈmelting pot noun [singular]  1  SAa place where people from different races, countries, or social classes come to live together 大熔炉〔指来自不同种族、国家或社会阶层的人生活在一起的地方〕 New York has always been a great melting pot. 纽约向来就是个大熔炉。2. MIXa situation or place in which many different ideas are discussed 大熔炉〔多种不同思想在一起被讨论的场面或地方〕3. in the melting pot British EnglishCONTINUE/NOT STOP an idea or situation that is still in the melting pot is likely to change 〔观念或情况〕仍在变化的,尚未最后定型的Examples from the Corpusmelting pot• America has been a melting pot since the beginning of European immigration.• But again they are an ancient group with ancestors back in the Carboniferous forest, a melting pot for plant evolution.• We are, as they say up north, a melting pot.• Paris remains a melting pot for fashion.• The two have worked together to produce a booming Sunbelt and a brisk new stirring of the ethnic melting pot.• Magic and medicine were often in the same melting pot.• The melting pot is attracting foreigners.ˈmelting pot nounChineseSyllable  where a countries, social races, people place Corpus different from classes or




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