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- the-marchioness
- themarchioness
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- the-march-of-dimes
- the march of history
- the march of progress
- the march of time
- the march of time/history/progress etc
- the Mariana Trench
- the marie celeste
- the-marie-celeste
- the Marine Corps
- the marines
- themarines
- the-marines
- the market
- the marketplace
- the marriage of figaro
- the-marriage-of-figaro
- the Marseillaise
- the marshall plan
- the-marshall-plan
- the marshalsea
- themarshalsea
- On sight
- Put to bed
- National anthem
- Magic bullet
- Rio de janeiro
- Geometric
- Dong
- Ptarmigan
- Psychiatry
- Psoriasis
- 居上位而不骄,在下位而不忧
- 居上克明,为下克忠
- 居不隐者,思不远也,身不危者,志不广也
- 居久之,孝景崩,武帝立,左右以为广名将也,于是广以上郡太守为未央卫尉[1],而程不识亦为长乐卫尉[2].》鉴赏
- 居久之,蜀人杨得意为狗监[1],侍上.》鉴赏
- 居之以强力,发之以果敢,而成之以无私。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 居乡之礼,年长以倍,则父事之;十年以长,则兄事之;五年以长,则肩随之。|什么意思|大意|注释|出处|译文
- 居乡敦旧交》原文|译文|赏析
- 居乡而囿于数十里之见,硁硁然守之也,百攻不破。及游大都,见千里之事,茫然自失矣。居今而囿于千万人之见,硁硁然守之也,百攻不破。及观《坟》、《典》,见千万年之事,茫然自失矣。是故囿见不可狃,狃则狭,狭则不足以善天下之事。
- 居仁堂主《雨中寻梦》