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单词 gentrification
释义  gen·tri·fi·ca·tion /ˌdʒentrɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ noun [uncountable]  CLASS IN SOCIETYa gradual process in which an area in bad condition where poor people live is changed by people with more money coming to live there and improving it 地区贵族化,旧区改造〔指破败地区因为有富人迁来居住而发生变化〕 —gentrify /ˈdʒentrɪfaɪ/ verb [transitive]Examples from the Corpusgentrification• Boy, could they use a little investment, a little gentrification.• The research findings endorse the view that non-family households in general and women in particular are important agents of gentrification.• The rising housing costs are a result of gentrification.• Have we really moved since the 1840s, when gentrification was seen as the only way to educate the masses?gen·tri·fi·ca·tion nounChineseSyllable  gradual in which an process in Corpus a area




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