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单词 Godhead
释义  God·head /ˈɡɒdhed $ ˈɡɑːd-/ noun  the Godhead formalRR a word that Christians use to mean the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, who they consider to be one God in three parts 圣主,上帝〔指圣父、圣子和圣灵三位一体的上帝〕Examples from the CorpusGodhead• It seems to me to be both useless and presumptuous to attempt to pierce the incognito of the essential Godhead.• There is in the Godhead in heaven one who fully understands us and is there as our representative and our head.• The life of the Godhead is a life of mutual support and self-gift.• This is impossible without the Trinity, in which each person of the Godhead delights in the others.• They look at each other in mutual love and self-giving, a trinity yet together revealing the unity of the Godhead.• The Godhead, or at least Christology, then appears to be biased against women.Origin Godhead (1200-1300) god + -head “-hood”God·head nounChineseSyllable  to Christians mean that Corpus use a word




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