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单词 Accumulated
(1) Books are the ever-burning lamps of accumulated wisdom. 
(2) I seem to have accumulated a lot of books.
(3) By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.
(4) We have accumulated a great amount of evidence.
(5) Snow accumulated to a depth of five feet.
(6) Snow accumulated to a depth of 12 feet.
(7) Snow accumulated on the ground.
(8) During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.
(9) He accumulated a good library.
(10) We've accumulated so much rubbish over the years.
(11) Dirt had accumulated in the corners of the windows.
(12) The country had accumulated arrears of $80 million on loans of $400 million.
(13) The company said the debt was accumulated during its acquisition of nine individual businesses.
(14) It was amazing how much gunge had accumulated in the pipe.
(15) All his accumulated nervous agitation was discharged on Maud like a thunderbolt.
(16) A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room.
(17) Principles and rules have petrified with the accumulated weight of precedent.
(18) Whose job is it to clear the accumulated rainwater from the streets?
(19) It profited from their energy and their accumulated capital.
(20) As capital accumulated, the rate of return would fall.
(21) Pittsburgh also accumulated 11 points, going 5-2-1.
(22) Huge snowdrifts had accumulated on the airport's runways.
(23) Martin had accumulated $80,000 in debt.
(24) Their work, accumulated over millennia, could be seen everywhere.
(25) By then she had accumulated over two thousand hours.
(26) He had not taken a summer holiday that year but had accumulated the leave due him.
(27) In the course of the years many books had accumulated in the house.
(28) They have already made a start on collating and indexing all the paraphernalia that has accumulated over the years.
(29) Woodrow Wilson held them directly responsible for the First World War23 and his successors have accumulated a catalogue of complaints.
(30) Isaac bullied his way into second, a gear not made for the speed they had accumulated.
(1) I seem to have accumulated a lot of books.
(2) By investing wisely she accumulated a fortune.
(3) We have accumulated a great amount of evidence.
(4) Snow accumulated to a depth of five feet.
(5) Snow accumulated to a depth of 12 feet.
(6) Snow accumulated on the ground.
(7) During a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.
(8) All his accumulated nervous agitation was discharged on Maud like a thunderbolt.
(31) To deny the importance of the family as a source of care would be to ignore the accumulated evidence of several decades.
(32) Grumbold's will indicates that he accumulated considerable wealth, acquiring a substantial amount of leasehold property in Cambridge.
(33) The dairymen accumulated a war chest of $ 1 million, and spread half of it in congressional elections.
(34) During the three years he was in charge over £300 million in foreign debts were accumulated.
(35) Its purpose was to rectify an accumulated error between the solar and calendar years since the modifications introduced by Augustus.
(36) So many people had died during the siege either from wounds or illness that a considerable quantity of private stores had accumulated.
(37) The house where Victor lives with Dolly is cluttered with years of accumulated junk.
(38) Every available wall space was covered with graffiti and fervent slogans, or the accumulated remnants of countless religious posters.
(39) How fortunate it is that enthusiasts such as Col. Savill have accumulated a wealth of material illustrating the railway scene.
(40) Its accumulated knowledge will decay and the order it has imposed will vanish.
(41) The following sections describe a series of recent small mammal assemblages accumulated by known predators under known conditions.
(42) This is a percentage of the total borrowing requirement and, if you are carrying accumulated losses, can be considerably high.
(43) However, both the ideas and the practice have changed as experience has accumulated, with two particular issues dominating the debate.
(44) Two of three women with adenocarcinoma had accumulated more than 45 pack years each and one was also a heavy drinker.
(45) It finally cashed in its accumulated non-partisan capital in a campaign of truly massive proportions - the Peace Ballot of 1934-35.
(46) He concluded that a further £20,000 savings would have been accumulated by the age of 65.
(47) We infer that they accumulated during periods of accelerated soil erosion.
(48) The judges will have to pore over the 22 volumes of evidence already accumulated and hear the 66 witnesses for the prosecution.
(49) Even then they missed considerable stretches of gutter with accumulated dirt.
(50) They have accumulated over decades to become embedded in the fabric of institutions.
(50) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(51) Ideally the accumulated paint layers should be no thicker than the masking tape itself.
(52) There was enough accumulated wealth for the third Joseph Wright Alsop to pursue a life as country gentleman.
(53) With only one more Saturday before Christmas, the evidence had accumulated with a slow inevitability against Hebden.
(54) Where thick deposits of heat modified oil or fat have accumulated the judicious use of a scraper may be indicated.
(55) Supplies enough for surviving at least thirty days have to be accumulated and transported.
(56) His last two weeks as an employee will be spent using up accumulated vacation time.
(57) In spring melting snow releases pollutants; in autumn rain probably removes the acid accumulated during the summer.
(58) Britain has already accumulated enough nuclear waste to build 5,000 atom bombs.
(59) One of the main differences between predator assemblages and those accumulated by other means results from the activity pattern of the predator.
(60) These new entrepreneurs - the bourgeoisie-relied for their accumulated economic wealth on the ownership of machines and factories rather than upon land.
(61) I began slapping myself all over, trying to rid myself of the dust I had accumulated on the trip.
(62) By the late 1950s scientists had already accumulated enough evidence to show a clear link between smoking and cancer.
(63) Each of us is surrounded by layers of stuff, accumulated during decades of shopping.
(64) Small earthquakes occur continually but relieve only a negligible portion of the accumulated strain energy.
(65) A host of other falsifications were accumulated during the seventeenth century.
(66) This currency could be accumulated by holding, for example, the proceeds of foreign trade sold for foreign currency.
(67) The Raiders accumulated 553 yards of total offense, the most San Diego has allowed in franchise history.
(68) A sack of empty tins lay beside each aircraft: accumulated cookhouse waste.
(69) Finish this treatment by splashing your face with cool water to remove wastes accumulated on the surface of the skin.
(70) Everyone was living off tens of thousands of years of accumulated groundwater, like a spendthrift heir squandering his wealth.
(71) Workplace 2000 will make maximum use of that accumulated knowledge.
(72) Accumulated research over many years has shown that these traditional methods are not particularly effective.
(73) These companies and others, such as the Sun Fire Office(), through their accumulated resources became major sources of investment.
(74) Sand had accumulated at the mouth of the river and formed a bank which boats could not pass.
(75) If not, should precedence be given to new inputs or to the accumulated current state?
(76) The credit risk to the clearing house has now disappeared because accumulated losses are not allowed to build up.
(77) In these ways a considerable amount of knowledge of the landforms of the most explored regions has slowly accumulated.
(78) Data accumulated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics underscore this phenomenon.
(79) Add the chicken pieces and any juices that have accumulated.
(80) How could Spittals know exactly how much evidence she had accumulated against Hebden?
(81) These areas need developing, so entrepreneurs pump in investment: capital accumulated from the slave trade, sugar and cotton.
(82) The waste, accumulated over a 40-year period, will remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands of years.
(83) In this political economy, surplus value is accumulated by the state, not by individuals.
(84) The air is thick with dust, accumulated over years of not-remembering, years of not wanting to know.
(85) Hale accumulated enough names to suggest tribal acceptance despite the absence of every anti-treaty chief.
(86) The Club also owned the auditors £400 accumulated over a period.
(87) A fossil assemblage accumulated by a predator thus may not represent any single mammal community from any one habitat.
(88) The Special Branch had been watching him, and had accumulated an extensive dossier on his activities.
(89) All the real understanding of the Universe accumulated by Esotericism throughout the ages has come to man via the higher mental centre.
(90) Her cupboards were full of junk which she had accumulated over the years.
(91) The sum accumulated in this way was deposited in a reliably discreet Viennese bank.
(92) Only nations that reduce their budget deficits to 3 percent of gross domestic product and accumulated debt to 60 percent automatically qualify.
(93) Obviously, if collapse to a fullerene occurs before the cluster has accumulated 60 atoms, buckminsterfullerene can not be produced.
(94) Tolerant politics are based on habit, on accumulated readjustments and compromises over generations.
(95) At the same time remove any excess debris that has accumulated on the pond bottom.
(96) Watkins said he has accumulated more than $100,000 in legal bills.
(97) Tangible Assets and Depreciation Tangible assets are stated at cost or valuation less accumulated depreciation.
(98) He recently was tossed out of a game midway through the first period, having accumulated 37 PIMs.
(99) Within eight years he had fully repaid his creditors and accumulated a greater fortune than ever before.
(100) The real problem may be that your accumulated pension amounts are incorrect, Lipp said.
(101) Uh, for a comfortable retirement you should plan on having accumulated at least ten times your peak annual income.
(102) And these same people typically have accumulated or inherited no property resources.
(103) Migrant labor might even bring in small savings, accumulated on the road, to supplement some households' resources.
(104) These were taken by local retailers, who accumulated them for exchange against larger bills drawn on London.
(105) They are accumulated at the rate of about one hundred per genome per generation in mammals.
(106) As the deposits accumulated, they compacted into shales and sandstone.
(107) Yet the dissents accumulated weight and evidence until they threatened to destroy the credibility of science altogether.
(108) In 61 games, Laperriere accumulated 140 penalty minutes while getting four goals and 12 points.
(109) Sheffield has a very active Natural History Society, which has accumulated a good knowledge of this city's fauna.
(110) The accumulated fund represents the nominal value of the net assets of the Law Society valued at historic cost.
(111) Little piles of cartridges accumulated on the slab - there was nothing else whatever in any of the pockets.
(112) This meant he would occasionally cast in my direction the pearls of wisdom he had accumulated in nine months on the job.
(113) Portsmouth accumulated just 55 disciplinary points despite the added pressure of chasing twin honours.
(114) One of the strengths of organisations is the expertise that officials have accumulated over time.
(115) Lind's simple and logical process should have swept through medicine,[http:///accumulated.html] brushing aside the accumulated hocus-pocus of centuries.
(116) They do so by the communication of information which is learned and accumulated from one generation to another.
(117) These are accumulated over many years and may vigorously colour the way we respond to all kinds of situations today.
(118) The ash-fall was thick enough to darken the sky, and about half a centimetre accumulated on the ground.
(119) Evidence has accumulated that several autoimmune phenomena are present in ulcerative colitis patients.
(120) With the fury that had accumulated over the years I pulled up some onions and flung them at him.
(121) All my specialist knowledge, all that accumulated wisdom of the ages, would surely come in useful to some one.
(122) Layers of paint accumulated over centuries were carefully dry-scraped away to reveal the original colour, a greeny-grey blue.
(123) Pictures of the gold, diamond rings and expensive watches the two accumulated were shown in public anti-corruption exhibitions.
(124) As I soaked in the hot pool, I felt the weeks of accumulated tear-gas residue seeping out of my pores.
(125) During the morning the accumulated household junk had been stacked in piles beside the steps.
(126) Insert a card into the machine at the branch and you can discover exactly how many points you have accumulated.
(127) The vacation time you accumulated with your previous employer has to be honored, usually by that employer.
(128) His big hand wiped the small beads of sweat that had accumulated on his brow.
(129) On sterling balances, the pattern was one where some countries ran down their balances significantly, while others accumulated more.
(130) Lines of enquiry suggested themselves from reported material which had accumulated over the years on possible energy effects at ancient sites.
(131) Its conclusions were left to gather dust with all the commission reports and suggestions accumulated over the past thirty years.
(132) Income from an overseas bank deposit arises in the overseas accumulation trust and is validly accumulated.
(133) A great deal of evidence has accumulated to show that this has indeed been the case.
(134) Data thus accumulated are evaluated statistically using a quality control chart.
(135) Diagnoses are based on evidence accumulated about failure modes, operator observations of symptoms and historical records.
(136) I accumulated a roomful of documents and tape recordings.
(137) Introduces the accumulated error algorithm of forward neural network.
(138) Dead bodies of organisms also accumulated BHC.
(139) Good teaching quality is accumulated through well-conducted daily lessons.
(140) He accumulated wealth through illegal means.
(141) PartyPoints cannot be accumulated via blackjack.
(142) MLD RIT could increase the accumulated radiation dose.
(143) The collective wealth has been accumulated bit by bit.
(144) Exist at this stage to offset some of the cumulative voting system practices, such as the accumulated against such acts[Sentencedict], has resolutely cracked down.
(145) With their newly accumulated wealth, the country's residents cheerfully decorate about 90 million new homes each year.
(146) Not only is the current budget deficit at that tiny 2.8% of GDP, but the International Monetary Fund projects the country's accumulated gross debt at just 22% of 2010 GDP.
(147) The results of accumulated experiments indicate that Bassa incense belongs to the weak accumulating substance.
(148) Or, like me, you can go back and forth, alternatively scraping off the accumulated gunk and making yourself more accessible by taking on more of it.
(149) Corporation's earnings are accumulated separately from its paid - in equity capital.
(150) The accumulated bicarbonate in the vitreous causes increasingly alkaline conditions that precede activation of the kallikrein pathway, a component of the innate inflammatory response.
(151) He accumulated rapidly in support of the soundness of his conclusions.
(152) I am deeply touched by these young people, SIFE students enthusiastic, vibrant, they get down to the success of using the accumulated bit by bit to prove.
(153) Their accumulated foreign currency reserves of the 2000 s will help.
(154) Since the initial report of neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS) in 1960, lots of clinical data have been accumulated on the pathogenesis, manifestations and treatment of NMS.
(155) Studying such a kind of stability problem is more powerful for analysing whether there is an infinite amount of tokens accumulated in the timed event graph.
(156) Near anthesis, synergids formed filiform apparatus in which abundant calcium precipitates accumulated to prepare for attracting pollen tubes entering.
(157) By late summer a sufficient store of stone had accumulated, and then the building began, under the superintendence of the pigs.
(158) Conclusion Do our best to try to remove the accumulated water and sullage in these tyres before the first generation of larva emergercing in early spring.
(159) At the same time, the accumulated error of traverse measurement is effectively controlled by use of a gyro orientation system. Th...
(160) This had the effect of instantly deleting large portions of the savings and accumulated capital of private citizens.
(161) Distributions of accumulated income and capital gains are taxed at 45 %.
(162) The laborer, looking into it at evening, purifies his thoughts of the dross and earthiness which they have accumulated during the day.
(163) Use vinegar to remove accumulated and grime from the tracks of your shower doors.
(164) And plastics, including polystyrene, are common in the wads of accumulated undigested matter that young black-footed albatrosses cough up before they fledge, Henry says.
(165) During the marriage of the decedent and his first wife they had accumulated the farm and the livestock and implements involved.
(166) Plus mannitol to reduce its accumulated in the tubular cells.
(167) In order to improve the accuracy of integrated navigation system to a sub-pixel level, and to implement SM correction to INS accumulated error, a multi-point continuous correction method is presented.
(168) Although the gecko setae of each power generated negligible, but accumulated very substantial.
(169) They found that the acupoint electric stimulation has significant instant effect for improving athletes' speed-strength wh ile the accumulated effect is not obvious.
(170) In the past 20 years, the accumulated wealth in Wenzhou is closely related with over 3 million Wenzhou women.
(170) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(171) We removed the accumulated filth of years from it with a cloth - brush.
(172) In the event that the accumulated legal reserve equals or exceeds a Bank's paid-in capital, the foregoing provision shall not apply.
(173) It emphasizes that corporations should actively return their accumulated wealth to the society and contribute to public interests, so as to overcome their negative effects.
(174) Self-generated goodwill is the intangible resources accumulated in operation by a firm for which it need not make a lump sum payment and which enables it to obtain future excess profits.
(175) Lead deposits, which accumulated in soil and snow during the 1960s and 70s, were primarily the result of leaded gasoline emissions originating in the United States.
(176) School culture is never baseless. It has been accumulated during the historical process of school development.
(177) Based on an analysis of the accumulated data of the cosmic ray experiments, find that inelasticity K decrease with energy as 0.
(178) Comparison with existing voxel traversal algorithms shows that the new algorithm is not only free from accumulated error but also is the fastest.
(179) Differences in the size of eggs depend almost entirely on the amount of accumulated deutoplasm.
(180) Accumulated wealth is like honey One day it will be used by others.
(181) Tang: First of all, be clear that the past is a long-term debts accumulated.
(182) You can also lightly mist a natural basket and use a vegetable scrub brush or toothbrush to remove accumulated dirt and dust.
(183) Nietzsche is saying to the realists then that it's impossible to extract from our current awareness the sedimentations accumulated over millennia of previous animal as well as cultural experience.
(184) With a grab bag of devices accumulated over the eons, the brain pulls off the ultimate conjuring act: the subjective sense of I.
(185) But once it joined the risk - management game, Goldman steadily accumulated market nous.
(186) Conclusion: lactate acid was accumulated in anhepatic phase and still increased in earlier reperfusion phase.
(187) The results were, Nitrogen conversion efficiency in gaseous phase was improved by preheastment, thus the nitrogen residual in semicoke accumulated.
(188) Book value is an accounting concept, recording the accumulated financial input from both contributed capital and retained earnings.
(189) Remove the accumulated horny layer of skin and make dark and rough skin reply lustrous and transparent feeling.
(190) The allocation shall be suspended in the event that the accumulated fund amounts to 50% of the registered capital of the JV Company.
(191) The saline-alkali accumulated part can be distinguished from the transitional part of saline-alkali soil according to instantaneous amplitude of GPR record.
(192) Its longstanding problem of water scarcity in the north has been compounded by pollution, overuse and drought, to leave an accumulated deficit of more than 200 billion cubic meters.
(193) Glaciers are simply accumulated snow, packed densely into ice over thousands, even millions, of years.
(194) This protective effect of glucose may result from its ability to clear accumulated intracellular Acetyl Coenzyme A and to promote the Production of intracellular energy substances.
(195) Private capitalists in contrary to what was done in the advanced Western countries over hundreds of years did not have the chance to expropriate the accumulated state wealth then.
(196) The results show that the multiple current pulses appeared per half cycle due to the feedback electric field generated by charges accumulated on the dielectric surface.
(197) Retained earnings is an owners' equity account that represents accumulated earnings retained in the business.
(198) As a stored protein, vitellin is a major protein component accumulated in vitellus granules during the formation of ovotids. The protein plays an important role in the development of embryos.
(199) NYMEX -- and other U.S. exchanges where energy derivatives are traded -- set their own position limits. But traders are often exempted, and some have accumulated massive positions.
(200) However, air purification effect of green coverage ratio works as a form of dynamic, complex, delayed, and accumulated action[http://], which needs a longer-term for evaluation.
(201) These accumulated over time , along with personal experiences, to buttress 2 my own developing sense of values.
(202) They stand on their own accumulated faeces, which quickly become disease - ridden.
(203) With the development of cancer radiation therapy technology, radiobiology and radiation physics, a lot of data on radiation oncology has been accumulated.
(204) And some developing countries always use government debts as capital resource Thus fiscal deficits are accumulated.
(205) Costs are accumulated by department or process and are summarized in a cost of production report.
(206) Yinfenghua Bags Factory, since first established, has being worked hard with the business philosophy of "customer satisfaction is the goal to pursue", accumulated wealth for the current business.
(207) The process of suggested variables selection method is simple, and the accumulated error is smaller than that of partial least-squares regression.
(208) 'The domestic producers have accumulated surplus profits to give them a huge cushion for 2009 and beyond, ' he testified.
(209) Following the development of the corm, starch was accumulated progressively.
(210) Yellow Agate : It is the role of Lucky and accumulated wealth.
(211) Zhenghai businessmen, backbone of Ningbo Confraternity, have accumulated rich experience of management in business establishment.
(212) Agricultural economy history is long, agrarian civilization is accumulated deep.
(213) Transactions accumulated as a batch ready for processing against the master file.
(214) You can request for payment once you're account balance is the minimum amount accumulated.
(215) Measures as follow ought to be taken:shareholders and directors' abiding the Principle of honesty and credit, taking accumulated vote system, shareholders' taking the subrogate right of action.
(216) Note that we return the accumulated value when the counter i reaches 1. (We're ignoring invalid negative integers.
(217) Springback occurs when sheet undergoes deformation, the accumulated error of forming simulation will make it more difficult to improve theprecision of the springback prediction.
(218) You could make deposits by entering them in the correct cell of the spreadsheet, and see the current balance and accumulated interest in another cell.
(219) This is a metropolis with long history, with thousands of years of accumulated charm hidden in the defective red walls, in the dark alleys, and in every enthusiastic Pekingese.
(220) Properties, machinery and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and any impairment losses.
(221) Sick leave is a form of insurance that is accumulated in order to provide a cushion for incapacitation due to illness.
(222) The heavy snow got down one day of one night of 3 hour, the pinery , wilderness, the marsh land accumulated the thick snow.
(223) On the other hand, the study of the large amount of documents accumulated in china on the theory of games, is still of reference value to the development of the theory of games.
(224) Note that we return the accumulated value when the counter i reaches 1.
(225) Calcareous sediments accumulated on a sea floor and eventually were compacted and cemented to form limestone.
(226) Stiffness and soreness after prolonged heavy exercise are due to accumulated lactic acid in the muscles.
(227) Then using the matrix, the accumulated generated grey exponential law about the sequence is proved.
(228) Such damages may be accumulated with damages (if any) payable under article 10.1, but can in no case exceed in the aggregate 5% of the price of those goods.
(229) The suspended rod may have conducted forces accumulated in the capstone.
(230) The accumulated solar UV data, solar UV-spectrum in Guangzhou area, and UV-spectrum of artificial lamp as sunshine carbon arc, UV carbon arc, xenon arc etc were analyzed.
(231) Having struggled in commercial seamanship for several years, he has accumulated much wealth.
(232) Mother would count out to her a bag of laundry that had accumulated over several weeks.
(233) The strong results in 2008 due to an accumulated backlog of orders.
(234) Thus the mechanochemistry effect remarkably occurs have to make the grinding accumulated to the certain degree, in other words, the plastic deformation happens.
(235) Corporations'earnings accumulated separately from its paid - in equity capital.
(236) The top limit of accumulated payment for the employee in a year is set at about 4 times of the average salary of all employees in this city in previous year.
(237) At the same time, the accumulated error of traverse measurement is effectively controlled by use of a gyro orientation system.
(238) The company possesses a group of high-quality, young and strong engineering technicians and executives and has accumulated abundant experiences in the development of decelerator .
(239) RESUTLS : An accumulated weighted algorithm combining the clinical drug consumption could maximally simulate actual human operation.
(240) Heir to the throne Prince Charles paid off a family debt incurred more than 350 years ago—but was spared the accumulated interest that could have run into tens of thousands of pounds.
(241) Encountered in the real estate industry, financial bottlenecks, the Chinese people are in the economic development in the accumulated wealth.
(242) To find work, attention should be paid to the individual capital accumulated.
(243) The parameters such as the sea area at spring tide time, the area of tidal zone, and the accumulated current flux are obtained.
(244) When it accumulated to a higher degree, the specimen began to shear and dilate after a short time of strain hardening.
(245) The cost of a plant asset minus the total recorded depreciation, as shown by the Accumulated Depreciation account. The remaining undepreciated cost is also known as carrying value.
(246) They have also got splendent achievement in the field of sports. They have accumulated a wealth of experience of combining athletics with the Institutes of Physical Education.
(247) The accumulated error of SINS can be fixed by the Zero Velocity Update (ZUPT) technology effectively without any auxiliary system.
(248) Because Hui Warehouse accumulated a large amount of wealth, the funds flow became the author's focus.
(249) Accumulated Depletion is a contra - asset account similar to the Accumulated Depreciation account.
(250) But life experience and accumulated wisdom can help offset normal brain decline and compensate for slowed retrieval time.
(251) NDS spokesman Lutfullah Mashal said insurgents had accumulated weapons near Kabul in order to attack the airport.
(252) The coarse sediments have generally accumulated along the continental margins.
(253) The financial risks that have been accumulated for many years are being mitigated.
(254) Do too many of the best and brightest — and above all, richest — Chinese dream of packing up their accumulated capital, and going to live abroad?
(255) There is no theoretical objection to crediting an accumulated amortization account rather than the intangible asset account, but this method is seldom encountered in practice.
(256) This form has also accumulated in the subsurface horizons of many soils in humid regions.
(257) Choosing the stock resources through market after entering into WTO is the final aim to perfect the way of IPO, which must be accumulated stage by stage.
(258) A lot of starch grains were accumulated in the chloroplasts of parenchymatous cells when the proto corms grew up and the starch grains were decomposed during the process of morphogenesis.
(259) The authors believe that water accumulated on the surface of adhesion bridge neck from the sand-resin surface and atmosphere is a very factor to hot cracking tendency of resin coated sand.
(260) As agriculture became more productive, populations increased , villages grew into cities and cities grew into empires with great palaces and temples and accumulated wealth.
(261) Book value represents the cost of the asset minus the accumulated depreciation.
(262) The brown coarsely granular material in macrophages in this alveolus is hemosiderin that has accumulated as a result of the breakdown of RBC's and release of the iron in heme.
(263) Chloroquine, and other basic drugs and dyes are accumulated very considerably.
(264) The abortive seeds only accumulated abscises acid, which caused the abortion and inactivation.
(265) Prictical books are the ever-burning lamps of the accumulated wealth! ! !
(266) This paper dealt with the developmental temperature and effective accumulated temperature of different stage and whole generation of Longan psyllid.




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