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单词 undress
释义 Word family  noun dress dresser dressing adjective dressed ≠ undressed dressy verb dress ≠ undress  un·dress1 /ʌnˈdres/ ●●○ verb [intransitive, transitive]  TAKE OFF CLOTHESto take your clothes off, or take someone else’s clothes off 脱去(…的)衣服 Matt undressed and got into bed. 马特脱掉衣服上了床。 Joe still needs an adult to undress him. 乔仍需要大人给他脱衣服。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say get undressed rather than undress: 在日常英语中,人们一般说 get undressed,而不说 undressYou can get undressed in here. 你可以在这里脱衣服。 →4  See picture of 见图 undressn THESAURUSundress/get undressed to take off all your clothes, especially before going to bed. Get undressed is the usual phrase to use in everyday EnglishShe got undressed and went to bed.Em felt uncomfortable undressing in front of other people.take something off/remove to remove a piece of clothing. Remove is more formal than take off'It’s warm in here, ' said Michael, taking off his jacket.Take your shoes off before you come in.Police officers told him to remove his clothes.strip (off) to take off all or some of your clothes – used especially when you do this quickly, when someone has ordered you to do it, or in a way that is deliberately sexually excitingBen stripped off and got into the shower.She stripped off her clothes and lay on the bed.The women in the club screamed and clapped as the male dancers began to strip.get changed to take off your clothes and put on different clothesThe boys ran up the stairs to get changed.I’ll be ready in a second, I just have to get changed.undo to open a piece of clothing that is fastenedHe started to undo his shirt.Amy was struggling to undo her belt.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusundress• Paul went into the bathroom to undress.• When she awoke, she was undressed.• Duane undressed and got under the blanket.• The women undressed and washed her, thickening the shadows with prayer.• Somebody must have undressed her the night before.• She urged him out of the chair, and when he was on his feet, she began to undress him.• Slowly she undressed, then rummaged for nightwear.Related topics: Clothes & fashionundress2 noun [uncountable]  formalDCTAKE OFF CLOTHES when you are wearing few or no clothes 衣不蔽体;裸体 Cindy was wandering about her room in a state of undress. 辛迪光着身子在房间里走来走去。Examples from the Corpusundress• In the meantime, women paraded back and forth in various stages of undress.• Men here, in various stages of undress, were pulling on outer clothing and armour.• In Por Tanssie, no one would have marched into a room uninvited in case the person inside was in a state of undress.• Inevitably they would be in an arrestable state of a state of undress• Next morning Clarissa was wandering about her bedroom in a state of undress, feeling miserable.• A group of revolutionary officers had been drinking and were in the room with her, some in a state of undress.• In Por Tanssie, no one would have marched into a room uninvited in case the person inside was in a state of undress.un·dress1 verb →REGISTER1 →n THESAURUS1undress2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  take someone take Corpus to clothes your off, or




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