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单词 approximate
释义 Word family  noun approximation adjective approximate verb approximate adverb approximately  ap·prox·i·mate1 /əˈprɒksəmət $ əˈprɑːk-/ ●●○ W3 AWL adjective  APPROXIMATELYan approximate number, amount, or time is close to the exact number, amount etc, but could be a little bit more or less than it 大致的,大约的,大概的 SYN rough OPP exact What is the approximate number of students in each class? 每个班大致有多少学生? These percentages are only approximate. 这些百分比仅仅是近似值。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say rough rather than approximate: 在日常英语中,人们一般说rough,而不说approximateCan you give me a rough idea of how much it would cost? 你能告诉我这大概要花多少钱吗? 5 THESAURUS 词语辨析approximately more or less than a number or amount – used especially in technical or scientific contexts 大致,大约,大概〔尤用于科技文本〕The company had total revenues of approximately $2 million.该公司的总收益约有200万美元。The disease affects approximately 10% of the adult population.约有10%的成年人口患有这种疾病。about more or less than a number or amount. ‘About’ is the usual word to use in everyday English 大约,大概〔常用于日常英语〕It costs about $30 to get a visa.办理签证需大约30美元。There were about 50 people at the meeting.大约有50人参加了会议。roughly /ˈrʌfli/ about – used when you are trying to give someone a general idea of the size, amount, or number of something 大约,大概〔用于说明某物的大致尺寸或数量〕The two countries are roughly the same size.两国面积基本相同。Roughly how many miles do you travel a year?你每年的行程大约是多少英里?around about a number or time – used when you are guessing 大约〔用于估计数量、时间〕I’ll be there around 5 o'clock.我5点左右到那儿。The BBC broadcasts around 2,000 radio dramas every year.英国广播公司每年播出约2,000部广播剧。somewhere/something in the region of formal about – used with very large numbers or amounts 【正式】 大约,在…左右〔用于指很大的数或量〕Last year he earned something in the region of $60 million.去年他挣了约6,000万美元。or so informal about – used after a period of time, a number, or an amount 【非正式】 大约〔用于时间、数量之后〕The journey takes an hour or so.路上大约要花一小时。circa /ˈsɜːkə/ formal about – used with dates a long time ago in the past 【正式】 大约〔用于过去很久的日期前〕The house was built circa 1530.这房子大约建于1530年。or more used after a number or amount, when the total may be a lot more 甚至更多〔用于数量后〕A thirty-second commercial can cost £60,000 or more.一则30秒的广告可能要花费6万英镑,甚至更多。upwards of more than a number or amount 〔某一数量〕…以上The aircraft can carry upwards of 400 passengers.这种飞机可承载400多名乘客。5 —approximatelyadv The plane will be landing in approximately 20 minutes.飞机大约在20分钟后着陆。 How much do you think it will cost, approximately?你认为这大约要花多少钱?Examples from the Corpusapproximate• It is possible to make approximate allowance for backspace by releasing the source-machine off play-pause about one second late.• The weather forecaster does as he should: he attempts to give the approximate atmospheric conditions for the next few days.• The time ranges associated with these compositions are rather approximate, but are in general still perfectly valid.• The measurements are approximate, but I think they'll do.• The approximate cost of materials for the class should be around $25.• Not all old photographs are dated, but internal evidence may help to establish an approximate date.• The size of symbols indicates the approximate error associated with individual readings.• Approximate journey time to London is four hours.• A more successful variant is one for use with approximate quantities.• Our approximate time of arrival will be 10.30.• Please state on the form the approximate value of all your household goods.• An expert could give you the approximate value of the painting.ap·prox·i·mate2 /əˈprɒksɪmeɪt $ əˈprɑːk-/ AWL verb [intransitive, linking verb] formal  1  APPROXIMATELYto be close to a particular number 接近〔某数字〕approximate to This figure approximates to a quarter of the UK’s annual consumption. 这个数字接近英国年消耗量的四分之一。2  LIKE/SIMILARto be similar to but not exactly the same as something 类似,接近approximate to Your story only approximates to the real facts. 你所说的只是接近事实真相。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusapproximate• That approximated a factor analysis and is conceptually easier to explain.• The ultimate beauty of the Old Course is that it is not fair, and in that it approximates life.• Sunlight is absorbed by dark surface materials and heats the surface to temperatures that sometimes approximate normal room temperature on Earth.• It becomes critical that the algorithm or program approximates sufficiently, or disaster can occur Smart materials make the situation even worse.• Click on one that most closely approximates the deck you want to build.• For this reason concentrations of potentially interfering metal ions approximating the serum levels are used in the standards.• His snoring approximated the sound of a jet taking off.• It approximates to a miniature octavo book, while others in the Dolls' House library are more like reduced folios.• However, if review is drawn too broadly it will approximate to appeal on the merits.From Longman Business Dictionaryapproximateap‧prox‧i‧mate /əˈprɒksəmətəˈprɑːk-/ adjective an approximate amount or number is not exact, but is more or less correctan approximate calculation of the overall cost of the project —approximately adverbTravelling time from London is approximately 4 area of approximately 72 hectaresOrigin approximate1 (1400-1500) Late Latin past participle of approximare “to come near to”, from Latin ad- “to” + proximare “to come near”ap·prox·i·mate1 adjective →REGISTER1 →5 THESAURUS1ap·prox·i·mate2 verbChineseSyllable  amount, close approximate Business Corpus number, or is time to an




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