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单词 Explanatory
1. There are some explanatory notes at the end of the chapter.
2. See explanatory notes at the foot of this page.
3. There are explanatory notes with the diagram.
4. With respect to your enquiry, I enclose an explanatory leaflet.
5. There are explanatory notes at the end of each chapter.
6. There are explanatory notes at the back of the book.
7. The official prefixed an explanatory note to the list of statistics.
8. These statements are accompanied by a series of explanatory notes.
9. Empirical analysis is thus given an alternative explanatory methodology.
10. The information desk has maps and explanatory pamphlets.
11. The relevant explanatory variables are listed in Table 5.1.
12. The definitions of the other explanatory variables are obvious.
13. This should be annotated with explanatory notes for clarification.
14. In short, they have an explanatory rhetoric at their command.
15. Further, no one explanatory system is valid for dealing with all patients.
16. In a crucial explanatory passage the narrator tells us: This marks a great step in Lok's intellectual development.
17. A major factor with significant explanatory power for both participation and intensity is the leisure orientation of the consumer.
18. This is particularly useful for adding explanatory graphs to otherwise incomprehensible sets of figures before printing out.
19. Details of the Scheme are outlined in the explanatory leaflet which you will receive in due course.
20. But with no explanatory signposting from the director, his update becomes a source of irritation rather than enlightenment.
20. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
21. The Cord Maker comes complete with an explanatory instruction leaflet, containing suggestions for using the finished braids and cords.
22. Primary explanatory factors considered were birth weight, gestational age, gender, and treatment group.
23. In most cases of explanatory surveys it is perhaps less appropriate to speak of samples at all in the strict sense.
24. He ruffled the pages of the book to find the explanatory notes.
25. The photographs are excellent, clustered with captions after an explanatory essay, or in some cases a series of short essays.
26. In this chapter, I have sought to defend this concessive holist view by drawing attention to the explanatory interest underlying it.
27. Beginning with the phenomena of sense, and by the use of our explanatory framework, we form hypotheses about their causes.
28. A detailed case study approach is also called for by the nature of the explanatory variables that will be proposed.
29. Marxism's main flaw is its insistence on economics and the economic category of class as the one fundamental explanatory factor.
30. An obvious point, perhaps, but one that is sometimes overlooked for the sake of explanatory convenience.
1. There are some explanatory notes at the end of the chapter.
2. See explanatory notes at the foot of this page.
31. The distinction between descriptive research and explanatory research is often very blurred.
32. Fama also tested for changes in the model's explanatory power over time.
33. Explanatory sketches, diagrams, and photographs substitute for equations and help make up for lack of prior knowledge of other sciences.
34. Secondly, several explanatory variables were difficult to measure and were only measured at one point in time.
35. It is not in any case possible to pin a particular explanatory model to a specific political strategy or standpoint.
36. These lessons were contained in revisions to the constitution and in the explanatory legislation that codified its clauses.
37. The explanatory statement often takes the form of a letter from the financial advisers of the target and the bidder jointly.
38. But the confusion can be avoided if we treat unseen high-order rules for what they are, namely, as explanatory devices.
39. This more detailed and individualistic approach facilitates more accurate linkages between explanatory variables and the political behavior of gladiators.
40. Lest anything should not be understood, each scene was accompanied by an explanatory sentence in spidery yellow paint.
41. His master explanatory variable is market capitalism and his dependent variable is peasant rebellion.
42. Even within this explanatory framework, little useful understanding will be obtained without first studying the problem at many different levels.
43. His theory is then, relatively limited in its explanatory power.
44. The work characteristics and social support were more likely to have been misclassified than some of the other explanatory variables.
45. As the philosopher van Fraassen asks, what has explanatory power got to do with truth?
46. From this we put a major explanatory weight on the indigenous construction of human nature and emotions.
47. Graphics are generally more readable when explanatory variables are shown along a horizontal axis and outcome variables vertically.
48. Unfortunately, in a number of respects explanatory surveys failed to match up to the strict requirements of the logic required.
49. It's a striking example of the explanatory power of modern biology.
50. This is the beginning of an explanatory mechanism which elucidates the relationship between social and aesthetic spheres.
50. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
51. And as such they have no causal or explanatory power of their own.
52. We have already seen how the naive inductivist accounts for the explanatory and predictive power of science.
53. Nor would the dispute be of any great interest, because the explanatory role allotted to individual autonomy is so minimal.
54. It allows us to record the principal ideas, key concepts, competing explanatory theories and illustrations used. 5.
55. This classification is shown to be too restrictive to provide an explanatory analysis of all cases of reformulation in discourse.
56. Newton's physical theories, however, are a good example of how a scientific theory may be predictive as well as explanatory.
57. The images of human nature and society built into the explanatory paradigms which dominate school curricula and texts are inadequate.
58. The same explanatory variable set was used in the estimation.
59. A colourful explanatory leaflet is available from all national park outlets and most responsible mountain bike shops in the area.
60. The models may be extended to include observable explanatory variables and simultaneity can be allowed for as in econometric models.
61. What explanatory surveys require are cases which possess characteristics relevant to the problem of the research.
62. Artists who group together for financial reasons may choose a name which is no more explanatory than a number or numbers.
63. In marketing a sale of rather little-known works, too, there may be some explanatory text.
64. We would send a copy of our most recent edition with a short, explanatory letter.
65. I had also begun to keep a notebook in which I wrote details of my observations, complete with explanatory drawings.
66. In any case, shortage of profits is quite implausible as an explanatory factor.
67. To investigate relations between sets of possible explanatory factors and each outcome variable a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was used.
68. Only by comparing across the presence and absence of outcomes can the importance of explanatory factors be determined.
69. With hindsight this explanatory framework often seems inadequate, inappropriate, and inconsistent.
70. Again, new divisions within the labour process are seen as a crucial explanatory starting point.
71. Often, it deploys explanatory frameworks taken from traditional and egalitarian feminist psychology.
72. It should also serve as a warning against using the concept of social class in a crude explanatory manner.
73. We regard such a theory as providing us, as anthropologists, with a concept of useful explanatory power.
74. The response variable thus provides the proportions, and the explanatory variable the categories.
75. A central part of our view of individual agents is our conviction that there is an explanatory link between belief and action.
76. Consequently, the number of subjects varied when different explanatory variables were used.
77. As an example of the kinds of subtle relationships that exist among different explanatory factors, the Appendix reconsiders the 1976 data.
78. There are two kinds of connection between evolutionary theory and ethics: one normative, and one explanatory.
79. This is a serious weakness for causal analysis using any of these explanatory approaches.
80. What was the nature of this work, and what was the explanatory theory at its gut?
81. The number of relevant factors and their explanatory power changed between sub-periods.
82. The explanatory power of concepts can he enhanced if they are applied in contexts with which the comparativist is most familiar.
83. This explanatory leaflet provides a brief description of changes made to the original design since September 1978.
84. Darwin's theory is an example of a scientific theory which is chiefly explanatory.
85. Although we may in this way gain in explanatory capacity, there are several important disadvantages associated with a participant observation study.
86. Income, age and horizontal competition are important explanatory variables.
87. An added descriptive comment or explanatory note.
88. Additional explanatory text can also be included.
89. The concept was later seen to have explanatory power.
90. The editor is giving explanatory notes to the translation.
91. The document has two explanatory notes attached to it.
92. He interspersed the text with explanatory diagrams.
93. I added a brief explanatory comment to it.
94. Definition of terms is provided at Explanatory Note 2.
95. The subject may merit a brief explanatory note.
96. Acritical or explanatory note; a commentary.
97. This disposition is often used as an explanatory principle in biology and psychology.
98. Using the Implicit Association Test(IAT) and Stereotypic Explanatory Bias(SEB), the present study investigated college students' occupation-sex stereotype.
99. Without Chinese explanatory memorandum, the data recorded quickly with English is needed to check.
100. CAPTION line should be self explanatory ( that means title ).
101. When acceded to the personality traits of conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism, three aspects of systemize commitment has apparent additive explanatory effect on the variables.
102. Moreover, the explanatory prose is haphazard (and not infrequently wrong or incoherent -- for example, I cannot make heads or tails of the lead-in to the very first example,
103. Based on different learning theories, explanatory and communicant languages(talking) in science teaching have a respective aim, characteristic and different demand.
104. An electronic version, Eldred thought, with links to pictures and explanatory text, would make this nineteenth-century author's work come alive.
105. For details of Performance Fee, please refer to the Fund's Explanatory Memorandum .
106. This is a pattern that many websites have used for years—put some example or explanatory text inside the text box—but the developer always had to hack the code.
107. The sorrowful demeanour , the tremolo music, the long, explanatory , cumulative addresses, all were there.
108. Different dynamic-models based on diacritical investigation modes, intentions and analysis angles have divergent mechanism and explanatory functions.
109. Explanatory Undo is, generally , a much more pleasant feature than blind Undo.
110. Moreover ,[] supply shocks have a small but significant explanatory real exchange rate variations only in France.
111. Multiple regression models can accommodate many explanatory variables that may be correlated.
112. Place names and explanatory text are superimposed over objects seen through the viewer"s screen, and animated graphics show how some structures were built or destroyed."
113. This explanatory note seems to be closer to what is ment by the author.
114. The explanatory article in encyclopaedia is a kind of expository writing.
115. Forza 2's upgrade system is easy to understand, thanks to some explanatory text, simple statistics and benchmark tests.
116. The design mainly includes prolegomenon, on-site investigations records, design interpretation, budget explanatory notes, budgetary estimate chart and project illustration.
117. WPLS not only takes the advantage of PLS to extract most explanatory variables, but also improves generalization property through the weight of samples and SRM is achieved with interpretable model.
118. Dumbledore leaves Harry with an explanatory note in a basket in front of the Dursley home.
119. Annotation: The act or process of furnishing critical commentary or explanatory notes.
120. Because of the confused role time plays in quantum mechanics, the references and meanings of energy—time uncertainty relation are different in different explanatory contexts.
121. The landscape plan shall include an explanatory statement and drawings in 1:1000 scale or other appropriate scale outlining the landscape and visual mitigation measures.
122. A secondary, usually explanatory title, as of a literary work.
123. The software update alert in Figure 7-4 displays the main message in emphasized (bold) system font and the explanatory text in small system font.
124. Under the influence of the traditions of rational technology, of religion and philosophy and of the scientific theories, linguistics undergoes a period from being descriptive to beng explanatory.
125. In printing, the explanatory comment accompanying an illustration or diagram separated from the text.
126. The explanatory gap derives from the special character of phenomenal concepts.
127. To be quite fair, the phrase is by no means self - explanatory.
128. Shortly after, hysteria's explanatory powers would wane, overtaken by Sigmund Freud's notion of penis envy.
129. Please read the Explanatory Notes for the Application of Public Subscription Permit at Appendix before completing this application form.
130. Your finished project will consist of 15-30 photographs, and 1500-2000 words of explanatory text.
131. Physical containment is self - explanatory and encompasses several aspects of laboratory areas.
132. A diatropic contextual analysis indicates the actual contexts in which quantum gravity theory is proposed and the importance of explanatory contextual choices.
133. I don't have to worry about error codes because the exception has in it the explanatory text of what went wrong.
134. You can see from the explanatory text in Figure 15 and the accompanying root cause error message that the error is related to the queue manager Target_QM.
135. The author would like to thank Simon St. Laurent of O'Reilly and Associates for allowing you to use the first two code examples and the explanatory text for the different sorting algorithms.
136. However, the theory of demand and supply explains the law of economic development better, so it has more explanatory power and therefore is more vital.
137. Investment involves risks. Investors should refer to the Explanatory Memorandum of Standard Chartered Provident Plan for more detailed information on individual funds.
138. Philosophical theory is explanatory and interpretive in nature and has nothing to do with prediction.
139. The study shows that pragmatic principles have larger explanatory coverage to anaphor than syntactic stipulations.
140. For the problem of multicollinearity and the number of explanatory variables rather than practical issues, S.
140. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
141. There is no doubt that among Chomsky's syntax theories, Principles and Parameters Theory has been the most mature formal linguistics theory which has the largest explanatory power.
142. The following is an example configuration file, interspersed with explanatory text.
143. Investment involves risk. Past performance is no guarantee to future performance. Please refer to the Fund's Explanatory Memorandum for further details.
144. When TS 2 holds we say the explanatory variables are strictly exogenous.
145. It is expected that the present study will open up a new avenue to aesthetic study of music and enlarge the explanatory gamut of synesthetic metaphor and embodiment.
146. Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the Explanatory Memorandum before investing.
147. The cointegrating residual can be an important explanatory variable for both the conditional mean and the conditional variance and can describe the volatility accurately in spot and futures markets.
148. The remaining sections under the various comment statements should be self - explanatory.
149. Occasionally, he can add admonitory sex explanatory note for the picture that his suspects.
150. This , with an angry explanatory wave of her right arm.
151. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please refer to the Consolidated Explanatory Memorandum for further detail.
152. Now consider how accounts payable might enter as an additional explanatory variable.
153. The results showed that two-stage choice models, whose choice sets were endogenously decided, had very good explanatory power.
154. Explanatory memorandum to the Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive on certain legal aspects of electronic commerce in the internal market, 18 November 1998, COM(1998) 586 final.
155. For details of the Fund and risk of emerging markets, please refer to the Fund's Explanatory Memorandum.
156. At best, it is self - explanatory and saves you the long , tedious perusal of the operating manual.
157. Politics of Aristotle: With an Introduction, Two Prefatory Essays and Notes Critical and Explanatory ( Cambridge Library Collection - Classics ) , Volume 1 Introduction to the Politics.
158. A Text Annotation is used to add a box of explanatory text to a process model diagram.
159. In the end, when the experimental task is done, DASYLab provides integrated publishing tools to print the worksheet, graphic or numerical data displays, captions and explanatory text passages.
160. The revenues from public services are self - explanatory and raise few conceptual problems.




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