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单词 Crashing
1 Her husband is a crashing bore.
2 I heard her crashing about in the bathroom.
3 We could hear waves crashing on/against the shore.
4 I don't want any of you children crashing about upstairs while your father's asleep.
5 The system keeps crashing and no one is able to figure out why.
6 I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.
7 A football came crashing through the window.
8 The storm brought the old oak tree crashing down.
9 All at once there was a loud crashing sound.
10 He turned out to be a crashing bore .
11 Her voice was drowned by the crashing waves.
12 The plate went crashing to the floor.
13 We watched the waves crashing against the rocks.
14 I could hear him crashing through the undergrowth.
15 A large branch came crashing down .
16 The plates went crashing to the ground.
17 The dog came crashing through the undergrowth towards us.
18 All my dreams came crashing down around me .
19 A dog came crashing through the bushes.
20 The lorry had concertinaed after crashing into the tree.
21 John's hand came crashing down on the table .
22 I heard them coming, crashing through the undergrowth,[] before I saw them.
23 The waves came crashing over my head and I could feel myself being sucked under by the currents.
24 He drove wildly, crashing through the gears like a maniac.
25 He was crashing the gears because he was so nervous.
26 The pilot averted a tragedy when he succeeded in preventing the plane from crashing.
27 Masses of ice are poised at one moment and the next come crashing down.
28 Someone's put a hex on my computer this morning - it keeps on crashing.
29 She bumped against the table and sent the crockery crashing to the ground.
30 With a sweep of his hand he sent the glasses crashing to the floor.
1 Her husband is a crashing bore.
2 I heard her crashing about in the bathroom.
3 We could hear waves crashing on/against the shore.
4 I don't want any of you children crashing about upstairs while your father's asleep.
5 The system keeps crashing and no one is able to figure out why.
6 I don't want any of you children crashing around upstairs while your father's asleep.
7 The pilot averted a tragedy when he succeeded in preventing the plane from crashing.
8 She bumped against the table and sent the crockery crashing to the ground.
9 The fence along the middle of the road is intended to guard vehicles from crashing into each other.
10 The waves washed over the sea embankment with a loud crashing noise.
11 The Titanic met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg.
31 I think we've cracked the problem of the computer crashing all the time.
32 The car skidded and went out of control, crashing into an oncoming truck.
33 Edna Leitch survived a gas blast which brought her home crashing down on top of her.
34 The fence along the middle of the road is intended to guard vehicles from crashing into each other.
35 Moments before crashing, the jet was seen veering sharply to the right.
36 The waves washed over the sea embankment with a loud crashing noise.
37 I love his books, but in person he's a crashing bore.
38 He was crashing about the house like a demented animal.
39 He was knocked flying as two policemen came crashing through the door.
40 He scorched out of the gate, almost crashing his new sports car.
41 Even his death, after crashing his motorcycle on a bridge in New Orleans, was spectacular.
42 At night, I listened to the sound of the waves breaking/crashing against the shore.
43 The Titanic met her fate by crashing into a huge iceberg.
44 Their new manifesto hardly threatens to bring the whole edifice of capitalism crashing down.
45 This hopefully,() kept everyone from crashing into everyone else.
46 Another quick defeat will bring them crashing down.
47 What is the mechanism that brings capitalism crashing down?
48 She could hear her heart crashing in her ears.
48 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
49 Instead, the Spartans came crashing to Earth.
50 I could hear things crashing inside the house.
51 Gluing up wrong is like crashing a car.
52 The plates went crashing to the floor.
53 It came crashing through the window.
54 The indexes came crashing down, making losers out of many neophyte capitalists gambling that prices would shoot up for ever.
55 Miguel watched as big chunks of building came crashing down just beyond the engines.
56 Eastwood's try four minutes later sent Leeds crashing to their sixth defeat in nine matches.
57 If she pulled they would come crashing down on top of her, said Mr Wakerley.
58 We were allowed a split second to brace for its impact before crashing through.
59 Crashing and echoing, the filing cabinet toppled end-over-end down the stairs as the thing heaved itself through the door aperture.
60 The surf was crashing outside my window and I was caressing a sentence at around 1 a.m. when the phone rang.
61 His attempted flight involved crashing about an apartment complex parking lot, allegedly putting the lives of officers and residents in danger.
62 This meant that he was constantly in danger of quickening his pace and crashing into Stillman from behind.
63 Unlike Marlowe, he acknowledges time as an all powerful element which brings such fantasies crashing down to earth.
64 On Friday, more than 60, 000 cubic feet came crashing down each second.
65 Pascoe had heard her scream and was coming across the boatyard, crashing and falling.
66 She was in bed when she heard a crashing noise in the kitchen.
67 I attempted to explain the semiotics of George of the Jungle, feckless would-be Tarzan, for ever crashing into the nearest tree.
68 We both went crashing over and a furious fight ensued until two big prefects dragged us apart.
69 We gave the crashing waves off Rubha Dubh Tighary a wide berth as the force 5 picked up from behind.
70 Then an observer in nearby Mineola saw the Waco dive at a house and pull up just before crashing into its roof.
71 It is believed the platform of the hoist toppled over the first floor balcony sending them crashing to the ground floor.
72 What is crashing one lousy car compared to scorching two entire cities?
73 And away he went, crashing through their bed to victory and renown.
74 The 50-year-old actress is struggling to come to terms with a series of disasters that have brought her life crashing round her.
75 She would run and hide as her parents' altercations so often got out of hand with plates crashing and books thrown.
76 A good autumn wind would bring the whole edifice crashing to earth.
77 He says approaching bends he's worried because he has flashbacks of some one losing control and crashing into him.
78 With another blow from his forearm[], he sent him crashing back down the cockpit.
79 We might imagine a single-seater plane crashing in the desert because the pilot has been taken ill and died.
80 It was then that the bullet flew past him, hitting the brass cross and sending the crucifix crashing to the ground.
81 One by one, the concrete weighted drums were winched up and then sent crashing into the sea.
82 I heard it - a terrible sound of vehicles crashing into each other.
83 All the trucks and cars started crashing into one another, too.
84 Outside, we could hear the sea crashing on the shingle.
85 Miguel walked into his room, crashing down on to his mat without the strength to take off his coat.
86 An auto rally driver with a penchant for crashing cars, Marko Milosevic owns a discotheque and several cafes in the town.
87 For days later his dreams came crashing down around him.
88 And listen: this is how I felt as my grandad's block came crashing into the ground.
89 Several weeks ago Victor came crashing down out of a tree and on to his back.
90 I called to Dad but he didn't hear me; instead he sent another door crashing down.
91 Then she heard all of them, crashing through brush and low branches as they followed her towards the road.
92 Riney decided to make a run for it and escaped, crashing through a glass window in the process.
93 But there was no wall of water crashing through the canyon.
94 His high-fliers were brought crashing back to earth by a 3-0 Tranmere victory, however.
95 Slamming on the brakes, our driver was unable to evade the animal, and sent it crashing along the pavement.
96 He died in 1912 after crashing into the ocean off Santa Monica, California.
97 Perhaps the moon would spin out of its orbit and come crashing into the earth.
98 An eerie orange glow lights up the devastation of Bijlmermeer - the Amsterdam suburb set ablaze by a crashing El Al plane.
99 In the dense foliage around us I heard the mortars crashing heavily, shaking the air, searching for us.
100 Then at the bottom of that big drop, it was like crashing through the seat into the ground.
101 Donna sent the Volvo crashing into the Audi again, then shifted up through the gears and drove off.
102 The sea crashing against the pebble beach whispered rumours of war in this ancient landscape.
103 A bullet went crashing through the rear window, shattering the glass behind me.
104 Get a friend to raise the blade vertically upwards to simulate crashing into a hidden rock in the stopper.
105 Some marveled and some mourned, especially when the great elm was brought crashing to the ground.
106 The gay and lesbian rights movement has finally brought those strictures crashing down.
107 Six-year-old Garry answered it, only to be knocked flying as two policemen came crashing in.
108 I heard the hiss of arrows and the crashing of some makeshift battering ram buckling the beams of the iron-studded gates.
109 As the freighter slammed back down, the solid rock above began to loosen,[] huge boulders crashing into the decks.
110 They seemed further away, their shells passing over very high up and crashing into the area of the Orne canal.
111 Occasionally, comets even get bumped into orbits that send them crashing into the sun.
112 Encased in dry-suits, they struggled out into the bay to come crashing in on their boards.
113 He switched all the door and window alarms on before going to bed and crashing out.
114 Last night a Vauxhall Astra careered up and down outside crashing down the garden fence.
115 Waiting for the ball and chain Come crashing through the wall.
116 It was near the ocean and Heather could hear the waves crashing on the reef from where she lay in the bed.
117 He heard their crashing, giggling descent, swinging his beam away from them so they would be in complete darkness.
118 It was a brave new world-but one which, a week later, came crashing down.
119 If the monetary system topples the economic system will also come crashing down.
120 Above the bed was a painting of a sunset over waves crashing on a visually impossible sandy beach.
121 We drove out to the beach where, fifty feet from the crashing waves, a fairly new bungalow stood.
122 She went four more years without hospitalization, but the stress of academic life came crashing down once again.
123 From his room Ansel could hear the waves crashing on Baker Beach.
124 That's the same as a full jumbo jet crashing at Heathrow every day of the week and two on Sunday.
125 She had not walked a hundred metres before she tripped over a loose stone and went crashing over a steep overhang.
126 Already startled by the apparition, the crashing down of the big heavy door completely unnerved me.
127 Both men hurtled on over the top of Barbara in a tangle of limbs, crashing to the office floor.
128 An oil drum was kicked away, rolling and crashing into the wall beside her.
129 Fans and reviewers enjoyed the raw edge and revelled in the energy and melody thrown out of the guitar crashing mayhem.
130 Back at the other end, those waves of Lincoln attacks were still crashing in.
131 Flying past Endill he hurtled through a door, crashing into the room beyond.
132 From there the Springboks swept upfield, stole back possession and sent Werner Swanepoel crashing over.
133 First I pulled the great ladder away from the tower, sending it crashing back into the trees.
134 Fighting against the wind we ran along the beach and watched a steel grey North Sea crashing in.
135 He spent a whole year bumming from friends, crashing in strange places, selling weed with pals to make his bread.
136 As I drew close they both bolted, crashing loudly through the alder thicket.
137 I had gone a few paces when there was a loud crashing explosion behind me.
138 When this hope came crashing down that summer, I was totally unaware that anything terrible had happened to her.
139 Some such understanding, or rather incomprehension, blurred my sight, filled my head with the crashing of the blackest sea.
140 But this day had sent my spirits and my ego crashing back down to earth, or rather water.
141 Reality had to come crashing into the dreamland.
142 The earthquake sent the crockery crashing to the ground.
143 Huge waves came crashing almost on top of us.
144 Vanguard relegated after crashing to 75 - 67 defeat to Air Force.
145 Give me Bach and Beethoven, not these modern crashing - tinkle composers.
146 Then the balloons would become deflated and the child would come crashing down.
147 The torpedoes hit amidship, and there followed a series of crashing explosions.
148 One small failure can bring a whole project crashing down.
149 One of the girls lived a fast life that came to a crashing end at 22.
150 A gust of wind swept the bed off the roof and sent it crashing into the courtyard below.
151 The drag of those extra air molecules brought the satellite crashing to Earth.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:33:08