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单词 Insider
1 Insider dealing has been called a victimless crime.
2 One insider who has seen the report said it was pretty jaw-dropping stuff.
3 The situation was described by one insider as 'absolute chaos'.
4 Soon, he would be a political insider.
5 The police are convinced it was an insider job.
6 The measures included increased fines for insider trading.
7 Insider dealing may likewise be justified on this basis.
8 Second judge throws out allegations of insider trading.
9 This was insider trading at its most respectable.
10 Why is insider dealing morally wrong?
11 But the senator is a Washington insider who is not well known nationally.
12 First, we are principally concerned with insider dealing on impersonal stock exchange markets and not with face-to-face transactions.
13 Insider dealing has been roundly trounced, widely discredited, and often outlawed.
14 For insider dealing does not lack victims but rather, credible plaintiffs.
15 The books give all the insider know-how for staying and getting around a country on a shoestring budget.
16 In all countries, insider dealing will continue as long as profits can be made from it.
17 It is on this basis that many see insider dealing as morally wrong.
18 The debate concerning the factual consequences of insider dealing has centred mainly on the predictive power of economics.
19 The issue of whether insider dealing is efficient or inefficient is problematic.
20 As the problem of insider trading increased it became increasingly evident that s.16 was insufficient.
21 However, it was not long before the courts began to use the provision in an attempt to curb insider trading.
22 Under current law there has to be a connection between an insider and the company whose shares he deals in.
23 Yet there has also been dismay that concern over insider dealing may threaten the flow of information.
24 Thus, whether one feels like an outsider or an insider, the story can be equally enchanting.
25 Even here, women were still being directed and disciplined by a different set of insider games devised by men.
26 Three days earlier Chang had been summoned to appear in court in connection with an insider stock trading scandal.
27 Whatever the outcome, s.61 style remedies are important for the future development of civil liability for insider dealing. 4.2.5.
28 The general consensus of opinion is that a successful action under s.62 for insider dealing will be hard to sustain.
29 Policies directed to widespread public shareholding in companies are therefore likely to be subverted by condoning insider trading.
30 It is clear then, that there are flaws in relying upon solely statutory regulation or self-regulation to regulate insider abuse.
31 Whether this subsection applies to insider dealing is very questionable.
32 They stand to benefit little from the insider dealing prohibition.
33 Yet most countries now have rules against insider dealing, not least because it can put outside investors off securities markets.
34 The second change would be to make the insider dealing law more effective.
35 She is the insider with the sharp eye of an outsider.
36 A month before the election was called, a Labour insider said a good result would be a 100-seat majority.
37 This is aimed at preventing insider dealing and promoting market transparency.
38 In their case, both ran as outsiders, a tricky strategy in a family known for its insider wheeling and dealing.
39 However as yet they are untried in the context of insider dealing(/insider.html), and are likely to prove difficult to sustain.
40 With respect to insider trading in particular, the necessity for appropriate supervision to prevent violations is evident in view of the special opportunities in this area.
41 The proposals on insider dealing define insiders as anyone who obtains inside information as a result of their employment or position.
42 The growth of financial conglomerates, however, has caused insider dealing to be a more urgent and immediate problem.
43 For over a decade I lived with this new knowledge and with the ethical dilemma surrounding my own pursuit of insider research.
44 On the other hand, Hewlett was an insider, locked away in laboratories developing products.
45 As the nature of insider dealing changed, there was a corresponding need to adapt other legal doctrines to fit the abuse.
46 Does a director, as an insider, owe fiduciary duties to his shareholders?
47 Equally, legitimizing insider dealing could encourage managers to invest in risky projects.
48 Milken faced ninety-eight counts of securities violations including insider trading.
49 Ultimately the net benefits from insider dealing must equal the net losses.
50 One Labour source said that operating cartels would be put on a par with insider dealing.
51 But there are still grumbles that much insider dealing goes unpunished.
52 The argument here is that insider dealing is a victimless crime.
53 The argument advanced here is that insider dealing is the sort of conduct which ought to be criminal.
54 There was endless media speculation about who the characters were in real life and which political insider was the author.
55 Several people went to prison after the investigation into insider trading.
56 It seems that these patterns are maintained by insider knowledge depending on the extent to which speakers belong to relatively close-knit groups.
57 The definition of insider dealing would be expanded to include those contemplating a takeover bid as well as people using inside information.
58 An industry insider said the name change was likely to take place at the end of March.
59 Britain has been notoriously ineffective in dealing with offences like financial fraud, market manipulation and insider dealing.
60 It is noteworthy that newly amended s.62 permits, interalia, market professionals to sue for insider dealing violations.
61 He received consecutive two-year sentences for five charges which included manipulating stock prices, paying bribes and insider trading.
62 Today the leading players have generally abandoned such violent methods, preferring to indulge in insider trading or to line their pockets.
63 Like several other candidates, Alexander also attacked Dole, the clear front-runner in the race, as the ultimate insider.
64 Determining the costs and benefits of regulating insider dealing is by no means a straight forward task.
65 The influence of process and research models for curriculum development can also be detected in a number of proposals for insider evaluation.
66 The accused face up to two years in prison and fines of up to five million francs for insider trading if convicted.
67 Making companies release important information more quickly could do more to curb insider dealing than any laws.
68 Secondly, in so far as we are concerned with insider dealing, the practice is analysed within the context of financial conglomerates.
69 Such insider selling is closely watched by some investors for signs of potential problems within companies.
69 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
70 An industry insider, declining to cite a source, says 1 million scanners were sold in 1995.
71 Do moral arguments provide an unsatisfactory basis upon which to prohibit insider dealing?
72 But now, as White House incumbent presiding over the seat of government, he is the ultimate political insider.
73 The regulation of insider dealing necessarily involves a complex assessment of the available regulatory options.
74 As we shall see, such a basis exists for regulating insider dealing. 3.3.1.
75 The evidence of recent insider dealer scandals refutes the strong form of efficiency.
76 This advantage to the ultimate holder remains even if we effectively prevent insider trading.
77 The insider must deal in securities on a recognized stock exchange, which includes dealing in securities through an investment exchange.
78 It would be implicit that City employees know that they are not to use confidential information for the purposes of insider dealing.
79 Despite the recent advent of statute law in this area, there remains no statutory definition of what constitutes insider trading.
80 Insider trading may also lead to a significant loss of confidence in the Stock Exchange, particularly amongst small investors.
81 The detective enjoyed the sense of privilege imparted by being an insider.
82 The true cost of allowing unfettered insider dealing has become less important than what people think the true costs to be.
83 In practice the most likely victim of insider dealing is the market maker with whom the insider trades.
84 Insider trading raised the average price and price volatility.
85 The insider trading undermined investors'confidence in the stock market.
86 Amplifier - Elysian Gold, from their 2006 full-length, Insider.
87 German banks have more insider knowledge than most.
88 A recruiter can give you insider pointers and advice.
89 I have argued that the real reason for prohibiting insider trading is that it erodes the fiduciary relationship that lies at the heart of our business organizations.
90 Reporter learned the other day from the insider place that Nie Yuan and will love one another two year biconditional gate female apprentice Yang Guang to marry officially.
91 Although O'Connor is commonly perceived as an outsider artist—the crippled, eccentric scribbler—she was in fact from the beginning very much an insider.
92 On the other hand, it warmed my heart to realize that I had spent Columbus Day AS an insider on the Qualla Boundary eating fry bread.
93 Ascertaining insider trading legally and definitely is a precondition to this aim.
94 Yingyi-D1 well, an exploratory well, was drilled to reveal the insider of standard section of Yingcheng Formation in 2006.
95 On the other hand, it warmed my heart to realize that I had spent Columbus Day as an insider on the Qualla Boundary eating fry bread.
96 A former chief executive of microchip company Advanced Micro Devices has been linked to an alleged insider trading ring at hedge fund Galleon Group.
97 Research objective of this paper is to solve the "insider control" of our country SOEs by state-run assets attorneyship competed and bought and accounting regulation under the market agreement.
98 Microsoft also accused Lee of using insider information to get his job at Google.
99 In a whirl of transactions, the risk of sharp practice, including insider dealing, may well grow.
99 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
100 Establishment of the civil liability system of insider dealing, an important component of the entire security civil liability system, is very complicated and challengeable.
101 The industry insider pays enlist for reporter:Imprimis, don't go those an enter a thumb latch the aroma pressing chafing dish store.
102 Pulitzer Prize winning historian and Kennedy insider Arthur Schlesinger has died at the age of 89.
103 When an insider obtains private information, he can utilize that information to make a trading profit.
104 Il-Raz later appeared in a HoloNet news article appearing in Star Wars Insider 84, written again by Daniel Wallace, this time with Pablo Hidalgo.
105 Nowadays insider control of stocked corporations has endangered normal function strictly.
106 Sharpton's odyssey from stubborn outsider to ultimate insider is documented in the shift to well-tailored suits and a more modest coif.
107 As an insider, she couldn't spend so much time surveying the writing of her peers and caviling about their philistinism.
108 Rebuilding of the civil liability system of security insider trading in China, an important component of the entire security civil liability system, is very complicated and challengeable.
109 The defendants took advantage of an insider's access to sensitive information in much the same way that a gang of thieves might get the combination to the bank vault from an insider.
110 Both the authorities and the media wondered whether insider dealing had been going on.
111 They may rule we had insider knowledge which we should have reported.
112 An insider said, "Katharine has told friends it is time to end her career.".
113 In addition, she can also provide the stock market insider information.
114 Any functionary of the securities regulatory body that conducts any insider trading a heavier punishment.
115 The fundamental principle of regulating insider trading is that insider trading erodes the fiduciary relationship that lies at the heart of our business organizations.
116 BP insider says that what has spooked investors is the prospect of unlimited liability.
117 Insider account remaining sum will be returned with postal remittance form still.
118 The lack any solid fundamental or geopolitical news led to the insider day mentioned above.
119 Judge Testar said that insider dealing was not a victimless crime.
120 Short interest fell in mid-July and firms with insider selling activity outnumber those with buying activity two to one, according to research firm
121 The author also does some researches about probative burden and the distribution of it in the insider trading.
122 If they did, they be exposed to insider dealing legislation.
123 Debt from creditors (mainly banks)-to-assets ratio, resource embezzlement from controlling shareholders, insider control and government intervention all affect accounting conservatism.
124 The division also provides counsel to the Insider Dealing Tribunal.
125 Consequently, to strengthen the research of supervision on the insider dealing is very meaningful.
126 A rash of insider revelations has raised questions about how protected whistleblowers are from the consequences of their public- spiritedness .
127 In the largest branch of the investigation, Zvi Goffer, manager of New York-based trading firm Incremental Capital, was accused of leading an insider trading ring that netted $11 million.
128 Insider tip: Aer bar, the highest bar in Mumbai, takes over the entire open-air rooftop on the 34th floor of the Four Seasons.
129 The fourth chapter discusses how to establish the mechanism of taking precautions against securities insider dealing.
129 is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
130 The second chapter analyses component elements of insider dealing: insider information, insider personnel, insider dealing behaviour.
131 South media disclosure of a "insider" news, said repayment of commercial banks to hide relevant information, making the purchase of mortgage loans in handling overpayment many innocent interest.
132 Tank insider: Import food level 304 stainless steel, Computer numerical control automation arc welding technology.
133 This paper presents a general and comparative exposition of insider trading.
134 Entities and individuals are prohibited from using material asset reorganization information for insider dealing, manipulating the market or committing other illegal acts.
135 The General Administration of Civil Aviation of China is mulling stricter rules on flight passengers in a bid to ensure aviation security, an insider revealed Wednesday.
136 No laws will ever stop the insider trading, collusion, monopoly, labor abuse, pollution, planned obsolescence or the like...
137 INSIDER TIP: This style works best with a small face.
138 Anyone invests had better follow the insider stock sales pretty closely.
139 Bolton is not now an insider, and in some ways, never was.
140 But has the insider to disclose, the Miri Mitter Company really has the script authorization, but this company had problems with the shade concrete consultation or treaty contents any link is unknown.
141 But the abrasive Mr Campbell was a Labour insider before he was a spin doctor.
142 The harm from insider trading is the interference with the disclosure of corporate information.
143 Any person is in possession of material inside information is deemed to be an " insider. "
144 To continue reading, register here and become an Insider. You'll get free access to premium content from CIO, Computerworld, CSO, InfoWorld, and Network World.
145 Because of my connection with the bank you could be accused of insider trading.
146 In addition to violating Company policy, Insider Trading and Tipping are illegal.
147 It is a scandal for Mr. J be a insider trading arbitrageur.
148 Because he was technically an insider, Gupta will likely be charged in the "classical" definition of insider trading, where pecuniary benefit is a necessary prerequisite to guilt.
149 He claims BMS used its insider knowledge about his proposal for a split (BMS has its own man on ImClone's board) to make a preemptive bid, so it could buy the firm at a cheaper price.
150 In insider how-to below, the dormitory that the reporter comes to to the accident is downstair .
151 And her hunky new guy (who split with girlfriend of 14 years Heidi Bivens in March) is completely on board with having a baby, a second insider says: "They both want it to happen soon."
152 Your father's an insider. Does he think we'll get in the war?
153 Belgium, with its big banks and huge public debt, has benefited from being an insider too.
154 To prevent insider deal, the SPV must have at least one independent director and there are many restrictions on the action, especially the limit on its entering into voluntary bankruptcy.
155 At the same time, Dong is also Green insider information to university students, Zhao Shu - Ya .
156 Price - sensitive information is defined as information that is prohibited from being used in insider dealing.
157 What individual investors access to the so - called insider information?
158 In recent weeks, Milan have been linked with the 27-year old, though a club insider admitted in March that a bid would be contingent on the player's availability.




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