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单词 flounced
释义  Related topics: Clothesflounced /flaʊnst/ adjective  DCCdecorated with flounces 镶荷叶边的 a flounced skirt 镶荷叶边的裙子Examples from the Corpusflounced• Backed by Suzi, who did most of the energetic stuff, Ingrid strutted and flounced and flung her hair about.• It consisted of the straight robe mentioned above, with an elaborate flounced and layered over-skirt tied on at the waist.• Plain drapes replaced the flounced curtains and white paint covered the old, ornately wallpapered walls.• Her dark green dress with a flounced skirt was of a pleasant and conventional kind, such as respectable young women wore.flounced adjectiveChinese  flounces Corpus with decorated




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