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单词 forbid
释义  for·bid /fəˈbɪd $ fər-/ ●●○ verb (past tense forbade /-ˈbæd, -ˈbeɪd/, past participle forbidden /-ˈbɪdn/, present participle forbidding) [transitive]  1  FORBIDto tell someone that they are not allowed to do something, or that something is not allowed 禁止,不许 OPP permitforbid somebody to do something He was forbidden to leave the house, as a punishment. 作为惩罚,他被禁止离开家。forbid somebody from doing something Women are forbidden from going out without a veil. 妇女不戴面纱禁止出门。strictly/expressly/explicitly etc forbid The law strictly forbids racial or sexual discrimination. 法律严禁种族或性别歧视。 RegisterIn everyday English, people usually say that someone is not allowed to do something rather than is forbidden to do something: 在日常英语中,人们一般说someone is not allowed to do something,不说someone is forbidden to do somethingHe was not allowed to leave the house. 他被禁止离开那幢房子。2  God/Heaven forbid spokenHOPE used to emphasize that you hope that something will not happen 但愿不会发生这样的事 ‘Supposing I had an accident.’ ‘God forbid!’ “假设我出了意外事故呢。”“但愿不会发生这样的事!”3  formalIMPOSSIBLE to make it impossible for someone to do something 阻止;妨碍,使〔某人〕不可能做某事 SYN prevent Lack of space forbids listing the names of all those who contributed. 由于篇幅限制,无法列出所有捐款人的姓名。 THESAURUSforbid to tell someone in a very strong way that they must not do something or that something is not allowed 禁止His doctor had strictly forbidden him to drink alcohol. 他的医生严禁他饮酒。It is forbidden to say such things. 此类话语是禁止的。not allow to say that someone must not do or have something, and stop them doing or having it 不允许The company does not allow smoking inside the building. 公司不准在大楼内吸烟。Mobile phones are not allowed in school. 校内禁用手机。not let [not in passive] to not allow someone to do something. Not let is more informal than not allow 不让[较not allow正式]。My parents won’t let me stay out later than 11 o'clock. 父母不准我11点之后还不回家。not permit [usually passive] if something is not permitted, a rule or law says that you must not do it. Not permit is more formal than not allow 不允许〔较not allow正式〕Candidates are not permitted to use dictionaries in this examination. 本次考试考生不得使用词典。Parking is not permitted here after 8 am. 早上8点后此处禁止停车。ban to say officially that people must not do or have something 〔正式〕禁止Parliament decided to ban fox-hunting. 议会决定禁止猎狐。The book was banned in many countries. 此书在许多国家被禁。prohibit /prəˈhɪbət $ proʊ-/ to say officially that an action is illegal and make a law or rule about this 〔以法规〕禁止Acts of vandalism are prohibited. 禁止破坏公物的行为。bar [usually passive] to not allow someone to enter a place or do something, especially by preventing it officially 〔尤指正式〕禁止,阻止Foreign journalists were barred from entering the country. 外国记者被禁止进入该国。proscribe formal to say officially that people are not allowed to do something 正式禁止The law proscribes discrimination in the workplace. 该法律禁止工作场所的歧视行为。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusforbid• The management forbids employees to accept tips from customers.• They were forbidden from entering the sacred chamber.• She still did lip service to the old ways, while herself nibbling away at forbidden fruit.• She forbade him to accompany her beyond the door and walked alone over the golden sand past the flower-beds to the gate.• Indeed, modesty forbade him to contemplate too long what he could count a personal success.• The Countess forbade it in her will, knowing what the beginnings had been.• The logic of transnational production either forbids, permits, or encourages backward linkages.• Their religion forbids the eating of pork.• At that time, the state law forbade the teaching of evolution.strictly/expressly/explicitly etc forbid• Any social contact with Silly-Willie was strictly forbidden.• He had found the porter visiting the superintendent nurse in her room, a form of social exchange that was strictly forbidden.• Violent shaking or other gross indignities are expressly forbidden.• Mrs Berzins, who remembered herself as a young woman, did not strictly forbid her to go.• It is now in effect explicitly forbidden to do this in any aspect of the instructional program.• They were expressly forbidden to engage in any other activities, of course.• Although we have been strictly forbidden to enter the shed, my sister and I spend a lot of time in here.Origin forbid Old English forbeodanfor·bid verb →REGISTER1 →THESAURUS1ChineseSyllable  that tell to they not are allowed to someone Corpus




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