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单词 fundraiser
释义  fund·rais·er /ˈfʌudˌreɪzə $ -ər/ noun [countable]  1. someone who collects money for a charity, political party etc, for example by arranging social events that people pay to attend 募集资金者,筹款者2. an event that is organized to collect money for a charity, political party etc 募捐活动,筹款活动,募捐会Examples from the Corpusfundraiser• Neither Wilson nor Philip Morris mentioned the 1990 fundraiser in their campaign finance reports.• As well as teaching, Pauline has been a very active fundraiser at local and national levels.• Some leaders of these organizations have held Buchanan fundraisers, collected petitions for Buchanan and spoken at state Reform Party meetings.• Second, most face-to-face fundraisers are young people themselves.• Colleagues rally round to help Ann KIND-HEARTED fundraisers pulled out all the stops to donate more than £1,500 to a very ill colleague.• The mistress, political fundraiser Linda Jones, was granted a pardon, too.From Longman Business Dictionaryfundraiserfund‧rais‧er /ˈfʌndˌreɪzə-ər/ noun [countable]FINANCE a person or event that collects money for a political party, CHARITY etcHe worked in the past as a fundraiser for the Institute of Contemporary Arts.The First Lady is scheduled to attend three fundraisers this·rais·er nounChineseSyllable  someone money a for who political party collects Corpus Business charity, etc,




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