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单词 gainsay
释义  gain·say /ˌɡeɪnˈseɪ/ verb (past tense and past participle gainsaid /-ˈsed/) [transitive usually in negatives] formal  DISAGREEto say that something is not true, or to disagree with someone 否认;反驳;反对 SYN contradict No one dared to gainsay him. 没有人敢反驳他。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusgainsay• And who could gainsay either of them?• Few could gainsay that such growth poses an unprecedented challenge to mankind.• It may be very difficult to gainsay the claim.• Mr Smith's survival techniques are sound and I can not imagine that any accountant would gainsay them.Origin gainsay (1300-1400) gain- “against” ((13-16 centuries)) (from Old English gegn) + saygain·say verbChineseSyllable  true, that to say is something not Corpus




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