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单词 forceful
释义 Word family  noun force forcefulness adjective forceful forcible forced verb force adverb forcefully forcibly  force·ful /ˈfɔːsfəl $ ˈfɔːrs-/ adjective  1  PERSUADEa forceful person expresses their opinions very strongly and clearly and people are easily persuaded by them 〔人〕气势强大的,易说服人的 SYN stronga forceful personality/character/opponent etc He gained a reputation as a forceful member of the party. 他获得了党内悍将的名声。2  PERSUADEforceful arguments, reasons etc are strongly and clearly expressed 〔论据、理由等〕有力的,有说服力的 SYN powerful a forceful attack on government policy 对政府政策的有力抨击3  having a powerful effect that is likely to change a situation 有影响力的,有力度的 The president hasn’t been forceful enough in changing the judicial system. 总统改革司法体系力度不够。 Governments should adopt a more forceful approach to improve the environment. 各国政府应当采取更有力度的办法来改善环境。4. using physical force 强迫的,使用武力的 —forcefully adverb —forcefulness noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusforceful• Gage is outspoken and forceful.• He can be arrogant and forceful.• District Judge Claude M.. Hilton's questions were clear and forceful.• Betty Friedan was a forceful advocate of women's rights.• The 50-year-old incumbent and the 72-year-old challenger appeared equally relaxed, forceful and well rehearsed.• When accused of embezzlement, Sharon made a forceful denial.• With Richard I can quite see there are forceful grounds for objection.• Less forceful, less certain, and less articulate followers may find it impossible to challenge the leader.• Let us take a forceful manic who is displaying and functioning on 500 arbitrary units of life force.• a manager with a forceful personalitya forceful personality/character/opponent etc• John McLeish, himself a forceful character, felt as if he had been put through a wringer.• She was a forceful personality who did not suffer fools gladly, but her sternness was accompanied by grace and Victorian courtesy.force·ful adjectiveChineseSyllable  person expresses Corpus their forceful very a opinions




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