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单词 Swinging
1 The monkey was swinging in the tree.
2 Huge cranes are swinging cargo up.
3 He sat on the stool, swinging his legs.
4 He walked briskly along the path swinging his rolled-up umbrella.
5 The swinging door is pivoted on one side; the revolving door is pivoted in the centre.
6 He was walking along swinging his school bag.
7 She lashed out, her arm swinging wildly.
8 The police waded into the crowd swinging sticks.
9 They charged the rival gang swinging clubs and knives.
10 Swinging her bag over her shoulder, she hurried on.
11 The soldiers advanced at a swinging trot.
12 He was swinging his bag back and forth .
13 Dad grew up in the swinging sixties.
14 He started swinging at me with his fists.
15 Look,his car is swinging round.
16 He was swinging his arms.
17 The gunshot sent monkeys swinging away through the trees.
18 The stuffy "50s gave way to the swinging "60s.
19 He marched around, swinging the gun by its handle.
20 The soldiers came swinging down the street.
21 He walked down the road, casually swinging his bag.
22 Jodi had stopped swinging. 'Want a push?' her dad asked.
23 The curtains were swinging from side to side in the breeze.
24 We're swinging, aren't we?
25 I could see him swinging from the branch of a large tree.
26 Is there any chance of you swinging us a couple of tickets?
27 She was swinging a bottle of wine by its neck.
28 The mood amongst Tory MPs seems to be swinging away from their leader.
29 It's a nostalgia trip back into the youth culture of the swinging 60s.
30 Ian lit a cigarette and sat on the end of the table, one leg swinging.
1 The monkey was swinging in the tree.
2 He sat on the stool, swinging his legs.
3 He walked briskly along the path swinging his rolled-up umbrella.
4 The swinging door is pivoted on one side; the revolving door is pivoted in the centre.
5 He was swinging his arms.
31 Something he was swinging towards the window.
32 We began the workout by swinging our arms.
33 That's the heavy sledgehammer that Blake is swinging.
34 Scalzo was the type that sauntered over, shoulders swinging.
35 His walk was nicely balanced, arms swinging loosely.
36 The Titan gyrated, swinging around in spasm.
37 Kate walked away, swinging her bag.
38 She walked faster, her strong arms swinging her along.
39 Pringle grabbed a large stick and began swinging at the dogs.
40 I crossed to the rear and opened the swinging door to the kitchen.
41 She was swinging slowly from side to side, like a pendulum.
42 Daak was moving again now, swinging wildly from side to side in an attempt to avoid the lasers' targeting.
43 His hair was blond streaked, stylishly short at the back but with swinging forelocks.
44 Lisa tried to intervene, but Tabitha kept swinging a knife.
45 Ordinary pedestrians push open a swinging door in a straight forward manner.
46 Gritting her teeth, she lowered her head, and barged through them, swinging the cable-cutters with wild abandon.
47 Always leave ample room on both sides for swinging or ground looping.
48 Suddenly Raul stepped out of a doorway, swinging a huge knife.
49 They move their heads to follow the swinging balances, which rock like metronomes on H-1 and H-2.
50 She paused to stare at a wooden gate swinging crazily on its hinges.
51 Music greeted us when we walked through the old swinging doors,(http:///swinging.html) original doors that led to the Delaney time capsule.
52 He had greatly impressed us by sucking out raw eggs and swinging dangerously from the barn rafters.
53 He stopped swinging his arms and stood with hands on hips, looking at her, his head and shoulders heaving.
54 Quills of blue smoke rose out of the swinging ball.
55 Swinging through the trees produces a visual stream rushing past on both sides of your head.
56 A moment more, and we see Bradley standing on deck, swinging his hat to show that he is all right.
57 On others in close-up, her long pony tail swinging, laughing and shouting, eyes dark and glittering.
58 This simple fact leads to talk of the momentum swinging his way.
59 You'd have trouble swinging a gerbil, let alone a cat, in the kitchen.
60 Swinging his power sword and shouting to guardsmen, the Inquisitor pounded after the fugitive alien.
61 Today, the fashion pendulum is swinging back to casual clothes.
62 John watched a swinging door compress the air behind her.
63 This year, the suburbanites may be swinging back to the Democratic column.
64 Highly paid banking jobs were seen as very desirable in the 1980s, but the pendulum is swinging the other way now.
65 Already the basket was swinging from side to side in the wind.
66 The swinging mannered flights of the great stairway impelled an obedience to propriety.
67 This is why the worst risk of swinging and ground looping is always in calm or light wind conditions.
68 The two fresh-faced medical students sitting on the big table stopped swinging their legs.
69 Billy sat on the edge of the desk, swinging his legs.
70 The mainsail was still swinging back and forth, sweeping the cabin top, so it was lowered and tied down.
71 Places that seemed wrapped up for one man or the other a couple of weeks ago keep swinging back into play.
72 Finally she lurched away from the luggage queue, swinging gear on to a processing table to be inspected by a rigid agent.
73 Jim had his foot on the floor, swinging around potholes, driving like a maniac.
74 Before the chamber-sponsored forum two weeks ago, Yocum was the one who came out swinging, while Thibadeau was more restrained.
75 But all that was some months ago and she had a cold front since for her hefty swinging colleague.
76 Therefore he walked very stiffly and awkwardly, swinging his leg out sideways in order to force it to go forwards.
77 He entered the station and walked down towards the trains, kilt swinging, leaflets tucked beneath his jacket.
78 As she walked beside Archer with her long swinging gait her face wore the vacant serenity of a young marble athlete.
79 I kept swinging the bat, but by now Guy and Carmine had biked out of range and were looking back.
80 She could trek through the grass playing Jungle Explorers, swinging on the creepers like a tiny Tarzan.
81 Diana's golfing history is a lesson to all for she was more or less 40 before swinging a club!
82 Your mam, you now, she wouldn't believe but that I was swinging the lead all those years.
83 But there's little chance of that for Joanne Malkin when the swinging detective hits town.
84 I walked through the swinging doors and fell in love.
85 The net on the sampan was swinging a little, in a light wind.
86 But the man himself was still standing, swinging happy birthday to himself.
87 Even model Naomi Campbell appeared at the last spate of runway shows in New York with a swinging dark-blond weave.
88 The new jacket, with its swinging gavel and bold lettering, looks like a John Grisham thriller.
89 Endill watched in horror as he began hitting the handle, swinging against it with all his might.
90 It is the same as swinging an axe to chop down a tree.
91 An underwater video shows the fuel assembly inching up, then swinging free.
92 The great toe often left a deep impression similar to the final toeing-off by humans before swinging their foot.
93 Some ropes had come loose and were swinging wildly in the wind.
94 A long way ahead of him, a young woman was walking, slowly, swinging her handbag.
95 You, with your midair dread, blindly bunched into that swinging house you call a home.
96 Throughout the region voluntary agencies like the Red Cross are swinging into action.
97 The whole thing seethed, illusion and allusion swinging from branch to branch like gibbons in the treetops.
98 The best of your countrymen have become good golf robots, outstanding golf robots, all swinging the club the same way.
99 Just this week, the City Council decided to use the police like a big swinging tail to shoo away insects.
100 Now jog with the legs swinging from side to side.
101 Maura stopped in front of them, still swinging her school bag.
102 Framed photographs of Manningham swinging a club decorated the lime green walls.
103 Gyuro and swinging Lori Barritt, provide the smooth musical backdrop.
104 However, he has been swinging at pitches thrown by coaches.
105 He screamed with pain, dropping the jacket, twisting around to see Luke swinging his arm back and over.
106 She went faster and faster, swinging round corners, bumping over uneven patches in the lane.
107 The only sound was the creak of a sign swinging in the wind.
108 The canvas of the swinging bag could be used as number-one sandpaper.
109 Tonight she would wear the swinging strands of rolled gold ending in one large crystal drop.
110 He imagines himself somewhere else, far away from here, walking through the woods and swinging an axe over his shoulder.
111 His playing here is, as expected, note perfect, playful, but as elegant and swinging as ever.
111 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
112 Both offer unexpected views of Evans, swinging mightily through standards, modern classics and originals.
113 This had annoyed Jonquil and set her steel earring swinging with temper.
114 Just around the block, swinging his arms with nonchalant vehemence.
115 His playing is highly individual, swinging, fluent, thoroughly griping and regularly dazzling.
116 She'd been playing tennis, and was swinging her racquet as she walked.
117 And you will find yourself swinging between moods of great confidence to bleak despair.
118 It was over in a moment, and there she was, hooked to her consort, swinging like a pendulum!
119 Recently I opened a cupboard in a junk shop and there, sure enough, was a skeleton, swinging.
120 Fortunately, the pendulum appears finally to be swinging the other way.
121 He came to the defense of his younger brother, Von, by swinging a chain at his attacker.
122 The balance of evidence seems to be swinging away from the original idea of swamp-dwelling giant dinosaurs to fully terrestrial habits.
123 He looked beyond the gate to the street, where three cars had floated into a heap under a swinging power line.
124 He heard their crashing, giggling descent, swinging his beam away from them so they would be in complete darkness.
125 Yet Mansell-mania reminded some of Beatlemania in the Swinging Sixties.
126 Above the entrance to the saloon bar there is a picture of Shakespeare on the swinging sign.
127 White jazz seemed old and intellectual, whereas black jazz was vital, swinging, instinctive.
128 They began a tour of inspection and almost immediately discovered the wrought-iron crypt gate swinging open.
129 Swinging Paw-paw under her arm, she went out the door.
130 It galloped towards the boy in silence, swinging a thorn bush from its arm.
131 They're relocating from the wilds of Kingston and are taking up residence in swinging Carnaby Street.
132 Plain straw hat, about £10, Sandra Philips Simple, summery, swinging.
133 Has a characteristic swinging flight, not raising down-curved wings much above level of body.
134 I started swinging the axe at the lumps of driftwood.
135 We have the hitter sit on the ball swinging a bat.
136 Another time she saw Ralph swinging something on a rope, around and around his head, like a lasso.
137 No one ever learned golf without swinging a golf club.
138 In the earlier work the circular, arching and swinging elements are played off against an angular, somewhat disjointed pictorial armature.
139 Viktor had seen their bodies swinging from a gallows in a little hamlet after the Red Army had retaken it.
140 She led them down a long corridor, through countless swinging doors.
141 There was a drawing of an axe with a hooded figure swinging the weapon over his head.
141 try its best to gather and make good sentences.
142 In New Zealand public opinion is swinging behind the local lad.
143 Sam Oglethorpe's narrow beam of light showed it to be swinging open.
144 But he was already swinging the case at the Advocate's head.
145 Sticks swinging, they descended on vendors selling illegally in the historic district, witnesses said.
146 The Audi followed, spinning slightly on the wet road, the back end swinging round as the driver revved too hard.
147 Her mother left off swinging her feet and being girlish.
148 Her arms ached from swinging the wide palmetto leaf.
149 The emphasis is swinging away from simply finding cures for illness to ways of preventing illness in the first place.
150 The cattle were swinging their tails to disperse the flies.
151 And again'If it comes to swinging, swing all, say I.'.
152 At the same, two arms curving slightly, swinging forward and backward rhythmically like walking.
153 Mr. Lin hesitated beside the swinging doors, scratching his head.
154 London, the place described as the most swinging city in the world.
155 The farmer slides the bolt in place to keep the gate from swinging.
156 He executed the same maneuver, easily swinging his boots over the wire.
157 He slides the bolt in place to keep the door from swinging.
158 His old legs and shoulders pivoted with the swinging of the pulling.
159 They were right where the coach - caller was swinging open a coach - door and ushering in two ladies.




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