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单词 approving
释义 Word family  noun approval ≠ disapproval adjective approving ≠ disapproving approved verb approve ≠ disapprove adverb approvingly ≠ disapprovingly  ap·prov·ing /əˈpruːvɪŋ/ adjective  APPROVEshowing support or agreement for something 赞许的;赞成的 OPP disapprovingan approving nod/glance/smile etc 赞许的点头/一瞥/微笑等 —approvingly adverb She smiled approvingly at the child. 她对孩子赞许地笑笑。Examples from the Corpusapproving• He may not run to leather elbow patches, but during the Kincardine by-election, reports from several sides were very approving.• Alan Watkins, who was awaiting the arrival of the Chancellor himself, gave Amaranth his approving eye.• an approving look• Even the lady who stood on the corner handing out white feathers gave him an approving nod.• Not everyone was wholly approving of Wigg's activities in relation to Profumo - and indeed on many other matters.• Practice is interpreted as repetition, and feedback consists mainly of approving reactions from the teacher.• When Suor Eusebia saw me she greeted me with an approving smile.• Again she heard the boys' warm approving voices, voices that left her outside the heat of that dangerous approving nod/glance/smile etc• Even the lady who stood on the corner handing out white feathers gave him an approving nod.• When Suor Eusebia saw me she greeted me with an approving smile.ap·prov·ing adjectiveChineseSyllable  something Corpus agreement or for showing support




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