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单词 frontier
释义  Related topics: Geographyfron·tier /ˈfrʌntɪə $ frʌnˈtɪr/ ●●○ noun  1  [countable] especially British EnglishSG the border of a country 国界,边境frontier between/with Lille is close to the frontier between France and Belgium. 里尔靠近法比边境。on/at the frontier Troops established a road block on the frontier. 部队在边境设立了一个路障。frontier town/area/post etc (=a town etc on a frontier) 边陲小镇/边疆地区/边防站等► see thesaurus at border2  the frontier SGan area where people have never lived before, that not much is known about, especially in the western US before the 20th century 〔尤指20世纪前美国西部的〕边远地区,荒野地区;边疆 a novel about a family’s struggle on the American frontier 描写一家人在美国边远地区奋斗的小说 space, the final frontier 太空,最后的边界3  the frontiers of knowledge/physics etc LIMITthe limits of what is known about something 知识/物理学等的前沿push back the frontiers (=discover new things) 开拓新领域Examples from the Corpusfrontier• He was questioned by soldiers at a frontier post.• The dethronement of learning is one of the most exciting intellectual frontiers we are now crossing.• The study of the brain is often described as the next intellectual frontier.• They settled in Ronco, a picturesque village near the Italian frontier.• It marked a return to the general store of frontier days.• Many of the cars crossing the frontier were stopped and searched.• The geographical position of the frontier fluctuated with the fortunes of war.• Every diplomatic effort was made to get him and his army to retire back over the frontier, but without success.• Powell, like the mountain men, was compulsively drawn to the frontier.• All of this transcended the frontiers of control and undermined the employers' ability to between/with• There were indeed frontiers between the classes, but these were constantly shifting.• They take us across the frontiers between the material and the mystical.• Other writers undermine conventional notion of reality by blurring the frontiers between the real and the imaginary.• The government closed the frontier between Lithuania and Poland.• Such tech gangs held the frontier between the tangled civilization above and the bestiality beneath.• Meanwhile the frontier between liberalism and socialism remained open, both ideologically and organizationally.• The guards on the frontiers between art history and art criticism shoot neither intruders nor escapers.• How far is it from Belfast to the nearest and furthest points on the frontier with Eire?• Will the ever faster spread of cultural influence remove the frontiers between civilizations that were once so firm in world history?Origin frontier (1300-1400) French frontière, from front; → FRONT1fron·tier nounChineseSyllable  the Corpus country a border of




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