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单词 antipathy
释义  an·tip·a·thy /ænˈtɪpəθi/ noun [uncountable]  formalDON'T LIKE a feeling of strong dislike towards someone or something 厌恶,反感 SYN hostilityantipathy to/towards a growing antipathy towards the government 对政府日益强烈的反感antipathy between There’s always been a certain amount of antipathy between the two doctors. 这两个医生之间一向有嫌隙。Examples from the Corpusantipathy• There were only a very few complaints about unfair treatment from staff, but many about antipathy from male students.• The grin vanished like magic, her whole body stiffening in antipathy as her eyes locked with fathomless brown ones.• The judicial antipathy to relaxing the rule has been far from uniform.• There's always been a great deal of antipathy between Cheka and Securitate, but the Securitate has to kow-tow.• In part, the present high level of antipathy toward foreign travel is easy to explain.• Mythologies all over the world describe the intimate connection, often antipathy, between birds and snakes.• The interviews also revealed strong antipathy toward Congress.• Some are longtime adversaries from his home state of Arkansas, whose antipathy is as much personal as political.antipathy to/towards• What Lenin did not abandon in return was his fundamental antipathy to capitalism.• Governments' antipathy to Scientology is almost as old as the organization.• The judicial antipathy to relaxing the rule has been far from uniform.• There is little to suggest any aesthetic vulgarity or antipathy to culture on their part.• I can't think of anything we couldn't talk about - money, our jobs, our antipathy towards our enemies.• He seemed very relaxed now, and Jamieson's antipathy to him grew.• This antipathy to conflict is endemic to Reagan and Clinton.Origin antipathy (1500-1600) Latin antipathia, from Greek, from antipathes “of opposite feelings”, from anti- ( → ANTI-) + pathos “experience”an·tip·a·thy nounChineseSyllable  or Corpus someone strong a towards of something dislike feeling




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