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单词 unearned
释义 Word family  noun earner earnings adjective earned ≠ unearned verb earn  un·earned /ˌʌnˈɜːnd◂ $ -ˈɜːrnd◂/ adjective  unearned income money that you receive but did not earn by working 非劳动所得[收入]Examples from the Corpusunearned• Rounding up from 0.3871, the more exact figure, to 0.39 gave Craig an unearned bonus of I 1.07 votes.• Something shallow, unearned, but capable of putting you in thrall.• Kneading is an example of synergy, which theologically means the combination of personal effort with unearned grace.• Private productive property provides massive unearned income, and also frequently forms the basis of economic power.• Capital gains, dividends and other unearned income would not be taxed.• But the most striking anomaly of Labour's plans is the way it treats millionaires living off unearned income.• No cash, just credit cards, and a guaranteed unearned income.• What sparks their unexpected, unearned sympathy for us?• unearned sympathyun·earned adjectiveChineseSyllable  that Corpus money receive by did earn you not but




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