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单词 provide
释义 Word family  noun provider provision provisions adjective provisional verb provide provision adverb provisionally  pro·vide /prəˈvaɪd/ ●●● S1 W1 verb [transitive]  1  PROVIDEto give something to someone or make it available to them, because they need it or want it 提供,供应,供给 → provision Tea and biscuits will be provided. 有茶水和饼干供应。provide something for somebody The hotel provides a shoe-cleaning service for guests. 该宾馆为客人提供擦鞋服务。provide somebody with something The project is designed to provide young people with work. 该计划旨在为年轻人提供工作。5 ► Don’t say ‘provide someone something’. Say provide someone with something。不要说 ‘provide someone something’. 而要说 provide someone with something。2  REASONto produce something useful as a result 产生〔有益的结果〕;制造,提供〔机会〕 We are hoping the enquiry will provide an explanation for the accident. 我们希望调查可以为事故的原因提供解释。provide somebody with something The search provided the police with several vital clues. 搜查为警方提供了一些重要线索。3. provide that formalSCL if a law or rule provides that something must happen, it states that it must happen 〔法律或规章〕规定4 provide against something phrasal verb formal PLANto make plans in order to deal with a bad situation that might happen 预防,防备,防止 Health insurance will provide against loss of income if you become ill. 生病的时候,健康保险可以避免收入损失。5 provide for somebody/something phrasal verb a) GIVEPAY FORto give someone the things they need to live, such as money, food etc 供养,抚养 Without work, how can I provide for my children? 没有工作,我如何抚养孩子?b) formalSCL if a law, rule, or plan provides for something, it states that something will be done and makes it possible for it to be done 〔法律、规章或计划〕规定,使可能 The new constitution provides for a 650-seat legislature. 新宪法规定立法机构有650个席位。c) formalPLAN to make plans in order to deal with something that might happen in the future 为…做准备,防备 Commanders failed to provide for an attack by sea. 指挥官们没能做好海上袭击的防备。n GRAMMAR: Patterns with provide• You provide something for someone: We provide information for parents.• You provide someone with something: We provide parents with information. ✗Don’t say: We provide parents information.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusprovide• Liz's painful story provides a clear example of the dangers of drug abuse.• His despairing tackle merely provided an easy far-post chance for Artak Minasyan.• Yet a link was sometimes provided by music, where the cathedral organist was involved with diocesan music festivals and other events.• Your bank should be able to provide financial advice.• Petrographic descriptions have been provided for core plugs from five wells.• Free parking is provided for hotel guests.• He told the rancher he wanted a place where he could develop as an artist, and Shipp provided it.• The university should provide more facilities for disabled students.• Most of these ideas are ill-founded, some are downright harmful, and a few actually provide some relief.• The Labour party believes in service and in spending money wisely on providing that service.• Game theory provides the appropriate vehicle of study.• The money will be used to provide the school with new computer equipment.• Unfortunately, public affairs do not provide this degree of predetermination and control.provide somebody with something• Even a cigarette butt could provide investigators with clues about what happened.• Someone had provided the reporters with photographs.From Longman Business Dictionaryprovidepro‧vide /prəˈvaɪd/ verb [transitive]1to give someone what they need, or to make sure they get itThe World Bank is providing funding for the project.provide somebody with somethingOur computerised information service can provide busy managers with all the information they need.The deal will provide Rolls-Royce with work for the next five years.provide something for/to somebodyThe agreement provided guarantees for union members when layoffs are considered.2to produce a useful result, opportunity etcWe are hoping the enquiry will provide an explanation for the accident.3provide that formalLAW if a law or rule provides that something must happen, it states that it must happenThe Companies Act provides that the consent of shareholders is required for the sale of assets valued at £100,000 or more to a director of the company. → provide against something → provide for somebody/something→ See Verb tableOrigin provide (1400-1500) Latin providere “to see ahead, provide”, from videre “to see”pro·vide verb →n GRAMMAR1LDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  something them, available someone to it or Corpus to make to Business give




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