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单词 gooseberry
释义  Related topics: Plants, Food, dishgoose·ber·ry /ˈɡʊzbəri, ˈɡuːz-, ˈɡuːs- $ ˈɡuːsberi/ noun (plural gooseberries) [countable]  1. HBPDFFa small round green fruit that grows on a bush and has a sour taste 醋栗2. be a gooseberry  (also play gooseberry British English) informalWITH to be with two people who are having a romantic relationship and who want to be alone together 当电灯泡〔指夹在想单独相处的情侣中间〕Examples from the Corpusgooseberry• Strongly flavoured with apricot, gooseberry and peach fruit, there is also a gloss of caramel.• Other new season good fruit buys are gooseberries, redcurrants and blackcurrants.• Grandad was the gardener and planted a lot of fruit trees, including gooseberry, blackcurrant, plum and loganberry for the jam-making.• One hundred years later there were 722 varieties of gooseberries and 171 gooseberry shows at which to exhibit them.• Give a little extra nitrogen to blackcurrants and cooking apples; extra potash to gooseberries and red and white currants.• Can you identify vanilla, gooseberries or blackcurrants for example?Origin gooseberry (1500-1600) Perhaps from goose + berrygoose·ber·ry nounChineseSyllable  fruit Corpus on a green grows small round that a




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