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单词 Last mile
1. I dismissed the carriage and walked the last mile.
2. The last mile is all uphill.
3. We seemed to spend the last mile of the walk knee-deep in sludge.
4. Neal drove the last mile down the bumpy road towards the highway.
5. She finished the run to Portland, completing her last mile with the governor of Oregon.
6. PHS technology is also a popular option for providing a wireless local loop, where it is used for bridging the "last mile" gap between the POTS network and the subscriber's home.
7. It provides the "last mile" of management, interfacing directly with the platform hypervisor and extending APIs out to larger infrastructure-management solutions.
8. Finally, the "last mile" of mail delivery can be used to further filter offending e-mails.
9. The last mile is that inconvenient distance between any major transit stop and a person's final destination.
10. I've made my last mile and I want to say the things that should have been said so many times before.
11. So it is an available mean to solve"the last mile problem"and emergence communication.
12. And not all networks reach the last mile to a customer's door.
13. The group's strategy will efficiently solve the "last mile" problem without losing the virtues of the private automobile, Mitchell says.
14. But gaps remain in closing "the last mile" of this research and translating it into practical measures for large-scale impact.
15. Free-space optical communication has excellent privacy, and able to solve the communications, the "last mile" bottleneck problem, for human communication of high value in use.
16. Those last would not be required again until they reached the last mile of the return trip.
17. Because of the limited bandwidth available over existing telephone lines, the telcos must increase their last mile capacity.
18. The disabled racers will be kept behind motorcycle escorts until the last mile to prevent them reaching roads before they close.
19. ADSL is a copper loop transmission technique that solves the bottleneck problem associated with the last mile.
20. Most public-funded institutions do a lot of biomedical research but the last mile of drug discovery is left to the pharmaceutical industry — which is a 'closed-door' activity.
21. Well-understood methods can reduce the strain that large downloads create on the core network, even if they do not help with the last mile.
1. I dismissed the carriage and walked the last mile.




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