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单词 antipathetic
释义  an·ti·pa·thet·ic /ˌæntɪpəˈθetɪk◂/ adjective  formalDON'T LIKE having a very strong feeling of disliking or opposing someone or something 厌恶的,反感的 SYN hostileantipathetic to It’s human nature to be antipathetic to change. 人生性不喜欢变化。Examples from the Corpusantipathetic• A pity it was launched really under unhappy circumstances in as much as the company was so antipathetic.• During the mid-sixties, Nietzsche's traditionalism seems even to have stiffened: certainly his attitude towards anything Wagnerian became explicitly antipathetic.• It is human nature to be antipathetic to change.• The story is complex, and in some respects law has been indifferent and, indeed, antipathetic to commercial needs.• Also, the clerical church has been particularly antipathetic to socialism in any form.• There is something about a university which is naturally antipathetic to the·ti·pa·thet·ic adjectiveChineseSyllable  disliking or of having a strong Corpus very feeling




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