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单词 impersonal
释义 Word family  noun person personality persona personage the personals personification personnel adjective personal ≠ impersonal personalized personable verb personalize personify adverb personally ≠ impersonally  Related topics: Grammarim·per·son·al /ɪmˈpɜːsənəl $ -ɜːr-/ adjective  1  UNFRIENDLYnot showing any feelings of sympathy, friendliness etc 没有人情味的;冷漠的 Business letters do not have to be impersonal and formal. 商业信函并非一定要刻板而缺乏人情味。 Sometimes she seems a very impersonal, even unkind, mother. 有时她看起来是一个非常冷漠的母亲,甚至有些刻薄。► see thesaurus at unfriendly2  PRIVATE/NON-GOVERNMENTa place or situation that is impersonal does not make people feel that they are important 〔地方或情况〕没有人情味的;冷淡的 I hate staying in hotels; they’re so impersonal. 我不喜欢住酒店,那里缺乏人情味。 a formal and impersonal style of management 一种刻板的、缺乏人情味的管理风格3. technicalSLG in grammar, an impersonal sentence or verb is one where the subject is represented by ‘it’ or ‘there’, as in the sentence ‘It rained all day’ 〔语法中〕非人称的,无人称的〔指句子或动词的主语是it或there,如 It rained all day〕 —impersonally adverbExamples from the Corpusimpersonal• Just signing your name on a Christmas card seems too impersonal.• The Church has been criticized for being too big and impersonal.• They just handed over the keys and walked out - it was all so impersonal.• Chid's letters are absolutely impersonal.• He was methodical, almost impersonal.• I had hoped that the cool impersonal air in the Saltine Motel Restaurant would bring me to my senses.• The house felt as if it had been converted to institutional use, someplace impersonal and chill.• The whole thing was conducted on an impersonal level.• I had no desire to work for a large, impersonal organization.• It was an impersonal system; it made no difference who you were, so long as you could master its rules.• Bawdiness has been toned down and feasting reduced to sadly impersonal uniformity.• There are fewer beautiful people out there who want to get up close and impersonal with·per·son·al adjectiveChineseSyllable  any showing feelings of etc not sympathy, Corpus friendliness




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