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单词 Exclusively
1. Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. 
2. This sample room is exclusively for women.
3. The club is an exclusively male preserve.
4. The debate is being conducted almost exclusively on party political lines.
5. The star has a ski slope reserved exclusively for her.
6. She trades at Mr. Martin's store exclusively.
7. Constitutional changes are exclusively the prerogative of the parliament.
8. That shop caters exclusively to the weaker sex.
9. The study focuses exclusively on secondary schools.
10. This room is exclusively for women.
11. They deal exclusively in Chinese art.
12. The ceremony is exclusively masculine.
13. This offer is available exclusively to our established customers.
14. David Fincher paints from a palette consisting almost exclusively of grey and mud brown.
15. Randolph's work was exclusively concerned with the effects of pollution on health.
16. This offer is available exclusively to people who call now.
17. This special offer has been exclusively designed for readers of this magazine.
18. Our knowledge about agriculture has so far been exclusively confined to books.
19. I also exclusively revealed her pregnancy back in March.
20. What can he do that is exclusively male?
21. Don't rely exclusively on shade as a shield.
22. The Brat Pack is not exclusively male.
23. But the dealing room was not exclusively Tory.
24. For 20 years[http://], it focused exclusively on white men.
25. The regiment recruits almost exclusively from its home county.
26. Nor is such a mission an exclusively female one.
27. The answer can now be exclusively revealed.
28. Some are exclusively concerned with public image: placing advertisements, briefing journalists and lobbying opinion formers.
29. The proposals before the legislature include the creation of two special courts to deal exclusively with violent crimes.
30. Instruction in these subjects in undergraduate classes is almost exclusively by lecture.
1. This sample room is exclusively for women.
2. The club is an exclusively male preserve.
3. The debate is being conducted almost exclusively on party political lines.
4. The star has a ski slope reserved exclusively for her.
5. That shop caters exclusively to the weaker sex.
6. This room is exclusively for women.
7. The ceremony is exclusively masculine.
8. Our knowledge about agriculture has so far been exclusively confined to books.
31. However many of the tags used exclusively in the LOB corpus can be retained.
32. None of these writers produced research evidence to back up their claims, basing them exclusively on clinical practice and theoretical projections.
33. The stereotype is of stories exclusively concerned with drugs and unwanted pregnancies.
34. Against this background, the first book devoted exclusively to this exciting and topical subject should be a significant landmark.
35. It would be quite wrong in thinking about the economics of socialist countries to focus exclusively on inefficiency.
36. A technique that works for some dads is to create a special time period devoted exclusively to worrying.
37. Collins has been in Sonoma five years; half of that time has been devoted exclusively to defending Richard Allen Davis.
38. However, they have been very active in the large multinational textile and assembly factories which employ women almost exclusively.
39. They can also emphasise features which belong exclusively to that one country.
40. There are both national and international companies who deal exclusively in sponsorship schemes and personalities.
41. The higher centers are dormant when we live our lives exclusively within the narrow confines of the personality.
42. The women work exclusively in the packing department, putting coffee into different size packets.
43. And those with bank accounts are more likely than others - though not exclusively - to get bank loans.
44. Gunther Zuntz, on the other hand, has argued for the exclusively Pythagorean identity of the tablets.
45. She is playing her five starters almost exclusively, putting in B and Sandie just long enough to give some one a breather.
46. These are the inevitable results of leaving the merit of a book to be determined exclusively by market value.
47. In this stage, attention is concentrated almost exclusively on the end to be achieved ....
48. Interventions exclusively directed towards families whose children are in imminent danger of admission to care. 2.
49. Another group, exclusively male, was gathered around what Sendei guessed was a highly advanced piece of technology.
50. If applied linguistics is left exclusively to an elite band of researchers, then the whole object of the exercise disappears.
51. The scarves have been designed exclusively for the National Trust and cost £45 each.
52. Before the trial judge, attention was concentrated exclusively on the letter to Mr. Purkayastha.
53. Painting the frontier, either as it was or as it is, hardly remains an exclusively male domain.
54. According to the law,[http:///exclusively.html] their homes do not belong exclusively to their husbands.
55. From a very early age, lower-working-class boys engage in rough, exclusively masculine forms of play, free of adult supervision.
56. Norepinephrine is converted to epinephrine by an enzyme, N-methyltransferase, which is present almost exclusively in the adrenal medulla.
57. The certified question was addressed and answered after argument focused exclusively on it.
58. While Schweitzer tended to dwell too exclusively on this aspect, he was certainly justified in stressing it.
59. Two patients with low grade, two with mixed grade, and two with high grade were treated exclusively with chemotherapy.
60. Nor can the counsellor set himself the task of dealing exclusively with one area.
61. Hospitals, which used to be almost exclusively not-for-profit institutions, are being taken over by large corporate chains.
62. Groups accepting tax-deductible donations must be operated exclusively for exempt purposes, the panel said.
63. This difference in prescribing between rural and urban areas was found almost exclusively in patients not attending a hospital diabetic clinic.
64. Further proof of the almost exclusively male concerns of the penal system are provided by early twentieth-century developments.
65. Consequently, these mutant cells rely exclusively on glycolysis for their energy requirements and require exogenous pyruvate and pyrimidines for growth.
66. Mr. Warshaw, who specialises exclusively in conservation work says the immediate benefits are both financial and aesthetic.
67. Some are now developing exclusively for the IBM-compatible platform, making it increasingly difficult to find software for Apple machines.
68. The idea is that temporary protection shall be afforded to each nation's domestic industry exclusively through the customs tariff.
69. Holiday Mirror can exclusively reveal a Warner Holidays offer that slashes off £300.
70. To reduce the imbalance, several services that cater exclusively to women have emerged.
71. Originally, the AViiON was built exclusively around a microprocessor from Motorola.
72. Sinhala people assert that Sri Lanka belongs exclusively to the Sinhala Buddhists.
73. Perpetrators are almost exclusively male, though a few women are reported, particularly in retrospective studies.
74. Called Lady's First, it's targeted at businesswomen looking for a service that caters exclusively for them.
75. Nowadays there are three partners in the practise specialising almost exclusively in domestic pets.
76. A lifelong friend of Bert Webster, Barefield later concentrated exclusively on tenor and, like another Webster associate.
77. The anthropoid coffin is associated almost exclusively with the burial vault.
78. This is very obviously the approach of some one writing exclusively and specifically for the young.
79. All green wrasse shorter than 28 centimetres are female, but above 38 centimetres they are exclusively male.
80. He has not given a speech devoted exclusively to xenophobia.
81. Such a process must not rely exclusively on either personal experience or hermeneutical method but must become a wedding of the two.
82. In addition, a decrease in size seems to have accompanied adaptation to an exclusively arboreal life.
83. In class societies this process will obviously be mediated primarily - though not exclusively - through class relationships and class conflict.
84. Spouses as carers are equally likely to be male or female,[] whereas children as carers are almost exclusively female.
85. The Helsinki summit, arranged at very short notice, dealt almost exclusively with the specific issue of a major regional conflict.
86. He was the only eligible male in an exclusively female establishment.
87. The parochial is concerned exclusively with individual problems arising in the ward he or she represents.
88. In the past the Securities and Exchange Commission has come down hard on trading systems that exclusively benefit institutions.
89. After that, the Old Testament is exclusively a chronicle of the Hebrews.
90. Within our own dominant culture, probably more of the latter group will be men than women, though not exclusively so.
91. Completely and exclusively passionate to the exclusion of all else, even conversation.
92. It has been pointed out above that historically the law of rape was exclusively concerned with the protection of virginity.
93. This increase was exclusively confined to the private sector which recorded a massive 115 percent increase in the number accommodated.
94. Production of Dunlop cheese has now been commercialised in creameries and is confined almost exclusively to the islands of Arran and Islay.
95. During the colonial period, those powers were possessed exclusively by and were entirely under the control of the Crown.
96. The expression of that loathing had been reserved exclusively for her.
97. Breed exclusively by fresh and brackish water and marshes; often in coastal waters on migration.
98. Nor need it be an exclusively female activity, as many people would have us believe.
99. It was a notice board devoted exclusively to funeral announcements, and the lawyer's death was well represented.
100. Do you prefer to sandwich your exercise in along with your daily activities or to set aside time exclusively for exercise? 5.
101. He even refers to himself with the normal personal pronouns instead of the special ones customarily reserved exclusively for the emperor.
102. In the mortgage deed the respondents further covenanted that they would purchase all their requirements from the appellants exclusively.
103. The research also found that the perception of men as potential paedophiles is keeping the profession almost exclusively female.
104. Mobility patterns for males Mobility studies focus almost exclusively on males, so data on changes are partial and partly misleading.
105. A sense of female identity was of course present, often engendered around what were defined as exclusively female concerns.
106. It is noticeable that cockfighting is an exclusively male preoccupation, though this is not really analysed.
107. College was never designed exclusively for younger students - though they generally constitute the largest single group.
108. In addition it is decided that the owners car will be used exclusively for the business.
109. Even in the brief time she supposedly was devoting herself exclusively to the manuscript, she was doing other things.
110. For example, by relying exclusively on mortality data the ineffectiveness of medical science is overstated.
111. He read little, and his exclusively classical education left only the faintest impression on his mind.
112. The services taken by four of the departments are used exclusively within the department.
113. The accommodation has been exclusively designed and is a fine example of Jongert's famous joinery work.
114. Some sections of the book reference journal articles exclusively, with no annotations as to what these journal articles contain.
115. But we have so far concentrated exclusively on the small minority of asteroids that have orbits bringing them close to Earth.
116. With strong black candidates, especially but not exclusively incumbents, there is enough white crossover to win.
117. The gist of my argument is that the global capitalist system leaves less and less space for exclusively national capitalist projects.
118. Concern for air pollution focused exclusively upon visible emissions, especially smoke.
119. That law seems to be exclusively reserved for white assailants.
120. For even in Britain today there is no serious challenge to the idea that care and domesticity are exclusively female responsibilities.
121. Most deal with what government should do, and most focus exclusively on Washington.
122. Unlike both the previous accounts, Bottoms does not concentrate exclusively on prisons.
123. The preceding discussion has been devoted exclusively to disulfiram because controlled studies of calcium carbamide have not been done.
124. The analysis of authority has concentrated exclusively on a one-to-one relation between an authority and a single person subject to it.
125. An exciting and varied programme of forty-two special-interest holidays both overseas and within Britain has been designed exclusively for the National Trust.
126. The action belonged exclusively to the second half with two goals packed into the first 100 seconds of the period.
127. In general it was almost exclusively extreme right-wing elements who were first involved, but they tended to be of two distinct types.
128. I was in an all-female establishment, and, even when I was out of it, lived in an almost exclusively female world.
129. But they no longer define being a good father almost exclusively in terms of the ability to provide economically.
130. She spoke softly, directing her remarks exclusively at Karelius and Moreau, so that the others were obliged to strain their ears.
131. Because of its weight, it was used almost exclusively as a defensive weapon in a fixed position.
132. Or should certain classes of work be reserved exclusively for law centres?
133. Exclusively distriButed-By Chen Jie(printing mechanism)Company.
134. In fact, the psyllid eats knotweed exclusively.
135. Wrot coper is exclusively used for fittings.
136. This paper company does fictitious transactions exclusively.
137. If possible,() you should use journaling file systems exclusively.
138. Don't rely exclusively on a single secondary source for information or opinion in a research paper.
139. Set up to 30 - 40 % of available memory if you use MyISAM tables exclusively.
140. But cats are from the noble lineage Carnivora and, unlike some of its lesser members, such as omnivorous bears or, even more appalling, herbivorous pandas, they exclusively eat meat.
141. Wrot copper performs well in high temperature applications and is easily joined by soldering or brazing . Wrot coper is exclusively used for fittings.
142. The stand-alone "Greater New York" with 36 pages, featuring articles of particular interest to New York metropolitan readers, was launched exclusively in New York currently.
143. Is it exclusively due to the above-mentioned that I've developed a liking for predawn Beijing?
144. The centre is the first exhibition area in China dedicated exclusively to US-made products and is a joint project between the Yiwu municipal government and Bid8, a US-based company.
145. Be absent exclusively Post " buy outright " inside the plan is " Washington Post " electronic edition employee.
146. The company exclusively produces sulbenicillin sodium, cefsulodin and its intermediates.
147. Unfortunately, an exclusively lacto-ovo livestock system simply doesn't work well in practice.
148. The law of action and reaction is not exclusively for physics.
149. However, the most important point to emerge from the crisis is that Europe's political reinvention will depend exclusively on the social struggle against neoliberal politics.
150. Jupiter, to wipe off this aspersion, declared another lottery, for mortals singly and exclusively of the gods.
151. Georges Seurat: The Drawings is the first exhibition in almost 25 years to focus exclusively on the artist's luminous drawings.
152. Probabilities serve only and exclusively to determine the degree of improbability of the catastrophes that actually take place.
153. With the publisher's new "Widgetbox Showcase" offerings, exclusively sponsored by Visa Small Business, readers of can choose up to eight modules containing Forbes content.
154. The patients are more likely to be African - American and dark - skinned, and more likely to have been exclusively breast-fed for an extended period of time, without vitamin supplementation.
155. The video website that fumbles hard begins to turn to the look to be achieved formerly again, the item that makes for Internet only becomes the cheese that they won't be reaved exclusively.
156. Both officers and noncommissioned officers alike served almost exclusively in the same regiment or division throughout their time in uniform.
157. Some are exclusively for women, other for executives or human resources workers. There are clubs for Christians and clubs for Jewish professionals (though Temple Beth El's is nondenominational).
158. At Yoezer, a high-end restaurant in Jaffa, the chef Itzik Cohen has held dinners for as many as 90 customers exclusively with the book's pork recipes.
159. Of course, the real Orwell, whom I am delighted to be able to reveal exclusively to you, would have had no truck with all this beatification of himself or his prose.
160. Nowise benefit oneself, exclusively harm a person, connect own descendants to all almost put to death!
161. For example, archaeologists previously thought such tablets were created and kept exclusively at major state capitals, or "palatial centers," such as Pylos and Mycenae.
162. Moreover, in all countries it is almost exclusively Masons and their families that profit by Masonic charity.
163. These records shall be kept on the Site and shall be used exclusively for the purposes of this Sub-Clause.
164. Sixty-one percent said they use the Internet exclusively and 24% said they use a combination of both the Internet and travel agents.
165. Sucking lice are exclusively hematophagous ectoparasites of eutherian (placental) mammals, and are worldwide distribution.
166. The crops in the Russian experimental station are almost exclusively crops that have to be conserved them in the field, as living specimens.
167. It is, however, extremely rare for sadomasochism to be an individual's only means of sexual satisfaction (paraphilic sadomasochism is seen almost exclusively in males, at a ratio of 20:1).
168. "I used to buy exclusively in the U.S. before gas started really going up, " said Patrick Garcia, a drama teacher at an elementary school in San Diego who lives in Tijuana.
169. The new fleet of 35 cabs in Mexico's colonial city of Puebla are driven exclusively by women and don't stop for men. The cabs cater especially to those tired of leering male drivers.
170. In the beginning, the Troop had been recruited exclusively from the sons of planters, a gentleman’s outfit, each man supplying his own horse, arms, equipment, uniform and body servant.
171. No longer are the histories of individual cities and provinces folded neatly into national narratives that focus exclusively on the rise to power of the Communist Party.
172. The present invention relates to a bunion cushion and particularly, but not exclusively, to a bunion cushion for locating about a toe of the user.
173. The operating system UNIX was written almost exclusively in C, and C has been standardized as part of POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface for UNIX).
174. The marrow here is essentially 100% cellular, but composed almost exclusively of leukemic cells.
174. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
175. "There's massive interest compared to a few years ago, " said Stephen Parnell of WhichEB5, a consultancy that started as a relocation service and now focuses almost exclusively on EB-5 visas.
176. Now, Vanward owns 3 exclusively invested enterprises, 3 controlling enterprises and 2 sharing enterprises, with the permanent assets of 1500000000RMB and 5000 employee.
177. Conducted over a period of four years, the research involved 600 men aged 23 to 54 who exclusively identify as heterosexual and enjoy penetrative vaginal sex with women.
178. The rare-earth lithium power battery adopts positive-pole materials which are made exclusively through sintering of the doped rare-earth element.
179. It is exclusively carnivorous and it is undoubtedly the King of the African Sport Fish on the continent.
180. In order to ensure critical resource to be correct and the whole system to be consistent, the distributed processes should be synchronized and the critical resources should be exclusively accessed.
181. The DPJ has campaigned almost exclusively on bread-and-butter economic issues, appealing to voters who feel the LDP has lost touch with average families.
182. We wish to introduce ourselves to you as a statecorporation dealing exclusively in light industrial products.
183. Today, Intel Corporation is the largest American corporate supporter of tech-based art, though exclusively focussing its funding on universities.
184. Some biologists thought that the finger-long red blenny (Parablennius ruber, also called a Portuguese blenny) lived exclusively in Portuguese waters.
185. This new provision will result in exploiters being able to exclusively exploit many fully depreciated repertoires lying in their archives.
186. The third major factor facing investors in the coming week is the continuing worry about sovereign risk, led by, but by no means exclusively, Greece.
187. This programme has been taught exclusively through Academic Colleges Group ( ACG ) since February 1999.
188. In the meantime, he sharply points out that the law absolutely and exclusively controlled by the monarchic power is an illegal law which will disserve all under the heaven.
189. Previously, indirect infringement occurred only when someone sold an unpatented component that was used exclusively to manufacture a patented part.
190. New observations of "pack ice" killer whales roaming the waters off the Antarctic Peninsula show they dine almost exclusively on Weddell seals, which make up just 15 per cent of the seal population.
191. A knife switch with iron shell shall be installed in the power supply line, which is exclusively for this oven, and the outer plate shall be grounded.
192. A product unique in the world, as it is grown exclusively on the Aegean island of Chios.
193. Although OSPF and RIP can be used together, we preferred to work with a simpler configuration and used OSPF exclusively.
194. However, growing one's business exclusively on search is a game of diminishing marginal returns after a few years.
195. Likewise, it would be very easy to create a category that deals exclusively with your client's important business metrics, for example, ROI, click-through rates, conversions, or repeat customers.
196. In 1948, the company started producing mahogany and gum tables with leather and mahogany tops, shifting the next year to leather tops exclusively with all genuine Honduras mahogany.
197. By law, charitable foundations must conduct exclusively nonpartisan activities that promote the public welfare.
198. Their personal investment in the business makes it challenging to base decisions exclusively on facts and data, rather than emotion.
199. Hunter syndrome, known more formally as mucopolysaccharidosis type II or MPS II, is an extremely rare inherited enzyme disorder that occurs almost exclusively in males.
200. The former is collocated exclusively on the uncracked boundary, and the latter on one side of the crack surface.
201. The storage network is used exclusively for clustered file system communication and access.
202. Writers such as William Shakespeare, John Milton and Christopher Marlowe almost exclusively used blank verse in their famous works.
203. I first became aware of its presence when I realized that the countercultural students I knew during that period were almost exclusively, if not maniacally, readers of science fiction.
204. High Renaissance Italian Gardens were the domestic villas but extravagant and designed exclusively for pleasure.
205. Project transfer; bath production of Chaga has patents and know-how,[] which can be transferred to the world exclusively.
206. Dynamic compression occurred almost exclusively (97.5% of the time) in patients with full encasement of the left anterior descending coronary artery, regardless of the presence of overlying muscle.
207. The design exclusively improves mechanical ways. Uses a suit of power source to drive two inequilateral arm's propulsions and successfully solves mutual interference.
208. Urban Radiocommunication gradual transition to the shared network, not exclusively dedicated to the new network.
209. We now report results from the first phase II clinical trial developed exclusively for SCUC, to our knowledge.
210. A sampling oscilloscope is a special type of DSO that exclusively uses a technique called "sequential equivalent-time sampling" or just "sequential sampling".
211. Beijing Austina Real Estate Agency Co. Ltd is an exclusively foreign - owned enterprise run by Australian entrepreneurs.
212. Available exclusively in Greater China is the Limited Edition Tiger in faceted and unfaceted Golden Shine crystal with eyes shining in Moroda Sahara crystal.
213. For the property rights and exclusively personal to the obligor oneself rights and shall not by the creditor subrogation.
214. They have these looms exclusively used in weaving carpet for the contract market.




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