随便看 |
- take the lead (in doing something)
- take the lead in doing something
- take the lead in doing sth
- take the lid off
- take the lid off something
- take the lid off sth
- take the long view
- take the long view of
- take the long view (of something)
- take the long view of something
- take the long view of sth
- take the mickey
- take the mickey out of
- take the mickey out of sb
- take the mickey (out of somebody)
- take the mickey out of somebody
- take the moral high ground
- take the (moral) high road
- take the moral high road
- take the phone off the hook
- take the piss
- take the piss out of
- take the piss out of sb
- take the piss out of somebody
- take the piss (out of somebody/something)
- Be lacking in
- Musicologist
- Submit to
- Overdevelopment
- Self-contradictory
- Rede
- Presidium
- Overdid
- Lek
- Modern times
- 汉代的学校教育制度
- 汉代的官制
- 汉代的私学
- 汉代的科技
- 汉代经今古文之争
- 汉代绝句《日暮秋云阴》原文、注释、译文、赏析
- 汉代诗歌
- 汉代诗歌与地域文化
- 汉以来儒者一件大病痛,只是是古非今。今人见识、作为不如古人,此其大都。至于风会所宜,势极所变,礼义所起,自有今人精于古人处。二帝者,夏之古也。夏者,殷之古也。殷者,周之古也。其实制度文为三代不相祖述,而达者皆以为是。宋儒泥古,更不考古昔真伪,今世是非。只如祭祀一节,古人席地,不便于饮食,故尚簠簋笾豆,其器皆高。今祭古人用之,从其时也。子孙祭祖考只宜用祖考常用所宜,而簠簋笾豆是设,可乎?古者墓而不坟
- 汉儒杂道,宋儒隘道。宋儒自有宋儒局面,学者若入道,且休著宋儒横其胸中,只读六经、四书而体玩之,久久胸次自是不同。若看宋儒,先看濂溪、明道。
- 汉儒解诗的内容分类
- 汉光武帝
- 汉光武帝刘秀皇后郭圣通:无情岁月催人老,君恩尤在未成空
- 汉六年正月[1],封功臣.》鉴赏
- 汉兴,海内为一,开关梁[1],弛山泽之禁[2],是以富商大贾周流天下[3],交易之物莫不通,得其所欲,而徙豪杰诸侯强族于京师[4].》鉴赏
- Spatial句子
- Quintessential句子
- Escapade句子
- Escaped句子
- Hew句子
- Figment句子
- Circumvent句子
- Locution句子
- Colloquium句子
- Owing句子
- Nebula句子
- Celerity句子
- Amoral句子
- Amenity句子
- Kaiser句子