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单词 Contraception
1) A lot of couples now practise contraception.
2) They offer impartial advice on contraception.
3) With today's more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.
4) They never used any contraception.
5) The pill is a popular method of contraception.
6) What is the most reliable form/method of contraception?
7) The law allows doctors to prescribe contraception to the under 16s.
8) They give free advice on contraception at the family planning clinic.
9) Women's groups are calling for free contraception and abortion on demand.
10) Contraception is a very controversial subject even among Christians.
11) We were really careful and used contraception.
12) I didn't use any contraception.
13) Few had discussed contraception with their boyfriends.
14) This mechanism suggests a novel form of contraception.
15) We also have contraception and fertility technology.
16) The clinic offers free advice on contraception.
17) Do teenagers know enough about safe sex and contraception?
18) Mum told me about the various forms of contraception but apart from that we didn't really talk about it.
19) Better contraception does not necessarily mean lower fertility,[http:///contraception.html] although it should mean less unwanted fertility.
20) Despite the myths about reproduction and contraception, contraceptive use has increased significantly in recent years.
21) She is known to have liberal views on divorce and contraception.
22) There have been repeated calls for the president to moderate his stance on contraception.
23) The effect of smoking was most apparent in those who had never used oral contraception.
24) Better safe than sorry That's the philosophy of modern contraception.
25) The National Fertility Survey found that out of the total of women using contraception, 52.5% had been sterilized.
26) The reason for this is an extensive use of reliable contraception.
27) Doctors attempted to remain firmly in control of advice on contraception, and advocates of its use were generally coolly received.
28) Parents complained that teachers were leading students astray by discussing contraception and abortion in the classroom.
29) In countries around the Catholic world, Church officials have capitalized on local circumstances to Slow the spread of artificial contraception.
30) So talk to your doctor, midwife or health visitor, or your family planning clinic, about contraception.
1) A lot of couples now practise contraception.
2) They offer impartial advice on contraception.
3) She is known to have liberal views on divorce and contraception.
4) With today's more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers.
31) But this was nothing new - the Church had long objected to all artificial methods of contraception.
32) He has escaped lightly from other brushes with the law, and from politically incorrect condemnations of homosexuality, feminism and contraception.
33) Opposition to contraception is often reinforced by religious teachings and the fear that contraceptives will encourage wives to be unfaithful.
34) Most men consider them an unnecessary expense[http://], if they consider them at all; contraception is a women's issue.
35) Lots of young couples do not use contraception on their first time, and many do not use it at all.
36) Thus attention must be given to male motives for using contraception.
37) If you're not pregnant, ask a doctor about reliable methods of contraception. 5.
38) But it takes two to get pregnant, and it is just as important to educate boys about contraception.
39) The pill is one of the most effective methods of contraception.
40) The most successful advertising campaigns have targeted cultural stereotypes by associating contraception with virility.
41) But, in a speech to students at Oxford University she also reiterated her opposition to contraception.
42) The work provided the foundation for the vaginal use of gels containing organic mercurial compounds as aids to contraception.
43) Men don't get pregnant, therefore men don't bother about contraception.
44) Barrier contraception has been shown to reduce the risk of transmission.
45) As was the case with the problems of contraception and abortion, prevention campaigns tend to be short-lived.
46) Obviously, the effective use of contraception precludes short birth intervals.
47) It seemed to be the perfect solution - contraception without constraining the fountain of male pleasure.
48) There are no hangups on sexuality, no bans on contraception, and very few barriers to changing behavior.
49) In fact, the only social folly I committed was to pretend I understood about contraception.
50) There have been inconclusive results from school-based clinic programs that provide contraception without a broader educational backdrop.
51) One quarter of the former but 85 percent of the latter had discontinued contraception eighteen months after initial use.
52) They did not eat meat on Fridays or practice artificial contraception.
53) It is easier now to prevent pregnancy through contraception, and to terminate it through abortion.
54) Only a third of 13 and 14-year-olds said they had received facts on contraception.
55) Anything that inhibits ovulation - eg, pregnancy or oral contraception - reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.
56) As unwanted pregnancies can so easily be avoided by abortion and contraception, why is illegitimacy now so high?
57) There was no form of contraception and many women would spend their entire adult lives pregnant and would probably die in child-birth.
58) An example of this can be taken from the recent contraception controversy in the Republic, which began in the 1960s.
59) In one survey, 83 percent of the younger girls never, used contraception or used it sporadically.
60) And because artificial contraception caused such a separation, it was inherently sinful.
61) The family planning boom Today there are more women using modern contraception than ever before.
62) Attention will be oriented to the imagery and assumptions about reproductive physiology on which methods of contraception and their evaluation are based.
63) Male resistance to contraception, where it exists, is also linked to the sensitive issue of authority within the household.
64) If you would like advice on contraception, talk to your doctor or local family planning clinic.
64) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
65) Could the real purpose of Sandra's visit to the doctor's be to fix her up with contraception?
66) There was no instruction on contraception in medical school; many doctors knew less than their patients.
67) Since having their babies, most were using contraception, generally in the form of the Pill.
68) And youngsters are reluctant to consult their family doctor on contraception because they don't trust them.
69) An earlier fatwa, handed down in 1964, elucidates the context in which the issue of contraception has been re-evaluated.
70) Contraception Birth control by prevention of conception or impregnation.
71) Nursing baby is no substitute for contraception.
72) to give advice about contraception.
73) Contraception birth control by prevention of conception or impregnation.
74) In poor regions rate of contraception should be raised.
75) Many forms of oral contraception use a synthetic progesterone.
76) As a method of contraception, male condoms have the advantage of being inexpensive, easy to use, having few side-effects, and of offering protection against sexually transmitted diseases.
77) Margaret Sanger is the mother of modern contraception and the founder of Planned Parenthood.
78) Here, contraception has become an officially proclaimed nation - wide public program.
79) Contraception is still a controversial issue in this part of the world.
80) Ovulation calendar helps you to use the natural contraception method.
81) " Margaret Sanger, who courageously pioneered the cause of birth control, icily promoted contraception "to be used in poverty-stricken slums, jungles and among the most ignorant people.
82) The reasons of discontinuous use for condom and withdraw, oral contraceptive, and safe period were unsatisfied, less access, and failure of contraception respectively.
83) If the egg is fertilized, the placenta produces progesterone, whose effects include preparing the mammary glands for lactation. Many forms of oral contraception use a synthetic progesterone.
84) I was involved in an extremely good example of oral contraception two weeks ago.
85) Objective To observe the effects of mifepristone on postcoital contraception and find out the minimum effective dose , the effect on menstrual cycle, side effects and the treatment acceptability.
86) Intrauterine devices ( IUDs ) are safe and effective forms of long - term reversible contraception.
87) Many Chinese people, especially those in less-developed parts of the country, still rely on withdrawal or the rhythm method for contraception.
88) Contraception facilitates nonmarital sex, and one method of contraception—the condom—because of its dual use as a preventive of venereal infection, facilitates homosexual sex.
89) Placing intrauterine device(IUD) is one of the primary contraception for women in the child-bearing age, while bleeding after IUD placement is the main side effect.
90) The results of histological and ultrastructural observations on testes and epididymides in 12 rhesus monkeys after vasectomy and contraception with intravasal filtration device were reported.
91) Conclusion:The tubal ligation is better than take anticonceptive orally when choosing the way of contraception .
92) Couples who practice the rhythm method of contraception have to keep this fact well in mind.
93) More than two million American women use DMPA, including approximately 400,000 teens, and more than 11 million use oral contraception.
94) She was 26 when she had her tubal ligation, and when I asked why she'd chosen irreversible contraception at such a young age—she's married,[] what if she and her husband change their minds?
95) The most common methods for contraception are: condom, intra-uterine device (IUD), and oral contraceptives.
96) The heart of the apostolate of every pro-life worker should be a weekly Eucharistic holy hour dedicated specifically to the end of contraception, abortion and euthanasia throughout the world.
97) Objective To determine whether serum estradiol (E2) level was low after Depot-medroxyprogesterone (DMPA) induced amenorrhea for contraception, thus to evaluate the safety of using DMPA.
98) The drug label already features a boxed warning stating that leflunomide is contraindicated for pregnant women and for women of childbearing potential not using reliable contraception.
99) Conclusion: The risk factors of repeated ectopic pregnancy include salpingitis; the treatment of the first ectopic pregnancy, no contraception and contraception occasionally.
100) She contended that use of artificial contraception could increase a women's health risks and said they would fare better using natural family planning methods approved by the church.
101) About 38.9% didn't know what was female's reproductive structure, 46.2%, 55.3% didn't know what was contraception and what was STD.
102) Precautions: This product can not be used to venereal disease or conduct contraception during sexual life.
103) The inactivation of sperm acrosin by proteinase inhibitors is a way for contraception at themoment.
104) Objective: To study the feasibility and optimal regimen of oral low dose gossypol acetate (GA) combined with methyltestosterone (MT) plus ethinyl estradiol (EE) for contraception in male rats.
105) But contraception, induced abortion, sterilization technologies touch off a firestorm of debate about ethics.
106) Since its introduction in the early 1960s, more than 300 million women are thought to have used oral contraception, often for prolonged periods.
107) Contraception a easy topic . The appearance of Kanropo a relax topic.
108) The great judicial reforms concerning the rights of women and family law (divorce, contraception, sexual relationships outside marriage, etc.) had been made between 1965 and 1967.
109) Article 19 Contraception shall play a main role in family planning.
110) It's also possible to use combination birth control pills or ParaGard — an intrauterine device — for emergency contraception.
111) The answer from Paul VI is no. Not only no, but absolutely no. Reaffirming the absolute prohibition against any, quote, "artificial, " unquote, form of contraception.
112) They found that, women who had taken oral contraception at some point in their lives had a lower risk of death from any cause compared with those who had never taken the pill.
113) Most of these women are between the ages of 40 and 50 years and are still candidates for oral contraception.
114) Mirena, the progestogen coil, is the Rolls-Royce of contraception for women this age.
115) Objective:To observe the effect of mifepristone(RU 486 )on restraining the follicle developing and ovulation with histology method and to explore the mechanism of contraception.
116) I once stumbled on a two-line statement in an institute report that said its scientists are working on an "immunological approach to contraception."
117) They are charged higher premiums for health insurance yet still have greater out-of-pocket expenses for things as basic as contraception and maternity care.
118) Current or recent use of oral contraception also may protect against colorectal cancer in the short term (18% decrease in risk).
119) While advocating family planning, China has mainly focused on contraception.
120) Objective To assess the efficacy, safety on compound mifepristone with misoprostol for emergent contraception in luteal phase.
121) Hormonal Contraception and False - Positive Cervical Cytology: Is There an Association?
122) About 80% of healthy, fertile women are able to conceive within one year if they have intercourse regularly without contraception.
123) No one had fought harder to make contraception available to all women than the country's most outspoken birth control advocate, Margaret Sanger.
124) A woman who does not want a child, but has engaged in coitus without using any contraceptive method, or who knows that her method has failed, can still use "post- coital contraception".
125) China leads the world in the research on male contraception techniques, some of which have been listed as the ones to be promoted by the World Association of Voluntary Surgical Contraception (AVSC).
126) The study indicates that, not only does oral contraception not increase risk for disease or death, but it may provide some protection and even increase longevity for women.
127) Another focus of her studies is if the type of relationship has an influence on the type of contraception used, whether it is a serious boyfriend-girlfriend relationship or a random hook-up.
128) I must pause for one fast second and say a fast word about oral contraception.
128) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
129) What, there's a double standard in terms of parents providing contraception to their kids?
130) Sterilization: Any surgical procedure intended to end fertility permanently ( see contraception ) .
131) His report suggests that older women might consider other forms of contraception.
132) If use of contraception goes against your values, you might consider talking to your teen about natural family planning, which involves abstaining from sex during a woman's most fertile days.
133) "Male contraception is a critical area, " said Jenny Sorensen, a foundation spokeswoman. "It doesn't make sense to not include everyone in the discussion."
134) Countless adjustments over the past 30 years have created a mind-bogglingly complex system that touches on everything from contraception and sterilisation to pensions and tax incentives.
135) A total of 19% believe the "withdrawal method" is an effective contraception.
136) No. Emergency contraception, also called "the morning after pill", only protects against unwanted pregnancy. It does not protect you from HIV/AIDS or any other STD.




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