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单词 Q
释义  Related topics: Letters & punctuationQ, q /kjuː/ noun (plural Q’s, q’s) [countable, uncountable]  SLAthe 17th letter of the English alphabet 英语字母表的第十七个字母 → mind your p’s and q’s at mind2(23), → Q-tipExamples from the CorpusQ• Can Q get to Bishop before Bishop kills everyone?• Other things being equal, the level of investment will rise from Q to Q 1.• Bogwood with fungus Q I have a tank which has two pieces of bogwood in it.• Made from silk protein, it makes hair shine like glass. Q My hair is layered and very fly-away.• Starting with sunfish Q I would like to keep Pumpkinseed fish.• Tanganyikans in small tanks Q I plan to set up a tank for Tanganyikan cichlids.nQ., q. (also Q, q British English)ASK A QUESTIONthe written abbreviation of question / question 的书面缩写 ,问题 a Q and A session (=a time when people can ask questions and get answers) 问答时间 → FAQQ nounQ.Chinese  English the of the alphabet 17th letter Corpus




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