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单词 picturesque
释义 Word family  noun picture adjective pictorial picturesque verb picture  pic·tur·esque /ˌpɪktʃəˈresk◂/ ●○○ adjective  1  BEAUTIFUL/GOOD-LOOKINGa picturesque place is pretty and interesting in an old-fashioned way 〔地方〕美丽的,古雅的,风景如画的 a quiet fishing village with a picturesque harbour 拥有一座美丽港口的宁静渔村► see thesaurus at beautiful2  INTERESTINGpicturesque language uses unusual, interesting, or sometimes rude words to describe something 〔语言〕生动的,形象化的,绘声绘色的 a picturesque account of his trip to New York 对他纽约之行绘声绘色的描述Examples from the Corpuspicturesque• Gordon's picturesque account of the battle• It is undoubtedly one of the most picturesque and idyllically situated working sites in the county, if not the country.• Conwy Town is a picturesque and richly historic touring centre.• At the time, Dorset was beginning the transition from picturesque dairy country to affluent summer artist colony.• We visited the picturesque fishing village of Lochinver.• It has no regional or picturesque name.• He rents a small house in the picturesque old quarter of town.• A picturesque spot with well laid out gardens and leisure centre.• Under a pear tree in the far comer of the orchard was a picturesque timber built shed.• the picturesque town of Montereypic·tur·esque adjectiveChineseSyllable  pretty old-fashioned place a and an interesting in picturesque Corpus is




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