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单词 freckle
释义  freck·le /ˈfrekəl/ noun [countable usually plural]  MARKfreckles are small brown spots on someone’s skin, especially on their face, which the sun can cause to increase in number and become darker 〔尤指脸上的〕雀斑,斑点 → moleExamples from the Corpusfreckle• I looked over to the corner where a pretty girl with long brown hair and freckles was sitting.• She had the same red hair and freckles as her mother.• It was widely believed to cause cancer, insanity and freckles.• She used to give you silverweed for freckles and camomile for belly-ache.• Sarah had freckles and red hair.• She had freckles, level gray eyes, a round nose, and straight dark blond hair parted in the middle.• Her face was small, white and thin, with a lot of freckles, and she had large grey-green eyes.• Did you spot that tiny patch of freckles on her left cheek?• He was extremely attractive, with thick hair and clear eyes and a scattering of freckles.• He had been staring up at the deep purple blanket with tiny freckles of stars and wisps of cloud hovering.Origin freckle (1400-1500) frecken “freckle” ((14-19 centuries)), from Old Norse freknurfreck·le nounChineseSyllable  on spots are small especially skin, freckles Corpus brown someone’s




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